European tribes’ mix

European tribes' mix


There are four major races; White/Caucasian, Mongoloid/Asian, Negroid/Black and Australoid. In each race there are sub-races and tribes. In Western and Eastern Europe we have mix of tribes but different ones. In Western Europe all tribes are Caucasian while in Eastern there are some Asian. Eastern Europeans are more mixed with Asian race, compared to Western Europeans.

The same is true for people in Northern, Central and Southern America. The indigenous people of the continent, American Indians belong in Asian/Mongoloid race. We will explain how the mix occurred in Europe, starting with Western Europe where Celtic, Germanic and Roman tribes mixed. Roman tribes were in Italy, German tribes in Scandinavia and Northern Germany and the rest of Western Europe was Celtic.

For the 3 - 4 centuries that Roman Empire lasted, there was mix with Romans all over Europe but mostly in Western Europe. Celts most likely originated from today's Switzerland and the surrounding area. Germanic tribes probably originated from Scandinavia, Denmark, Southern Sweden and the southern shores of Norway. For centuries they were only in the southern part of Scandinavia and Northern Germany.

They moved mainly towards South and West, where Celtic and Roman tribes lived. AngloSaxons, Normans, Franks, Lombards, Visigoths were Germanic tribes. Anglosaxons conquered England, Normans and Franks France, Lombards Northern Italy and Visigoths Spain. Vikings frequently raided British Isles and they even settled for some time. Normans also conquered Britain through France.

In today's Balkans and Turkey, first there were Hellenic tribes or related, Illyrians, Thracians, Paeonians, Dacians, Gets. The main tribes were Hellenes, Illyrians, Thracians. Paeonians were of Hellenic or Illyrian - Thracian origin. Dacians and Gets were Thracians. Byzantium was the continuation of Eastern Roman Empire. At its greater extent, it included Italy, Southern Spain, Northern Africa and today's Syria, Lebanon and Israel.

Byzantium was mainly in Balkans and Turkey. Byzantium's inhabitants were mainly the people that lived in the area, before Roman conquest. Until the 6th century AD, mailnly they descended from Hellenic or related tribes (Illyrians, Thracians). Byzantium lasted for 11 centuries. It is strange that a lot more people know of Roman Empire than Byzantine Empire, although Byzantium lasted much longer.

Slavs were in ΝorthEastern Europe. Early Slavs were called Veneti. They originated from today's Belarus and surrounding areas. They had some mixing with Vikings. Scandinavians are part Slavic, not the opposite. Generally, Byzantium had good relations with Slavs and allowed them to settle peacefully in it's territory. Starting in 6th century AD, Slavs migrated peacefully in Byzantium, in large numbers and mixed with the earlier populations that were Hellenic or related tribes.

Contemporary inhabitants in Balkans and Turkey, come mainly from Byzantium inhabitants. They are Hellenic or related tribes mixed with Slavs and a little with Turks, Bulgars and Ottoman. First Bulgarians or ProtoBulgarians, Bulgars were Turkic people. They settled in Byzantium at around 7th century AD. They mixed with Hellenic or related and Slavic tribes. Eventually they became slavicized.

When Ottoman Turks came to Byzantium, the inhabitants were mainly Hellenic or related tribes mixed with Slavic tribes and a little with Bulgars. Ottomans eventually conquered Byzantium and mixed with Hellenes and Slavs that inhabited the area. Ottoman Turks were a Turkic tribe. They originated from the Altai region which is where Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Russia converge. Altai people or Altaians is a Turkic ethnic group that live in the Altaic Republic of Russia, in the Altai Region.

Japanese and Korean are macro-Altaic languages. One theory suggests that there may have beeen some racial relation, many millennias ago. Turkic are Altaic languages. Uralic languages are Finnish and Hungarian. Altaic - Uralic languages is a broad family of related languages. It is presumed that first Hungarians and first Finns originated from the Altai region or somewhere close to that. First Hungarians may have come from the Altai region. The word Hungarian may have come from the turkic On-Ogur which means ten arrows or ten tribes. Hungary is on the verge of Balkans.

All these may shed some light on how the mix of tribes occurred in Europe. What matters is today's racial or tribal mix in every country. First Turkish, Bulgarians, Hungarians and Finnish may have come from the steppes of Central Asia but the racial - tribal mixture is very different today. Today's Bulgarians are appox 50% Slavic and today's Hungarians a little less than that.

In Belarus, the percentage of slavic genes is approximately 70%, in Serbia and Bulgaria 50%, in Greece 25%. There is an expression «una faccia una razza» (one face one race) for Greeks and Italians. The scientific evidence shows that this is not true. Actually, modern Greeks are closer racially to Hungarians than Italians. The expression is true for Italians and Portuguese.

They are closer racially than Spanish and Portuguese. French, Dutch, Belgians, English are close racially. English are also close to Scottish, Irish, Welsh. English have more Germanic (Saxonic and Nordic) genes than the rest of the British. Ancient Britons were Celtic people. Germans are close to Danish and Swedish to Norwegians. These four countries have high percentages of Germanic (Saxonic and Nordic) genes.

In Eastern Europe we can define four groups that are racially close. They are also geographically close; a) Balkans and Turkey b) Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia c) Belarus, Ukraine and Poland d) Baltic countries. Russia is close to both groups c and d. Russia and the Baltic countries have relatively large percentages of the Finnish gene N which is very high in Finland.

Finland also has a high percentage of Nordic genes but the Finnish gene is almost double, approx. 60-65%. Hungary is racially closer to Austria and Czech Republic to Slovakia. It makes sense because Austria-Hungary and Czechoslovakia used to be one country. Greece is closer to Albania, Romania to Bulgaria. Serbia is racially between Albania and Hungary. Turkey is closer to Greece.

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