EU’s Nazi roots

EU's Nazi roots

Some Military Monastic Orders like Templars etc converted during the Crusades. There is a continuity from these Orders to the Jacobins of the French Revolution, the Nazis and EU. EU's roots are in Nazism. Hitler's finance minister was high-ranking Nazi, Walther Funk. In 1942, he published in Berlin his work "European Economic Community".

He was probably acting on behalf of conspiratorial groups and organizations that were behind the Nazi Party. These groups and organizations arose after the persecution of the Templars and similar Orders. They operated secretly throughout WESTERN EUROPE for centuries, reaching to the Jacobins of the French Revolution and the Nazis. Nazism's roots are in Jacobins and EU's roots are in Nazism.

After all, Hitler initially rose politically with the assistance of these same centers of power. Later he collided with some of his initial supporters and became their persecutor. Although most likely Walther Funk was acting on behalf of these WESTERN EUROPEAN underground centers of power, formally he is the inspirer of EEC and EU. Secretely WESTERN EUROPEAN NWO admire him and honor his memory.

He is the one who leads them (with Hitler) from above or most likely below, that is Hell. Obviously WESTERN EUROPEAN NWO΄s vicious cabal do not honor their inspirer's memory openly. They do not even mention their beloved Walther Funk because it will become obvious that EU's roots are in Nazism. Since Western European NWO does not dare to pay tribute to their deceased leader Walther Funk, we wil devote an article to him, not out of admiration but so that everyone realizes what EU realy is.

Walter Funk was Hitler's peer, less than a year younger. He was born on August 18, 1890 and his father was a merchant. He studied law, economics and philosophy at the Universities of Munich and Leipzig. In World War I he served in the infantry but was wounded and discharged as medically unfit. He then became a journalist and editor-in-chief. In the summer of 1931, he resigned from the newspaper, joined the Nazi party and became close to Gregor Strasser who was the head of the party.

Strasser had clashed with Hitler and was executed during the Night of the Big Knives, in late June and early July 1934. Funk was placed in charge of the Nazi party's finance committee. When Nazi party came to power, he was in charge of censoring media, under Joseph Goebbels. In February 1938, he became head of Finance and took other positions which he held until Nazis were defeated.

Shortly before the start of World War II and the invasion of Poland, Hitler created the six-member Council of Ministers for Reich Defense. In addition to Funk, Goring, Hess, Frick, Keitel, Lammers participated. In September 1943, Funk was appointed as the fourth member of the three-member Central Planning Board that had been created a year earlier.

He was a music lover and connoisseur of classical music. He proposed to Hitler a piece by Liszt, "Les Preludes", as military march for the German victory on the Russian front. In fact, Hitler proudly played the record to Albert Speer and told him that it was Funk's idea. Victory fortunately did not come because otherwise the Nazis would have achieved European Socialist Union and World Socialist Dictatorship.

Instead, the Soviets entered Berlin at the end of April 1945. Before committing suicide, Hitler stipulated in his political will that Funk should remain at his post. Funk was captured by Allies on May 11, 1945 and was one of the defendants in Nuremberg Trials. He remained in Spandau prison until May 1957, when he was released for medical reasons. Three years later, he died of diabetes in Dusseldorf.

The Nazis may have lost the war but the Nazis' continuators, WESTERN EUROPEAN NWO, with the use of underground methods, finally succeeded to make Walther Funk's dream come true. European Economic Community is described in detail in the published book, which was co-authored by others besides Funk. All this is further proof of what the EU and the WESTERN EUROPEAN NWO really are. EU is a Nazi institution and WESTERN EUROPEAN NWO are Nazis' continuators.

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