Lebanon USA
Lebanon USA
Nobody is 100% right or 100% wrong. Some people are mostly right while others are mostly wrong. Sometimes the wrong person may say the right thing. Even Hitler said some things that were right. In 2014, Ben Sasse had proposed a new capital to be built in Nebraska. This is a case of the wrong person saying the right thing. He is one of Trump’s Republican opponents.
When Washington became the capital, the move to the West had not started. There have been a few unsuccessful attempts to move the capital elsewhere. The distance from New York to Los Angeles is almost 2500 miles while the distance from London (northwest) to Athens (southeast) is 1500 miles. The center of continental USA is 2,5 miles northwestern of Lebanon. It is a small village of 200 residents, in Smith county of Northern Kansas, near the borders with Nebraska.
There a certain benefits, if this happens, a new capitol somewhere around the continental center of USA. Now it is not the time to examine the pros and cons. Inevitably the Red Confedaration will need a capital for the legal government that Trump will form. Biden will form an illegal government. Trump won legally the elections and the cabal altered it with illegal ways that will be proven. Biden is an illegal president and Trump is the legal President. When the Red Confederation will be notorious and will gain control of the blue states, its capital will remain for the whole country. It could be a city close to the center like e.g. Wichita.
It is been said that Trump succeeded to flip California, something that only Reagan did in recent decades. California is definitely an important state that sadly has gone blue in most elections. Californians should favor very much the move of the capital much closer to them. Now they are too far from the center of political action. Given those two things, Trump actually winning California and Californians favoring a lot the move of the capitol, it will make sense to try to gain control of the West Coast first. Guerilla warfare may be not necessary, once the Red Confedaration establishes its capital somewhere close to Lebanon, Kansas.
Some people still think that it is a right vs left or America vs China fight. It is a fight against the evil global cabal that has done horrible things not only in USA but in many countries. Demon-rats are their collaborators in USA. In Germany, Merkel is their collaborator who is center right. In China, Chicom is their collaborator. Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter etc were probably financed by money from illegal activities or stolen from countries including USA. The cabal moves around the globe vasts amounts of money and their origin can not be easily traced.
There were four straight years of propaganda against Trump. Then they spread the virus. When they realized that it was not enough, they rigged the elections and controlled the courts. Do you thing that anything will stop them? They managed to rig the elections and control the courts while Trump was President and Republicans controlled one Chamber of Congress. Imagine what they will do when they have their President and control all Congress.
Please… please ….please do not let evil prevail. Do not let demons govern the World. Find some way to stop it. We presented some alternatives. You may find better ones. This could be a way with no return. Global tyranny is around the corner. American anti(ultra)globalists can only stop it. Assistance will come from Europe and other places of the world.