Fake G7 fiasco

Fake G7 fiasco

The recent G7 meeting in Italy was a big fiasco for reasons that will be explained. All G7 meetings are fiascos for a simple reason. Those that claim to be G7 are not really G7. Only three of them are real G7 and the rest are fake G7 or pseudoG7. Since more than half are fake, the whole group is fake and completely invalid. G7 should be abolished the soonest possible.

G7 are USA, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, UK. The real G7 are China, USA, India, Japan, Russia, Germany, Indonesia. These are the biggest economies, ranked according to GDP ppp (purchasing power parity) in descending order. The data are from World Bank. There are small differences among different sources but generally the list of G7 doesn't change. CIA puts Turkiye in 7th place and Indonesia in 8th.

So, in G7, only USA, Japan, Germany are real G7. The rest are fake G7. When they use the name G7, people in the world believe that these are the biggest economies of the world. They are deceiving all the people in the world. They are crooks. They should be named Crooks 7, not G7. Shame on them! This deception has to end. They should be prohibited from using the name G7 again.

If these seven countries want to meet, it is their right to meet. But they can't be using the name G7 because this is a big deception. They are not real G7, they are phony G7. If they use this lie, pretend to be G7, their decisions have more weight and Impact. People in the world believe that the seven largest economies in the world made some decision but in reality, it is not the seven largest economies in the world.

What the group named G7 really is? It is USA - Canada with the four largest Western European economies. To these Japan is added to give a global perspective. Since G7 are not G7, their meetings and their decisions are totally invalid. They shouldn't be wasting taxpayers' money and valuable time. Don't they have anything better to do, than meet and pretend that they are G7, while they are not?

Let's look at the twenty largest economies in the world. To the real G7 mentioned above are added; UK, Brazil, France, Turkiye, Italy, Mexico, South Korea, Canada, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Egypt, Poland. These are again according to World Bank. Iran is in 21st place. IMF gives Iran in 19th place and Australia in 22nd while CIA puts Thailand in 20th place.

G20 is a group like G7 that supposedly includes the twenty largest economies. Members of G20 in alphabetical order are; Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkiye, United States, United Kingdom. These are nineteen. Then they add European Union and African Union. All the crazy stuff!

Argentina is 28th and South Africa 32nd, according to World Bank. So, they are not real G20. The rest are. G20 is a lot closer to real twenty largest economies, compared to G7's proximity to real seven largest economies. So G20 is somewhat valid but not entirely. European Union, African Union, Argentina, South Africa and possibly Australia should be excluded. Egypt and Poland should be included and perhaps Iran and Thailand.

Fake G7 made a decision to assist Ukraine. They will give Ukraine a 50 billion loan and will take the money from interest paid to Russia's frozen assets. Actually USA, UK and Japan will give the loan, not all G7. It is obvious that real G7 would never have made such a decision. Let's look at real G7 list again; China, USA, India, Japan, Russia, Germany, Indonesia. Turkiye could be in 7th place instead of Indonesia.

Which countries would support the loan to Ukraine? It would probably be USA, Japan, Germany. The rest would oppose it and real G7 would never make such a decision. So they made a group consisting of countries that could agree on certain matters. These countries are not real G7 but are using the name G7, so that their decisions will have more weight and more impact. Real G7 members that are not included PseudoG7 should give them a warning not to use G7 name anymore.

What could they do if Fake G7 continues to use the name? Probably they should create another G7 group and take opposite decisions of what the first G7 group makes. Lets call them G7a and G7b. The second G7 could consist from China, India, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, Turkiye, Saudi Arabia. Actually they can call it G8 or G9 if they add Egypt and Iran. It is very important to call it GX.

A two character name will start with G and have a number equal or bigger than 7. So there could be a G7 and a G9. G9 has more weight than G7 because 9 is larger than 7. In the case of G7's decision to give a 50 billion loan to Ukraine, G9 could make a decision to give a 50 billion loan to Russia. Will G9 be real G9? No but G7 is not real G7 either.

So if PseudoG7 continues to use the name G7, than the rest of real G20 should use G7, G8, G9, G10, G12. BRICS already exists consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South America. Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates joined the organization on 1 January 2024. Egypt is in real G20 and Iran could also be. BRICS could remain but there should be a GX group, if PseudoG7 continue to pretend they are real G7.

Finally, Italy going against Russia is not a sign that it will not participate in Group 4. Anti-NWO gave Italy all the time it needs to overcome emotional obstacles. Eventually there will be a government that will make a rational decision. It is crystal clear that they will benefit enormously. Some government will realize that they have so much to gain and nothing important to lose.

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