Italy’s rational decision

Italy's rational decision 

Anti - NWO gave Italy all the time it needs to decide if it will participate in Group 4. What decision will Italy make? This is probably the main question that concerns many people, not only in Europe but in other places as well. Of course NWO's media do not present all these because they are deceiving people. They want them to believe that there is no problem with EU and NWO's plan.

The answer to the question is important because it may be the solution to a relatively serious problem. If Italy participates in Group 4, German Wannabes can remain in Group 3. We use the word relatively because it is not very serious problem. There is no urgency for Italy or German Wannabes (Poland, Czech Republic, Baltic countries) to join Group 4. The group must move on with a minimum of countries, a core. Only this is urgent.

The same is true for all the other groups. All groups must proceed but not all members have to participate in the beginning. There should be enough countries though. EU started with only six countries and had twenty eight before Brexit. If Group 4 starts with approximately twelve countries*, it will be satisfactory. The rest could be added later, gradually. This is not urgent.

It may be though to Italy's interest to join Group 4 relatively early, so it can participate in the decisions that will set the group's foundations. The same is true for German Wannabes, if Italy ends up not participating. From the group's and Anti - NWO's perspective, Italy or German Wannabes can be added whenever, even after a decade, as long as the group proceeds with a minimum number of countries.

Nevertheless, whether Italy will participate in Group 4 or not, remains an important question all over Europe and elsewhere. So we will try to examine this more thoroughly. Will Italy participate in Group 4? The answer to this question depends on the answer to another question. Will Italy make a rational or an emotional decision? Most likely they will make a rational decision because that is what they should do.

Emotions are suitable for their family, their lovers, their pets, some forms of art. Emotions are not good for decision making. Sentimentally, they would probably lean more towards remaining in Group 3. They are a founding member and have been in EU since 1958. They have the right to make an emotional decision but this is not the correct way of decision making.

It is crystal clear that they will benefit enormously if they participate in Group 4. They have a long membership in EU (which will be Group 3) but their future there is very grim. They should make a clean start. Presently, among the largest countries of Western Europe, Italians are only richer compared to Spanish. They are poorer than British, French and German.

If they participate in Group 4, they will be much richer than German, in about twenty years. They will be as rich as German much sooner. The time period depends on the difference in annual growth rates. In Group 4 they will be able to have high growth rates, much higher than countries in Group 3. From Appendix 4, we can find that German/Italian ratio in per capita income (ppp) is 63 / 52 = 1,21.

In Appendix 1 (Table 1) we can see the corresponding years for certain annual growth rates' differences. If they have 3% difference, they will need 6 - 7 years to reach Germany. With 2% it will take them 9 - 10 and with 1% it will be 19 years. The most probable is 2% although we can't be certain. So in approximately 10 years they will reach Germany's income level and after that, they will gradually get richer and richer compared to Germans.

This should count a lot more for Italians than the fact that they are in EU since 1958. If they participate in Group 4, they have the chance to be much richer than Germans and even richer compared to French and British. There is another emotional obstacle they must overcome. Italy is not an Eastern European country. In the original composition for Group 4, five countries were included that are not Eastern European; Cyprus, Turkiye, Israel, Georgia, Armenia.

Italy may not be Eastern European but is definitely Southern European. Southern European countries, starting from East, are; Hellas, Italy, Spain, Portugal. Italians have some racial proximity with Hellas. The rest of Balkan countries are also in Southern Europe although erroneously not always included. France is not a Southern European country. Only the southern shores could be considered part of Southern Europe.

So, Italy will be with all Southern European countries, except Spain and Portugal. If we check the map, Italy is much closer to Balkan peninsula than Spain and Portugal. It is right next to Slovenia which is generally considered part of Balkans. Group 4 could be named Southern - Eastern European Commonwealth (Community, Union, Alliance, Cooperation, Agreement, Treaty, Pact etc).

Italians have SO MUCH to GAIN by PARTICIPATING in GROUP 4 and NOTHING IMPORTANT to LOSE. They will have high growth rates and solve their economic problems. They will be much richer than Germans, French and British. Best systems from around the world will be implemented in the group. They will have autonomy and be BRUSSELS FREE! Asia and Far East will come much closer and this will create many opportunities. Separation will not be alienation. They could play an important role in the relations with Group 3.

In conclusion, most likely they will decide to participate in Group 4. This will be their choice if they make a rational decision. They should make a rational decision because this is the correct way of decision making. It may take them a while to overcome emotional obstacles and perceive matters in a different way. That is why Anti - NWO gave them all the time they need, to overcome sentimental barriers.

Also there is no urgency for Italy's or Geman Wannabes' participation. This can happen in many years or even in more than a decade. The group must move on, as soon as possible with a minimum number of countries. That is really urgent. Italians can take their time to decide. Even if they choose not to be in Group 4, there will be no rush for German Wannabes to participate. Nevertheless, Anti - NWO expects that Italians will make the right choice, a rational decision.

*Hellas (Greece) - Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Montenegro.

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