Data for other Groups

Data for other groups

Many articles dealt with Eastern European Group 4 (or Eastern - Southern if Italy participates). There were reasons for that. Division of Europe in two groups is a very important non-negotiable point of AntiNWO's compromise solution, a red line that can't be crossed but will not lead to alienation. Also AntiNWO designed a new organizational model for Group 4 that is expected to be the standard for most groups.

AntiNWO also designed an economic plan for Group 4 so that It will have high growth rates and reach Western Europe's economic level very soon. The same plan could be used in other groups with modifications. An article was devoted to Western European Group 3 and another to North American Group 1. In the article "Groups' Income and convergence", information was given for Groups 1, 3, 4, 9, 10. Data for population, economy's size and per capita income were shown in Appendix 7.

But these are not all the Groups. So in this article we will give information for the rest of the groups. The size of the economies is measured by GDP ppp (purchasing power parity), shown in billions of dollars. Per capita income is also in purchasing power parity and shown in thousands (K) of dollars. These data are from World Bank for 2023. Population data are fron UN. We must point out that data in Appendix 7 are one year earlier.

For Latin American Group 2 and Arabic Group 5, composition is approximately known but there may be some fine tuning in both Groups. Latin America is the part of America, southern of USA. Latin America speaks Latin languages, mainly Spanish but as it has been explained, people are not Latin (only Italians are). Mexico is part of Latin America but since it is in North America, it will be in Group 1 with USA and Canada.

Latin American Group 2 will consist of the countries that are in Central and South America. Spanish is spoken in all countries, except in Brazil where the language is Portuguese. Brazil has approximately two fifths (2/5) of the group's population. The five most populous countries in Group 2 and their populations in millions are; Brazil 203, Colombia 52,7, Argentina 47, Peru 34, Venezuela 28, Chile 20.

The biggest economies are; Brazil 4.455 (billions), Argentina 1.370, Colombia 1.122, Chile 653, Peru 574. The richest relatively big countries are; Panama 39,7 (thousand), Uruguay 34, Chile 33,3, Argentina 29,4, Costa Rica 28. Currently there are three groups in Central and South America, MERCOSUR, Andean Community, PARLACEN. The largest is MERCOSUR. These three together form Group 2.

In Arabic Group, the most populous countries and their populations in millions are; Egypt 106, Algeria 46,7, Iraq 44,4, Morocco 37,4, Saudi Arabia 32,2, Yemen 31,9, Syria 24,7. The biggest economies are; Egypt 2.120, Saudi Arabia 2.032, UAE 798,5, Algeria 776,5, Iraq 635,5, Morocco 374,5, Qatar 326,5, Kuwait 243. The richest countries are Qatar 121, UAE 83, Bahrain 63,8, Kuwait 56,4, Saudi Arabia 55, Oman 44,5.

Group 8 doesn't have many countries. According to the original composition, it includes Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and the six Caspian - Central Asian countries, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan. There may be some fine tuning in this group as well. Azerbaijan is not included in the Central Asian countries and the three last do not have shores in Caspia but are in the broader Caspian region.

The largest countries in terms of population are Pakistan; 241,5, Iran 85, Uzbekistan 37, Afghanistan 34,2, Kazakhstan 20, Tajikistan 10,3, Azerbaijan 10,1. The biggest economies are; Iran 1.598, Pakistan 1.493, Kazakhstan 782, Uzbekistan 354, Azerbaijan 239, Turkmenistan 105. The richest countries are; Kazakhstan 39,3, Azerbaijan 23,7, Iran 17,9, Turkmenistan 17.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, there will be two groups, 6 and 7. Like for the two Eastern Asian Groups 9 and 10, we do not know the composition of the two groups so we will give information for both of them. The most populous countries are; Nigeria 223, Ethiopia 110, Congo 98, Tanzania 65, South Africa 63, Kenya 52, Sudan 50, Uganda 46, Angola 35, Mozambique 32, Ghana 31, Madagascar 31, Ivory Coast 29,5, Cameroon 29, Niger 26,5.

The biggest economies are; Nigeria 1.414, South Africa 957, Ethiopia 393, Kenya 348, Angola 295, Tanzania 260, Ghana 255. The richest relatively big countries are; South Africa 15,8, Namibia 12,7, Ivory Coast 7,8, Ghana 7,5, Kongo 7, Kenya 6,3, Nigeria 6,3. Botswana has 19,4 income and 2,4 million population. In Sub - Saharan Africa there are four groups, ECOWAS, ICAD, CEMAC, SADC.

The thirteen poorest Sub-Saharan countries are Burundi 0,95, Central African Republic 1,13, South Sudan 1,15, Somalia 1,61, Eritrea 1,63, Mozambique 1,66, Congo 1,67, Niger 1,82, Liberia 1,82, Sierra Leone 1,85, Malawi 1,87, Madagascar 1,88, Chad 1,97. These are also the poorest countries in the world and all below 2 thousand dollars. The poorest non Sub-Saharan country is Afghanistan in 14th place.

The poorest non Sub-Saharan countries are; Afghanistan 2,09, Syria 2,91, Haiti 3,26, Yemen 3,44, Kribati 3,52, Micronesia 4,22, Papua New Guinea 4,61, Tajikistan 5,08, East Timor 5,11, Nepal 5,18, Cambodia 5,62, Tuvalu 5,76, Palestine 5,88, Myanmar 5,90. Pakistan, Samoa, Mauritania are in 6 - 7 K (thousand) range. Tonga, Kyrgyzstan, Honduras, Marshall Islands, Nicaragua are in 7 - 8 K range. There is no data for N. Korea.

Bangladesh, Laos, Uzbekistan, Morocco, are in 9 - 10 K range. India, Jordan, Bolivia, Philippines are in 10 - 11 K range. Jamaica, El Salvador, Lebanon, Tunisia, Iraq, Guatemala, Belize, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Kosovo are below 15 K. Fiji, Vietnam, Ecuador, Peru are below 17 K. Algeria, Turkmenistan, Moldova, Venezuela, Paraguay, Palau, Dominica, Grenada, Iran, Ukraine, Mongolia, Equatorial Guinea, Egypt, Barbados, Libya, Saint Vincent are below 20 K.

As it has been shown, the richest Groups are North America's 1, Western Europe's 3 and Eastern Europe's 4. The poorest are the two Sub-Saharan Groups 6 and 7. In 4th and 5th place will probably be Northern Eastern Asia's Groups 9 and 10. For the rest of the positions, similar calculations to these shown in Appendix 7 will have to be made, when the groups' compositions will be finalized.

China and India are also treated like groups since their population is equal to three groups. Population, size of economy and per capita income for China are 1.409, 34.644, 24,56 and for India 1.404, 14.537, 10,18 respectively. Group 9 is probably slightly richer than China because last years' average income was 24,64 but China is richer than Group 10 which had income 20,77. Of course the two groups' compositions are unknown and indicatively an example was given with possible alternatives.

This was useful information. But if AntiNWO does not take charge of the situation, nothing good will ever happen. NWO has caused an awfull lot of damage all over the world. They did not solve existing problems but created many more new ones and caused wars. Things will only get much worse with NWO. Only with AntiNWO things will get much better, all problems will be solved and all wars will end.

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