Hellenes, Thracians, Illyrians 1

Thracian warriors

Hellenes, Thracians, Illyrians 1

Since ancient times, Hellenes (Greeks), Thracians and Illyrians were living in a vast area that started from Cyprus, Crete, Minor Asia and reached at least as far as Slovakia and Ukraine. According to some sources, it reached even northern till Poland and Czech Republic. Since ancient times and throughout the centuries, Hellenes, Thracians and Illyrians have mingled and mixed. Most likely they were related from start.

There are four main human races; Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, Australoid. All Caucasians originated from Caucasus area and that is why they are called like this. A branch of Caucasians migrated to southern and central part of Eastern Europe and settled in the area mentioned. It is historically recorded that Hellenic tribes (Greeks) migrated from north. So, Hellenes, Thracians and Illyrians belonged in the same branch of Caucasoid race.

What distinguished Hellenes from others was Hellenic language. Those who spoke some Hellenic dialect were considered Hellenes and all others were regarded barbarians according to «every non Hellene is a barbarian». This was not chauvinistic but based on the civilization Hellenes had developed. For many centuries, they had the most advanced civilization. Compared to theirs, all other civilizations were much inferior. They considered all others less civilized because they truly had inferior civilizations.

Illyrians and especially Thracians had developed notable civilizations but compared to Hellenic they were definitely inferior. According to some theory, Thracians were also Greek tribes. Hellenes did not consider them Hellenes because they did not speak the language. Nevertheless, Thracian ruling class in Odrysian kingdom spoke Greek which was the language of administration. Thracian rulers strongly supported the hellenization of Thracians.

Greeks did not have a state but several city states (polis). The stronger were Athens and Sparta. Corinth, Thebes and Argos were also strong. These city states often fought each other but united against common enemies. Sparta is located in the southern part of Pelloponese. Corinth and Argos are also in Peloponnese which is a peninsula, the southern part of continental Greece.

Main Hellenic tribes were Dorians, Ionians, Achaeans, Aeolians. Dorians were in Sparta, Messinia, Argos, Corinth, Megara, Macedonia, Epirus, Corfu, Lefkada, Illyria, Sicily, Southern Italy, Rhodes, Kos and other places. Ionians were mostly in Attica (Athens), Aegean Islands and Minor Asia. Achaeans were mainly in Achaia and were Aeolians. The rest of Aeolians were in Thessaly and Central (Sterea) Hellas. Tribes were important for the alliances.

Generally, Dorians were allies of Sparta. From 550 to 540 BC, Sparta formed separate treaties with most city states in Peloponnese and these created Peloponnesian League, a group of city-states led by Sparta. The Delian League was a confederacy of 150 - 330 city states led by Athens. It was founded in 478 BC, on the island of Delos, which would be the meeting place of the League. The initial purpose of Delian League was to continue fighting Pesian Empire.

Sparta was a land power and Athens was a naval power. There was another reason for Delian League, the rivalry between Athens and Sparta which were the strongest city - states in Hellas. Both Leagues were trying to get on their side king Perdiccas of Macedonia. Macedonians were Dorians, probably from Argos. Founders of Macedonian kingdom were the Argead dynasty in which Philip II and Alexander the Great belonged. So, initially Macedonians became allies of Sparta but later made an agreement with Athens.

A couple of years before Delian League's formation, in 480 BC, King Teres I established the Odrysian kingdom of Thrace by uniting many Thracian tribes. In the south, it included today's Eastern Macedonia and Thrace which are Hellenic prefectures. The coastal areas were part of Delian League, led by Athens. So, Thracians developed relations with Delian League and Athenians.

The Odrysian kingdom of Thrace was the first state in Balkans. According to Thucydides, it was strong and prosperous. Later, Seuthopolis, named after king Seuthes, became the capital. It is located near present day city of Kazalnak, in Stara Zagora province, roughly at the center of today's Bulgaria. Not much is known about Thracians because they did not have writing. Most information regarding Thracians is from Hellenes.

In 431 BC, the Peloponnesian war between the two Leagues began. The Odrysian Kingdom of Thrace became an ally of Athens. To strengthen the alliance, king Sitalkes, Teres's son, married the daughter of Athenian ambassador Nymphodorus. Their son Zadokus was sent to Athens and became an Athenian citizen. Spartans and their allies won the Peloponneisian war but in Hellas, new powers were rising, Thebes, followed by Macedonia.

Macedonian Philip II was the youngest son of king Amyntas III. He was sent as a hostage to Illyria and also held in Thebes which was the leading power of that time. He got military and diplomatic education from Epaminondas, the ruler of Thebes. Philip became king, after his brother king Perdiccas III died in battle. He subjugated other Greek cities, kingdom of Thrace, Paeonia (roughly today's N. Macedonia) and part of Illyria. All these areas became part of Macedonian Empire.

To strengthen an agreement, Philip married the daughter of Illyrian King Vardylis, Audata. She was given the Greek name Eurydice, which was the name Philip's mother had. Philip and Eurydice had a daughter, Cynane. She had military training and fought several times on Philip's side. She was Alexander's half sister. Alexander's mother was Olympias, the eldest daughter of Mollosian king Neoptolemus from Epirus.

Alexander's teacher was Aristotle. He was Macedonian but got his education in Plato's school in Athens. Plato was Socrates's student. Both Plato and Socrates were Athenians. So, Alexander was taught by a Macedonian but his education was Athenian. Alexander had voluntary exiled himself in Illyria, when relations with his father deteriorated.

After some time, he returned to Macedonia and good relations with Philip were reinstated. That same day, Philip was assassinated and Alexander became king, in 336 BC, when he was twenty years old. Philip had created the Hellenic League in 338 BC and Alexander became hegemon (leader). Right away, Alexander began recruiting Thracian cavalry and javelin men.

Thracians assisted Macedonians and accompanied Alexander in his conquest. Odrysian prince Sitacles II led Thracian infantry. In only thirteen years, till his death in 323 BC, Alexander created one of the largest empires. He is considered one of the greatest military commanders in history, probably the greatest. Alexander's death was the start of Hellenistic period.

Hellenes, Thracians, Illyrians 2

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