Check mate
Check mate
One should perform his duty even if the odds are against him. In this case the odds are on Trump’s side, if he plans it thoroughly and executes it correctly. It will be a check mate. (Ultra)globalists thought that they can succeed into rigging the election as long as they control the courts. They probably did not think it any further than that. They think that they are very smart but often they prove to be not so smart. They can be very easily defeated once the other side gets organized and there is cooperation among anti-ultra-globalists in many countries or in other words a vicious rival global cabal is assembled.
“Shoot first and ask questions later” suggests an idiomatic. In the case of a coup d’ etat, this is correct but we should change “shoot” with “arrest”. Under normal circumstances, first there is a thorough investigation and then the arrest. A coup d’ etat is a situation of extreme crisis. What may seem odd and unfair, is a very basic defensive tactic. First you make arrests and then you ask questions i.e. investigate. Yes, some innocent people may get arrested but this is the only way to stop the coup.
American people do not have experience with insurgencies because they never had one. They do not know the most basic thing which is to arrest the insurgents. It does not matter if the ones arrested are among the richest people in the world or they had very high positions in the past like Vice President or President. If there is serious suspicion that they were involved, they should be immediately arrested. Trump should think carefully how he is going to do it. He can’t think though if he is going to do it.
It a responsibility that he took when he became President. He must defend the American people from all enemies outside and within. The insurgents have people in the Senate, CIA, FBI, the courts, the military. The first to be placed under arrest are probably military officers on the insurgents’ side. Very careful moves are required. There are procedures but there is always some vagueness. At times of extreme crisis, you do not “go strictly by the book”. You can bend some rules and change the erroneous points after the crisis. It may end up to who controls the arms inside and outside the US and in that Trump has an advantage.
Inside US, those who have arms are in order of estimated power; a) military b) citizens c) National Guard d) police e) FBI, Secret Service etc. When the military officers on the insurgents’ side are arrested, Trump will control all except the fifth. Supposedly, China is having military exercises with Trudeau, another ultra-globalist that will soon be ousted. There is a scenario that ultra-globalists like Xi Jinping, Merkel or Macron may come to the rescue of ultra-globalists in US. It is produced by ultra-globalist sources and used to scare people. It will never happen because it is a very good scenario for anti-ultra globalists.
Trump has more military power on his side. List the countries that are on his side and you will find out. Merkel and Macron will never dare to do such a thing. If they do it, there will be uprising and change of government very quickly. The same can’t happen in China. It will cease to exist because it will be divided into many small countries. It is a “dream come true” for anti-ultra-globalists but unfortunately it will not happen. Trump has to think this scenario thoroughly even if it is extremely unlikely that it will happen.