Dark or bright future?

Dark or bright future?

They want to bring the world population down. There are different opinions regarding the number; a) below three billion b) below two billion c) bellow one billion. Maybe the planet is overpopulated, maybe it is not. We do not know but we do not trust (ultra)globalist scientists because we know they are full of shit. They will tell whatever the cabal orders them to say and what suits their narrative.

Science can be good or evil, it can help people or hurt people. Their science is mad science like the Nazi’s. It is science, not for people but against people. They believe in eugenics but it is not based on race but other characteristics that make you fit or unfit for their new World. The ones left behind are the ones that they believe are unfit for their new world.

They will inject nanomachines in your body and use them to program you. They will order you to go kill someone, commit suicide or give away your kids. Is this for real? Some people believe that the cabal already has the technology. We simply do not know but we are certain that at some point in the future they will have the technology. If this is too far in the future, there are things they can do that are closer on the timeline. They will break your door and shoot you in cold blood in front of your family because some algorithm decided that you are unfit for their new World. Maybe it is because you;

  • have unpaid parking tickets
  • like traditional music
  • sleep a lot
  • are religious
  • like sports
  • eat hamburgers
  • like brown color
  • do not sleep much
  • love your country
  • are very smart
  • are not pansexual
  • put a lot of sugar in your coffee
  • love your children
  • are opiniated
  • are very stupid

We do not know what their criteria would be. It could be anything. We know for sure that they have the technology to evaluate people based on things you may have revealed in social media, emails, phone conversations etc. So, they will start killing those people that the algorithm says that are unfit for their new World and in this way they will reduce the population and improve the human race according to their beliefs.

Pandemics can be used for various reasons. Covid 19 pandemic was for reasons other than population reduction. Maybe these were political, financial or a rehearsal of the pandemics that will follow. That is why they seemed to try to protect your health while they were destroying you financially. They wanted to take away your freedoms, gain from your financial loss and destroy Trump’s economy so they can get rid of him. Once they gain full control of the world, they may use pandemics to reduce the population. A pandemic though can’t be targeting the ones the algorithm chooses, like the methods we described above. So, they may use a combination.

Their New World is an old plan, dating at least before the French Revolution and perhaps since the Crusades. Their ideology is a hybrid socialistic ideology that combines the bad elements of socialism with the bad elements of other systems. The New World of (ultra)globalization is a world of darkness. Mankind’s future is very dark, if the cabal prevails.

It can be bright if we prevail. The New World of alt-globalization is a world of light. Our ideology combines the good elements of the free market system with other good elements from other ideologies. We will apply eugenics only for monsters. In our new world there is no place for monsters and there is no place for countries that nurtured monsters. Monsters and countries that nurtured them will be eliminated. We will press delete. We know who they are, we know what they have done and we know where they are hiding. We will kill them before they kill us.

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