NWO & AntiNWO types

NWO & Anti-NWO types

"Go tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, that here obedient to their laws we lie". This is the epitaph in Thermopylae's monument for Leonidas and the 300 Spartans. Long before the battle, when Xerxes (Persian king) demanded from Spartans to surrender their weapons, Leonidas answered "Molon Labe" meaning "come and take them". After Ephialtes showed Persians the secret trail that led them behind Hellenic lines, it would be certainly death for those who would remain.

Nevertheless, Leonidas sent away all other Greek troops, except the 300 Spartans that remained. It would have been just them, if Thebans and Thespians did not refuse to leave. Leonidas, Spartans, Thebans, Thespians kept fighting. So the lesson is to have courage, a fighting spirit and keep fighting in whatever you do. This was an example of courage and fighting spirit to the extreme.

"Go tell Spartans" is a 1978 movie starring Bart Lancaster. It takes place in Vietnam war, not in ancient Hellas (Greece). Soldiers in the movie were sent to certain death, like the 300 Spartans. The 300 story is mentioned also in the movie "Last Samurai". Captain Nathaniel Algren (Tom Cruise) tells it to Katsumoto, before the battle that would certainly lead to their death.

Ideally, someone would read Iliad. This would be the best. Since most people will never do it, it is very useful that "Troy" movie was made and in 163 minutes, viewers can get the main points, in addition to entertainment. Likewise, the best would be if someone read history about Leonidas and Alexander. Since most people will never do that, they can get the main points and entertain themselves in 117 and 175 minutes respectively.

Getting to know history is also a benefit but the main benefits are the lessons and the values someone can obtain. Achilles, Leonidas, Alexander were fighting wars, which were common at those times. The lessons and values can be applied today, in peace time, in everyday life. In Troy, although Achilles was king, Agamemnon was his superior since he was the leader of kings. Achilles put his values and beliefs above everything.

Briseis, a priestess and Hector's cousin was a prisoner of war. Agamemnon treated her as a slave while Achilles with respect. He (Achilles) did the same with Priam, Hector's father. He showed respect to Hector, in the beginning, when he let him go, although he could have killed him. There was a moment of disrespect though when he dragged Hector's body behind his chariot. He was very angry because Hector had killed his cousin Patroclus. Achillles was the bravest and best warrior. That was his job.

Alexander was an extremely competent military commander, one of the best in history, if not the best. The lesson learned is not to become a warrior or a military commander and fight wars but try to be competent in whatever you do and have courage and fighting spirit in your lives. Like Achilles, Alexander treated people that he conquered with respect. Hellenic civilization and culture had a major influence on them but he was also influenced by them. For that he was criticized by his generals.

In Troy, there is also deception towards the end with Trojan Horse. Odysseus was the canny one. Homer had all kinds of behaviors and actions. One very important point is that there was a war and Odysseues deceived his enemies, not his own. These are not all the lessons and values someone can get. They are only some examples. There could also be different interpretations of certain behaviors and actions.

In the future, all what is happening right now will be written in history books. Perhaps movies will be made. If NWO prevails, there will be big lies in history books and movies. But NWO will not prevail and the truth will be written in history books and depicted in movies. NWO will be presented as they are, like Ephialtes which in Hellenic means also "nightmare". There are people that have deception, betrayal, conspiracy, kakistocracy* as their values. These are the NWO types of peοple.

Odysseus was not an NWO type. If he was, he would use Trojan Horse against his own, Hellenic army. Other people have values like honor, dignity, bravery, courage, fighting spirit, perseverance, competence, meritocracy. These are anti-NWO types of people. There are also some that are in between or undecided. Probably most people are anti-NWO type. Most people should be anti-NWO type and should fight for their values.

Many people have been deceived by NWO and support NWO political parties and politicians. They shouldn't. Some people confuse the actor and the character they play. They think that the actor is like the character. Only their spouses/partners, families and friends know what actors are like. Some roles they play are close to their real self while others can be the opposite. Some actors are good but have nothing in common with a character they play.

Unfortunately some actors support NWO parties. They shouldn't. People shouldn't be confused and believe that the actor represents the values the character embodies. People like a character an actor played and believe that the actor is like that in his real life. Do not let certain actors lure you into NWO. Probably the values represented by the characters they play are Anti - NWO values.

Do you want a world of deception, betrayal, conspiracy, kakistocracy? If yes, you are an NWO type and should support NWO. Do you want a world of honor, dignity, bravery, courage, perseverance, fighting spirit, competence, meritocracy. Then you are an Anti - NWO type and you should support Anti - NWO. If you are an Anti - NWO type you shouldn't be deceived by NWO and support NWO parties and politicians.

*The worst are in power. It is the opposite of meritocracy.

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