Exit EU scenarios

Exit EU scenarios

All Eastern European countries should want to exit EU and participate in Eastern European Group 4 because they benefit enormously as it has been explained in several previous articles. The problem is that Western European NWO has placed puppets in Eastern European countries. These are not only politicians but also media owners, journalists, businesspeople etc.

They deceive Eastern Europeans and make them believe that participation in EU is good for them while in reality it is extremely harmful. If governments that serve their people are in Eastern European countries, they will exit EU and start Eastern European Group. There are certain alternatives for dealing with puppets and their puppeteers; a) puppeteers comrpomise b) puppeteers leave c) puppets compromise d) puppets leave. Of course these actions may take some time.

Suppose that after some time, Western Europe's puppets still remain in a few Eastern European countries and do not compromise. It is preferable that all countries exit EU simultaneously. It is not necessary though. If countries in Subgroup A are enough, they should exit EU so that there is no further delay. Eventually, at least all Christian Eastern European countries will participate in Group 4. The only chance for this not happening is if Western European countries want to switch places.

Poland's population is 37,7 million and Italy's 58,8 million. So, if Italy participates in Group 4, not only Poland but also Czech Republic (10,8 million) and Baltic countries (6,2 million) could be in Group 3. If Italy does not participate in Group 4, Poland can not be in Group 3. Baltic countries could switch places with Finland (5,5 million) and Czech Republic with Austria (9,1 million).

Germany is also at the borders with Eastern Europe. If chances for Italy participating in Group 4 are slim, for Germany they are almost zero. Most likely, none of these countries (Italy, Austria, Finland) will want to participate in Group 4. Of course this is only a judgment which is not certain. There is still a small chance that they may want to be in Group 4.

So what should Eastern European countries that WRONGFULLY want to be in Group 3 do? For Poland, their only chance is if Italy agrees to be in Group 4. Polish should discuss it with Italians and find out if there is a possibility for that happening. If Italy wants to do it, there will be room for more countries that have a total population of approximately 20 (58,8 - 37,7) million.

If Italy does not want to be in Group 4, there is no chance for Poland but there is still chance for the rest, if Austria or/and Finland want to be in Group 4. Czech Republic and Baltic countries would have to contact them and find out. Most likely they will verify that Italy, Austria and Finland do not want to participate in Group 4. Italy is clearly Western European country, like Germany. Austria and Finland are between Western and Eastern Europe.

This is actually fair and the best solution, the original option in Anti - NWO's plan. So, if some Eastern European countries do not leave EU when the rest do, it will be very harmful for them. Eventually they will have to join Group 4 because they are Eastern European countries. It will be unavoidable not to join Group 4, if no countries from Group 3 want to change places.

Suppose that some countries in Subgroup A behave in a very FOOLISH way and do not want to exit EU, even if there is no replacement found. We need to define more precisely how many would be enough to exit EU. Broadly, the minimum is probably Balkan countries and intermediary countries. Balkan countries in EU are Hellas (Greece) - Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia. Intermediaries are Hungary and Slovakia.

Hellas is the first country that should exit EU for several reasons. First, it is the most damaged Eastern European country from participating in EU because it has been a member very long time, since 1981. Also in Byzantine Empire, civilization and culture were hellenistic (hellenic after Alexander's death). A third and very important reason is that Hellenes (Greeks) are the only descendants that have a country, from the tribes that lived in southern and central Eastern Europe, in ancient times.

Hellenes, Thracians and Illyrians lived in a vast area that started from Minor Asia, Cyprus and Crete and streched as far north as Slovakia and Ukraine. According to some sources, it reached even northern, till Czech Republic and Poland. All this land belonged to Hellenes, Thracians and Illyrians, in ancient times. Thracians and Illyrians did not disappear, they mixed. All people in this vast area mentioned, originate to some degree from Thracians and Illyrians.

But there is no contemporary country Thrace or Illyria, only Hellas (Greece). So Hellenes should be the first to defend their ancestors' land from Western Europeans' colonization attempt through EU. For Hellas, Bulgaria and Romania it is impossible to be in Group 3 because they have no borders with Western Europe. So they should be included in the minimum countries that will exit EU.

Balkan countries were part of Byzantine Empire which was Hellenic, Thracian and Illyrian in the first half millemium. Gradually it became partly Slavic, as Slavs migrated in large numbers. Byzantium had very close relations with Kievan Rus. Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians originate from them. Russia and Belarus will be in Subgroup B. Ukraine will start as a trading partner, only if they renounce EU and NWO.

Hungary and Slovakia are expected to play an important intermediary role. They are also in the area that belonged to Hellenes, Thracians, Illyrians. So the minimum countries that should exit EU are a) Hellas - Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia b) Slovakia, Hungary. If any of these feel they should be with Western Europeans, they should surrender the land they live on to descendants of Hellenes, Thracians and Illyrians and migrate to Western Europe.

The more counties exit, the better it would be. Ideally, all countries in Subgroup A should exit EU simultaneously. If this is not possible, there is no reason to delay, if there are enough countries which were defined approximately as Balkan and intermediaries. Eventually all countries in Subgroup A would have to exit, if there is no country in Western Europe willing to change places.

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