Benefits with Italy

Benefits with Italy

Anti-NWO gave Italy all the time it needs to decide if it will participate in Group 4. Although there is no time limit specified, it is self - evident that the time Italy will need should be reasonable. It shouldn't take them twenty years to decide. What will they decide? We do not know. All we know is that if they make a prudent and reasonable decision they will choose to be in Group 4.

There will be enormous benefits for Italy if it does that. During 2013 - 2021 period, Italy had negative annual growth rates, close to 0%. It has the highest government debt in EU, after Greece which also had 0% growth rates during the same period. Both countries should Exit EU, in order to solve their serious economic problems. Actually many countries would benefit if they exited EU.

Exiting EU and participating in Group 4 is an even better option. The problem is that not all countries can participate in Group 4. For instance, Spain and Portugal can't because of their geographic location. Italy can and was given a tremendous opportunity by Anti - NWO to do that. Italy will have high annual growth rates, as all the countries in Group 4.

We need to clarify something. Group 4 will have high growth rates, regardless of Italy's participation. If German Wannabes (Poland, Czech Republic, Baltic countries) participate instead of Italy, annual growth rates will still be high. This is due to the organizational model and the economic plan. Some modifications will be needed if Italy participates.

In terms of growth rates, there is no benefit for the Group with Italy's participation. There may be though some other benefits. Italy ranks high globally in various fields. Examples are arts, fashion, cuisine, architecture, design, auto design and production etc. So it can influence the group in a positive way, in all these fields that ranks high globally.

Now, if Italy does not participate, Group 4 will still manage. People who posses certain skills will be hired from other countries, if they can not be found in the countries of the Group. Still Italy has the chance to play a positive role in the group and have a positive influence in all the fields that ranks high globally. It is not only that, it is more.

The main hesitation for participating in Group 4 will be actually a big advantage if it participates. Italy is a founding member of EU. Italy has been in EU since 1958. So it has a lot of experience. Experience is important for the very few good things that EU has but mainly for the many bad ones that should be avoided. All the other countries in Group 4 became members in 2004 or later.

Exception is Hellas (Greece) which became member in 1981. Hellas is a member at least twenty three years longer than the rest of the countries in Group 4 and Italy is a member twenty three years more than Greece. This could be an advantage in Group 4, a lot of experience in group matters. Still this long term membership in EU may be a discouraging factor for participating in Group 4.

If they view this rationally, they will overcome it. If they make an emotional decision, this may count a lot. Long membership in EU does not help them at all to solve their big economic problems. Participation in Group 4 will help them solve their economic problems and have high growth rates. Long EU membership gives them some advantage in Group 4, regarding group matters.

The group will benefit from countries that have long membership in EU, mainly to avoid all the mistakes that were made in EU and additionaly for the very few good things. So there is mutual benefit, Italy benefits and Group 4 benefits. Probably Italy benefits more. Even if Italy does not participate, Group 4 will have high growth rates. People that have certain skills and abilities in fields that Italy ranks high globally, will be hired from other countries, if they can not be found inside the group.

There is though a very important benefit with Italy's participation. A major problem will be solved. German Wannabes (Poland, Czech Republic, Baltic countries) can participate in Group 3 and try to be all the German they can. If Italy participates in Group 4, the group will benefit, Group 3 will benefit and the whole world will benefit. So, Italy could solve a major global problem and at the same time benefit enormously.

Something that we need to emphasize is autonomy. Not only Italy will benefit enormously financially but it will also have much more autonomy, compared to being an EU member. The organizational model for Group 4 is much different than EU's faulty one. All the countries will have more autonomy. It will also be the standard model for most groups.

Italy can take all the time it needs to make a wise decision. Nonetheless, Group 4 has to move on because it may take Italy a while to decide. A core of countries has to be formed. Two subgroups will merge. Subgroup A are the countries that will exit EU ; Hellas (Greece) - Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia. Subgroup B will be Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Montenegro and possibly N. Macedonia.

There may be some problems in certain countries of Subgroup A. Mitsotakis in Greece is a major global problem. He will probably leave because if he doesn't do so, he will go to jail for life. All his fortune will be confiscated to reimburse Greek people for the colossal loss caused by EU participation. This will be explained in another article. The point is that all the problems will be taken care of by Anti - NWO but it may take some time.

The starting countries will put the foundations of the Group. Many important decisions will be made in the beginning. Although Italy has all the time it needs, within reasonable limits, to make a choice, they may prefer to participate in those decisions that will determine the way Group 4 will function. So, it may be to their interest, not to take too much time to decide.

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