Growth rates deception

Growth rates deception

Convergence in terms of per capita income is a big EU lie. Because EU's model is flawed, countries with lower per capita income lose will countries with higher per capita income benefit. How is it possible for such a thing to be happening without anyone noticing it? NWO - EU take advantage of people's ignorance. Of course, economists have realized it but NWO - EU control media and censor any opinion against EU.

Their truth becomes the truth which is actually big lies. Another deception is related to growth rates. Voters are unaware of the growth rates that their country's economy should have. So it is possible for per capita income to rise, even if their economy is seriously hurt from participating in EU. "If the income rises then there is no damage from EU participation", some people may think.

No, even if income rises there could be serious damage because otherwise it would have risen much more. Income is supposed to rise. This is the norm all over the world. That is why standard of living becomes better as time goes by. The question is how much income rises. We will start with a simple example. Let's say that a car is traveling from Bucharest to Prague. We intentionally chose Eastern European countries because those are hurt the most from their participation in EU.

Driving distance is approximately 1350 km. If the car is driving with 135 km/hour, it will take 1350 / 135 = 10 hours. If the car is driving with 90 km/hr it will take 1350 /90 = 15 hours. If the car is driving with 45 km/hr it will take 135/45 = 30 hours. If the car is driving with 15 km/hr it will take 1350 / 15 = 90 hours. Even with 15 km/hr the car is moving but very slowly.

Something similar happens with the economies of Eastern European countries. They should be going with 135 km/ hr but instead they go with 15 km/hr. So there might be an improvement in per capita income but it is very slow compared to what it should be. Most people know that 135 km/hr is fast and 15 km/hr is very very slow. Most people do not know how fast their economies should grow.

So NWO - EU take advantage of their ignorance and deceive them. We can analogize the car's speed with growth rates. The main objective of economic policy is to increase real per capita income. The percentage increase in one year is called growth rate. In most countries, most years, we have an increase. However, we may experience stagnation or decline in some periods.

Per capita income shows how rich a country is. It is related to the GDP as it is the quotient of GDP by the population. If the population remains constant, the increase in GDP is equal to the increase in per capita income. But if we have a significant increase or decrease in population, the change in GDP will be different from that of per capita income.

A year where most countries had a significant drop in GDP was 2020 due to the lock down caused by covid pandemic. The global change was -3.1%. The following year, global growth was +5.9%. A large part of this was to bring GDP up to pre-lock down levels. Some years with notable values, according to Macrotrends were (%) ; 1964 +6.56, 1973 +6.41, 1975 0.63, 1982 0.39, 2009 -1.34. From the early 1960s to the mid-1970s, global annual growth was between 4% and 6% and since then between 2% and 5%. In order to have a better picture of a country's growth rates, we should look at several years.

According to IMF, between 2013 and 2021, countries with high average annual rates were (%) ; Libya 11.37, Ireland 8.83, China 6.56, Turkey 5.76, India 5.49, Moldova 4.60 , Egypt 4.09. In the same period, high-income countries with relatively high growth rates were (%) : Singapore 3.13, Korea 3.06, New Zealand 3.01, Iceland 2.86, Luxembourg 2.75, UAE 2.29, Australia 2.16, Sweden 2.09, Qatar 2.05, USA 2.03, Denmark 2.03. Britain and Canada were lower, at around 1.5%. Even lower, at around 1%, were Germany, France, Spain, in this order from the largest to the smallest. Italy and Greece were at around 0%. Italy's was slightly negative while Greece's was slightly positive. At the negative end, it was Venezuela with -14.718%.

Let's see how many years it takes for income to double, depending on the average annual growth rate. At 1% it will double in 70 years, at 2% it will take 36 years, at 3% it will double in 24 years. With 4% it will take 18 years, with 5% it is 15 years and with 6% only 12 years. Even 1% will double income after two generations. But at 0%, it stays the same and at negative rates it falls.

Another way to see it is what will happen in 40 years with different growth rates. With 3% it should have tripled (3.26 times), with 4% it should have increased fivefold (4.8 times) and with 5% it should have increased sevenfold (7.04 times). So if it has gone up, for example, 1.5 times or 50%,, NWO - EU present it as a success. In reality it is a colossal failure. It should have gone up 3 - 7 times, depending on what we consider acceptable growth rates.

So what people need to find out is how fast their county's economy should be growing. It is not the same for all countries. Generally, countries that have lower income, have more ability to grow and should have higher growth rates. Participation in EU significantly lowers growth rates in countries that are at lower income levels. In EU, it is mostly Eastern European countries.

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