Dynamic process for Group 4

Dynamic process for Group 4

We need to clarify certain things regarding the process that will be followed in Group 4. The process for Group 4 could be an EXAMPLE for OTHER GROUPS as well. We mentioned in a recent article some possible subgroups. We must differentiate between the two initial subgroups that will merge to form the Group and the final subgroups that will be created.

Eventually Italy or German Wannabes (Poland, Czech Republic, Baltic countries) will participate in the group. Also it will be either Turkiye or Central Asia - Azerbaijan. There is no rush for these to be added. It could take ten, twenty or even thirty years. Even if there is no urgency, possible participants could take a decision relatively soon. There are four possible alternatives regarding Group's composition;

A) Italy and Central Asia-Azerbaijan  B) Italy and Turkiye  B) German Wannabes and Central Asia-Azerbaijan  D) German Wannabes and Turkiye

What should happen as soon as possible, is a core of countries to proceed. These countries are the ones certain to participate. Two subgroups will merge to form Group 4. These two subgroups are the initial. The final ones could be different. One subgroup will be Greco - Thraco - Illyrian countries (Balkan and Hungary - Slovakia) that will spin off from EU.

They could make an unofficial subgroup in EU and prepare to exit. As it has been mentioned several times, there will be a transitional period for the countries that will exit EU. During that period things will remain as they were in EU. Exiting from EU could happen in one step or two steps. If Italy or German Wannabes decide soon, they could exit together with Greco - Thraco - Illyrian countries.

Countries that spin off from EU will merge with the other subgroup, Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Montenegro and possibly North Macedonia. These will be the starting countries. Participants in Group 4 could be divided in two categories; a) certain b) possible. The first category has two subcategories; a) starting b) not starting. Starting countries will set the Group's foundations.

Also they will make the decisions if they will add other countries, when they will do it and how they will do it. An applicant country could be accepted as a member or a trading partner. If a country becomes a member, it participates in all decisions, including acceptance or rejection of applicants. Certain but not starting countries are; a) Albania, Bosnia b) Ukraine, Moldova c) Georgia, Armenia.

These could initially be trading partners and later become members. The process is dynamic, the group is changing through time. Broadly there will be four phases; 1) subgroups' preparation 2) subgroups' merge 3) setting the foundations 4) economic plan implementation and group enlargement. All this could be confusing. We will try to clarify them with some examples.

Greko-Thraco-Illyrian countries form an unofficial group in EU and prepare to spinoff. Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Montenegro, N. Macedonia form another unofficial group. These two groups cooperate and prepare to form Group 4. After EU countries spinoff, the two subgroups merge and officially form Group 4. They are the initial members. This is the two steps exit.

They start making decisions regarding the Group. Albania, Bosnia, Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine, Moldova request to participate. The starting countries will make the decision if they accept them, when this will happen and if they will start as members or trading partners. If they are accepted as members, they will participate in decisions. Most likely they will start as trading partners and some time in the future they could become members.

After some years, Italy decides to participate in the Group. Formally existing members will have to make the decision. Since it will replace German Wannabes which were supposed to be starting members, Italy will be accepted as a member, unless they prefer to be a trading partner. Then, the existing members decide to divide the group in two relatively autonomous subgroups; a) Italy and Greco-Thraco-Illyrian countries b) Kievan Rus countries (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine).

If German Wannabes make first the decision, they will be accepted as members (or trading partners if they prefer it). In that case, the two subgroups could be; a) German Wannabes and Greco-Thraco-Illyrian countries b) Kievan Rus countries. Another alternative is with three subgroups; a) German Wannabes b) Greco-Thraco-Illyrian countries c) Kievan Rus countries.

After a while, Turkiye decides to participate in Group 8, so Central Asian countries and Azerbaijan could participate in Group 4. They could be added as trading partners or members. Since there are already two or three relatively autonomous subgroups, they could be a separate autonomous subgroup. In that case, they could start as members. In another version, they are in the same subgroup with Kievan Rus countries. With Georgia and Armenia, they constitute CIS countries (Commonwealth of Independent States). 

In a second scenario, German Wannabes decide soon to participate in Group 4. With Greco - Thraco - Illyrian countries they form an unofficial group in EU, preparing to spin off. This is the one step exit. Turkiye decides to participate in Group 4 relatively soon. They inform members of the second initial subgroup, Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Montenegro, N. Macedonia.

These are already in contact with the first subgroup which will exit EU and agree with them that Turkiye will be in the second subgroup. German Wannabes exit simultaneously with Greco-Thraco-Illyrian countries EU. The two subgroups merge to form Group 4 and are the starting countries. They start making decisions regarding the Group and setting the Group's foundations.

They decide to form two relatively autonomous FINAL subgroups a) Greco-Thraco-Illyrian and German Wannabes b) Kievan Rus and Turkiye. Ukraine, Moldova, Albania, Bosnia, Georgia, Armenia request to participate. Existing members will have to decide. Most likely they will start as trading partners and eventually they will be placed in the two relatively autonomous subgroups.

Instead of German Wannabes, Italy could make first the decision to participate in Group 4. In that case Italy will exit EU together with Greco - Thraco - Illyrian countries. The first final subgroup could be Italy and Greko - Thraco - Illyrian countries. The other subgroup could remain Kievan Rus countries and Turkiye. These were just the most likely scenarios but not all possible alternatives were covered.

As it should have become evident, AntiNWO's plan is prudent, thorough, well thought out, meticulous, all around. It solves all the problems NWO created and these that NWO was not able to deal with. NWO's insane plan, NWO's vicious cabal, damned EU are HUGE FAILURES. These monsters have caused an awful lot of damage and have ruined the lives of millions decent, hardworking, competent people. There is extreme urgency that these maniacs are replaced so that the damage can stop and reversal can start.

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