Israel’s placement

Israel's placement

We need to elaborate a little more on the options for Israel's placement in a Group that were mentioned in a previous article. There are five options for Israel; a) in Eastern Europe's Group 4 b) in Western Europe's Group 3 c) in no Group d) US territory e) not exist. These are with the estimated order, from the most likely to the least likely. Option A and B have approximately equal chances in the long term.

Option C has the most chances for some period that could be a few years. Most likely Israel will not participate in any group for some time, until it will become more clear which one of the other options will be followed in the long term. Although option C has the most chances in the short and medium term, in the long term it has the lowest probability. That is why this option is placed in the middle.

Options D and E are closely related. Option D will happen, so that option E does not happen. Israelis probably prefer to be an autonomous country than US territory. If there is clear danger for their existence, they would rather want to be US territory than not exist at all. On the other hand, USA stricty in a rational and calculative manner and from their point of view, would want Israel or any country to be US territory.

This does not apply only to Israel but to any other country. And is not true only for USA but for any country in the world. All countries would want to extend their territories. In a strange way, a danger for Israel to cease to exist, benefits USA because in this way, Israel will become US territory, something that would be impossible under any other circumstances.

Things work in strange ways sometimes. Iran's attack against Israel benefited Iran because it became stronger in the Muslim world. At the same time Netanyahu benefited because in times of serious danger, everybody stands behind the leader who is presently Netanyahu. If USA behaves in a rational and calculative manner, they would want Israel to be in a real danger to cease to exist.

Israel exists because of USA. Western Europe's support would not be enough to keep Israel. If USA stops supporting Israel, it will cease to exist. USA could coerce Israel into becoming US territory. An important but not decisive factor would be Jewish Americans' stance on this matter. If Israel becomes US territory, it will be in Group 1 with Canada and Mexico, since USA is in that Group.

Israel's participation in Western Europe's Group 3 is geographically problematic but historically correct. It will take us back to the Crusades, when Western European Union idea and NWO started. Western Europeans made an alliance, in order to free Holly Land from Muslims, the land where Jesus was born, lived and died. Things work in strange ways. Some of them converted during their stay to something different than Christianity. Anyone who believes that Jesus Christ was a phony and a copycat is not a Christian.

During the Crusades, in Eastern Europe there was Byzantium and Kievan Rus. They had very close political, cultural, commercial relations. In 1204 AD, during fourth Crusade, the Sack of Constantinople occurred. Crusaders captured, looted and destroyed Byzantine Empire's capital and Hellenistic Eastern Empire came under Western Latin rule. This was the beginning of the end, for Byzantine Empire.

Israel is far from Western Europe. The closest Western European country is Italy. The distance is approximately 2000 km. There could be difficulties with Israel's participation in Group 3 because of distance. Crusaders managed to maintain Kingdom of Jerusalem for two centuries. It lasted from 1099 to 1291 AD. Roman Empire lasted only a little longer, from 27 BC to 286 AD. The final separation of Hellenistic Eastern Byzantine Empire and Latin Western occurred in 395 AD.

It will be difficult but not impossible for Israel to participate in Western Europe's Group 3. At the time of Crusaders, in the beginning of previous millenium, there were no automobiles, trains, airplanes, ships with engines, telephones, internet etc. Still Crusaders managed to keep Kingdom of Jerusalem for two centuries. So today that all these conveniences exist, it will be a difficult but feasible task. Of course the most reasonable option would be for Israel to participate in Group 4.

There are problems inside and outside the Group. The two biggest countries in the group, in terms of population, GDP (ppp) and military strength are Russia and Turkiye. Turkiye is clearly with Palestinians and Russia is probably with them as well but not in a very clear way like Turkiye. Russia is probably closer to Iran than Israel. There would be problems with neighboring Muslim Groups as well. Participation of Israel could damage relations with Groups 5 and 8.

Group 3 of Western Europe has no borders with these groups and in addition they do not seem to care too much about their relations with Muslim countries. Mediterranean sea is between Group 5 and Group 3. Generally, most Western European countries are with Israel. So Israel's participation in Group 3 will have less problems, if we forget about the distance issue.

Most likely, Israel will not be placed in any group for a while. The most reasonable option would be in Group 4. If this is not possible, after some time passes, it will be placed in Group 3 or become US territory and included in Group 1. Israel's placement should not be a concern for Group 4. They should proceed with the plan and after some years, there is a chance that Israel could participate in the Group. If not, one of the two other options will happen.

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