Quadrillions damage by EU

Quadrillions damage by EU

Macron is a currently a popular topic because of the situation in France. Since he is the talk of present time we will deal with him as well. Macron will get several life sentences and all his fortune will be confiscated, if NWO - EU do not compromise. And it will not be just Macron but all these NWO - EU maniacs. You know who they are. Currently, Macron is probably one of the worst among them, one of the most fanatic NWO - EU supporters.

Anyone can have and express the craziest and falsest ideas. When these ideas are applied and cause a lot of damage, punishment must be analogous to the damage. And those that suffered the damage should be reimbursed by those who caused the damage. In addition, if there is deception, presenting the colossal damage as beneficial, punishment must be more severe.

These maniacs will not be punished for having the craziest and falsest ideas. None should ever be punished for having and expressing completely insane and totally erroneous ideas. They should be punished severely though when their actions cause a lot of damage. And these maniacs will be punished severely because they have caused a lot of damage.

As it has been explained, the damage may be huge and still go unnoticed by victims and voters. There are two reasons, growth rates and inflation or price level increases. Many voters do not know the average growth rate their country is supposed to have. Hellas (Greece) is probably the most damaged country due to EU participation because it has been in that doomed union for much longer than other Eastern European countries.

Many people in that completely destroyed country feel that they are much worse compared to 1981 when the catastrophic course in damned EU started. If this is true, real average growth rate is below 0%. With growth rate 0%, the economy has not grown at all in 43 years. Some people may perceive this as no damage. In reality the damage done is several trillions.

With 3% average growth rates, the economy would have grown 3,5 times and with 4% it would be 5,4 times bigger. Suppose that in the 43 years there was an average growth rate of 1%. In that case, economy grew 1,5 times. Ignorant voters may perceive this as an improvement and think that EU participation was really beneficial. In reality, the damage is several trillions.

The comparison shouldn't be done to the situation 43 years ago but to where the economy should be today, with acceptable growth rates. For a country like Hellas (Greece), 3% are probably acceptable growth rates. According to Rostow, the stages of economic development are; traditional society, preconditions to take-off, take-off, drive to maturity, high mass consumption.

Think of human development; prenatal development, infancy and toddlerhood, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, adulthood (early - middle - late). The difference between human development and economic development is that economies still grow in maturity but growth is smaller compared to the other stages. A child will grow, even with the worst conditions in terms of nutrition, sleep, sanitation.

This is the norm. Like children, economies will grow, even with the worst conditions for growth that exist in EU. The damage is in growth rates and that could be several trillions for a country like Hellas. It is probably the most damaged country in EU but it is not the only damaged country. Probably most countries are damaged due to participation in doomed EU.

The same methodology will be applied to many other countries, so that the size of the damage in each country will be estimated. Macron and all NWO - EU maniacs will pay for the damage they caused. Of course they did not start this madness but they continued it. Many others that are responsible for the damage are dead, so they can't be prosecuted.

But their fortune can be confiscated from their heirs to compensate the victims for the damage they suffered. The reasons of the damage have been explained in many articles. All these will be explained in courts, during NWO - EU trials. The size of the damage has been estimated for the most damaged country, Greece, as an example. There will be a more accurate calculation, not only for Greece but also for many other countries, in NWO - EU trials.

One very important point is that in many other countries, the damage estimation will be much bigger. Hellas is probably the most damaged country but other countries are bigger in terms of population and have bigger economies. Take Italy for example. It is probably less damaged than Hellas but has 6 times more population, 7- 8 times bigger economy and has been an EU member for 67 years.

Although less damaged, Italian economy's damage will be estimated much more than Hellenic economy's. Something similar will happen with Spain which has an economy approximately 5 - 6 times bigger than Hellenic. There are a few damaged countries with bigger economies than Hellas. Damage will be proven and calculated for many countries. All the damages will be added. Probably it will be above one quadrillion (one thousand trillion).

Macron will pay for the damage. It will not be just Macron but all NWO - EU maniacs, Solzt, Von der Leyen, Costa, Kallas, Mitsotakis, Tusk etc. It is certain that they are going to jail for the rest of their lives and all their fortune will be confiscated to pay for the damage. Anti - NWO is giving them a tremendous opportunity to avoid this ominous fate, if they compromise.

If they do not compromise, eventually they will be defeated. They will all end up in jail and all their fortune will be confiscated. If they are not total morons, they will take advantage of the great opportunity given to them. They have a window of opportunity which will not last for ever. When Anti - NWO's victory is close, there will be no more chance to compromise.

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