Informative campaign
Informative campaign
Anti-NWO's compromise solution is the alternative proposal to NWO's disastrous plan. There will be 10 + 2 groups (Commonwealths, Communities, Unions, Alliances, Pacts, Agreements etc) of countries, most of which are ready or almost ready. In order to create a group, there is no need for permission by other groups, other countries or NWO. Nevertheless, NWO has managed to plant puppet governments in various countries which follow NWO's disastrous plan and oppose Anti-NWO's much better alternative.
One example is Eastern Europe. After the fall of communism, Western European NWO thought it would be a good idea to colonize Eastern Europe, since they lost their colonies. They have established puppet governments in various Eastern European countries which serve NWO's goals and Western Europe's interests. If these governments were not puppets, they would serve the interests of their people and support Anti-NWO's compromise solution.
An informative communication campaign is necessary, for Anti - NWO's compromise solution generally and for the Eastern Europe's group specifically. All people in their right minds will realize that NWO's catastrophic plan maximizes problems and conflicts while Anti - NWO's prudent solution minimizes them. They will understand that with NWO's thoughtless plan, a few are very happy while most are unhappy. With Anti-NWO's thought through plan, noone is very satisfied but every body is somewhat satisfied.
The world must know NWO's childish plan and Anti-NWO's prudent alternative. There are four categories that need to be informed a) politicians b) media including the Internet c) celebrities and influencers d) general public. For general public, the informative communication campaign will be massive. For the other three categories, a more personal approach will be needed.
In Internet category, websites, blogs, influencers and social media accounts with large followings are included. Who will make the more personal approach? Politicians can not neglect their duties and start informing other politicians in depth. There must be special representatives. Politicians could contact their counterparts first so that representatives can then take over. The personal approach can be done by phone, email, social media.
Perhaps more explanatory texts or audios could be created to be sent as a second step. These can be posted on websites. Some may also be available to the general public. On websites, there could be pages that require a password for information that is not for the general public. Briefing by representatives, may be very well carried out via video conferences. Of course, these are not completely secure. Confidential information would require special handling.
At a later stage, there could be a mass campaign for the general public, through Internet and traditional media. First, those who will take the job to inform the general public must be informed. First level Information receivers could be divided into Anti-NWO or NWO and further more to moderates and hardliners. There is no need to bother informing NWO's hardliners because it will be a waste of time and energy.
The remaining three groups may need a different approach each. Those who are not traitors and NWO's puppets, will realize that Anti-NWO's compromise solution is much much better than flawed NWO plan, for their countries and the whole world. Anyone who is not a sellout, crazy or stupid would see the huge difference between the two alternatives.
The tactical goals of the informative communication campaign should be to a) provide awareness and b) gain support. The campaign should go on until the final strategic goal is achieved, i.e. to implement Anti-NWO'S compromise solution. This could be done in waves. The campaign will run for a period of time, followed by a period of no activity. Then next wave will follow. The waves will continue until the goal is reached.
Anti-NWO'S compromise solution concerns all groups, that is, all countries in the world. It is not that difficult as it first seems to be. A briefing can be made to people in one or two countries in a group. These will inform, a second level of countries which in turn will inform a third and so on. A similar pyramid or network process can be done with people in the same country.
A first level of people will be informed and these will inform a second level which will update a third layer and continue until it includes as many as needed. This process does not concern the general public, where the information will be mass-produced but could be used through social media in addition to other ways for the general public.
NWO's plan is a childish, ridiculous plan, a superficiality, a stupidity. That is why it created so many problems around the world. Ask a ten year old kid to divide the world into groups. Most likely it will be NWO's grouping. Only little kids could make such grouping. Little kids are excused because they are little. There is no excuse for NWO's vicious cabal. They are adults who want to be leaders.
They failed miserably and should step aside, so that prudent, considerate, wise people will lead their countries and the world to a trouble free, prosperous future. Anti-NWO's solution is thought out in detail, taking into consideration historical, cultural, racial, religious, economic, geographical, political factors. It has not been made public broadly yet because some details are still being worked out. It is time for an informative communication campaign in waves.