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Exclude Albania and Turkiye

If Albania and Turkiye are acting against AntiNWO's plan and the existence of Group 4, they will be excluded, Albania from becoming a member and Turkiye entirely.

EU worse than communism 2

In USSR during Communism there was substantial growth. Hellas had negative growth rates in almost half century of EU participation. It would be better with communism.

EU worse than communism

Eastern Europe lagged in development due to communism. Participation in EU has bigger negative effect in development than communism, as shown in the case of Hellas.

Love for Eastern Europe?

Western European NWO's love for Eastern Europe that was the enemy til recently requires special attention. There is something really fishy, harmful for Eastern Europe.

Rich genuine East Europe

Eastern Europeans shouldn't be poor, B class, fake Western Europeans but rich, A class, genuine Eastern Europeans. A great future lies ahead, provided by AntiNWO.

Proceed ASAP with core

Groups should proceed ASAP with core countries so that AntiNWO can assist them. No permission is needeed from NWO. These are dinosaurs that will become extinct.

Cozy Regions

Countries can have their own cozy Regions with a capital very close to them. The first level of relations will be in the Region and then in the Subgroup and the Group.

Capital decentralization & CIS

One way of decentralization is with capitals. In Group 4, there could be two subgroups with two regions each and four regions' capitals. One subgroup could be CIS.

USA 2024 elections 3

In USA, Mexicans, Africans, Italians, Puerto Ricans, Poles, Jews, Hellenes, Russians, young people, unmarried women should vote for AntiNWO or at least not vote for NWO.

Rapid development

AntiNWO will develop a unique model and plan for each group and bring rapid development in most groups. The other side of rapid development are opportunities everywhere.

Decide till 2055

Possible participants in Group 4 have till 2055 to decide. It is certain that they will participate but we do not know which side and when. Ignore what EU is doing.

Complexity in Middle East

The situation in Middle East is complex. Israel would cease to exist in a war against Iran and Turkiye. Even if USA and Russia are involved, Israel will cease to exist.

Regions in subgroups

Subgroups and trating partners are two important features in AntiNWO plan. There could be further division in subgroups with regions. AntiNWO's superiority is obvious.

A strategy to get married

There are no men in Democrats as women say. A good strategy to get married is to get involved in the Republican campaign at the local level. Do not waste any time.

Celebrity wealth and phonies

Richest celebrity is Jemi Gertz with 8 billion. Swift is around 10th place and Aniston below 50th. Supporters of Democrats are phonies. Do not take them seriously.

Read or watch Vance's interview

Read or watch Vance's inverview to find out who is truthful. Vance should be a role model for young people. Unmarried women should become Republican to get married.

Pronatalists vs antinatalists

Vance tried to make an argument against antinatalism and this was twisted by Democrats. You owe your existence to people like Vance and Trump who are pronatalists.

Swift end of the world

Vance's "cat ladies" comment wanted to point out different values. Swift should do research and befriend people like Musk instead of assisting the end of the World.

Dynamic process for Group 4

The process for Group 4 is dynamic. Two subgroups will merge initially but final subgroups will be different. Exit from EU could be done in one step or two steps.

Russia vs USA

NWO made Russia an enemy. Russia would win a war against USA in Eastern Europe and Eastern Mediterranean. The right way is to negotiate and only Trump can do it.

USA 2024 elections 2

Italians, Poles, Hellenes, Russians, Africans, Jewish in USA should support AntiNWO. Only if Trump is elected, there will be peace and prosperity all over the world.

USA 2024 elections 1

Besides global reasons, there are specific in each country for not supporting an NWO party, Democrats in USA. Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans should support AntiNWO.

Subgroups determine Groups

Group composition will detetmine how subgroups will be and vice versa subgroups could influence the groups' composistion. Subgroups could be more important than groups.

Agreement on global plan

Turkiye may prefer a group that resemples Ottoman Empire. They could make a proposal with a global grouping and include economic plan, organizational model, other parts.

Turkiye's difficult decision

For either an emotional or a rational decision it is not clear if Turkiye will prefer to be in Group 4 with Eastern European countries or Group 8 with Muslim countries.

Turkiye & Russia in EU?

Turkiye will be a pariah for Muslim countries if it participates in EU. Russia's participation in EU is very problematic. AntiNWO must support the same compromise plan.

Russia's & Turkiye's placement

Russia is clearly an Eastern European country and can't be separately. Turkiye is not an Eastern European country. Turkiye's participation will help EU's disbandment.

No interference allowed

Celtic-Germanic countries should not interfere in Greco-Thraco-Illyrian and Slavic land. They should focus on their Celtic-Germanic affairs and let Group 4 prosper.

Trading partners & subgroups

AntiNWO's plan is more thorough and flexible compared to NWO's total disaster. Trading partners and subgroups are two important and useful features in AntiNWO's plan.

German Wannabes' choice

German Wannabes' can be poor fake Germans in Group 3 or have high growth rates in Group 4 and be rich original. One option is to form a relatively autonomous subgroup.

Hellenistic fusion in Byzantium

Byzantium is the continuation of Hellenistic kingdoms and fusion continued. People in Balkans, Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine have Greco-Thraco-Illyrian and Slavic ancestry.

Italy vs German Wannabes

AntiNWO gave Italy plenty of time to decide participation in Group 4. German Wannabes are rivals in this issue. First come will be served and second will be left out.

Data for other groups

Info for other Groups. Population, economy's size (GDP), income (GDP per capita) data shown for Latin American, Arabic, Central Asian, Sub-Saharan groups, China-India.

Two European poles

In Europe there are two very different poles a) Celtic and Germanic countries b) Greco-Thraco-Illyrian and Kievan Rus countries. There are also in between countries.

Trading partners extended

Trading partner status is included in AntiNWO's organizational model which will be the standard. It can be included in EU's failed and North America's unique model.

Europe's division criteria

European division is non negotiable but groups' composition is. Racial, cultural, economic, historical criteria could be used for the division. Geographic is given.

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