Pronatalists vs antinatalists

Pronatalists vs antinatalists

NWO media and NWO politicians always distort the truth. James D Vance made a comment about "childless cat ladies" in Democrats, including Kamala Harris. More specifically Vance called some female Democrats in Congress "a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too".

Vance has written the autobiographical novel "Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis". It was published in June 2016 by Harper and was on the New York times best seller list for 2016 and 2017. The "childless cat ladies" comment was made in a 2021 Fox News interview, while Vance was running for Congress. Perhaps, at that time, he functioned more like a writer and less like a politician.

Writers and especially successful ones like Vance are known to have what is called authorial inspiration or writer's estrus. Words come like a rushing stream and are written on paper or pc. Later, writers go through what they have written several times and make corrections. Vance did not make that comment after he was picked by Trump as running Vice President but when he was just getting into politics.

Regardless of the words he used, which could have been the result of a writer's estrus, we need to stick to the point which should have been very clear to everybody. People should have really loved Vance for the point he was trying to make. Instead NWO media and politicians completely twisted his point and made him look bad to voters and especially to women.

Actress Jennifer Aniston responded, explaining her difficulties while she was trying to have a baby. Vance was not referring to her case. There is a term "voluntary childlessness" or "childfreeness". The term "childfree" was used among feminists in 1970's. Antinatalism is a school of philosophy which is against procreation. Arthur Schopenhauer was a notable antinatalist. He argued that having children is wrong because life if full of suffering.

People may be antinatalists for various reasons. One common reason is having a bad childhood. In his book, Vance describes how difficult his childhood was. Although he had a very difficult childhood, he brought to this world three children. Having fewer children is different than having no children, which is what antinatalists believe. There may be some valid arguments for having fewer children.

Vance's point was against antinatalism. The opposite of antinatalism is natalism or pronatalism, a life stance that promotes reproduction as an important objective. Vance is an educated man. His Bachelor is in political science and philosophy. Perhaps he first learned about antinatalism and pronatalism while he was studying philosophy at Ohio State University. He graduated with honors and continued studying Law at Yale University.

As someone who has studied philosophy, Vance could go on talking for hours about antinatalism, Schopenhauer and pronatalism. He is smart enough to understand that if he did that, ordinary folks who were watching the interview probably would have hard time following. So he tried to state his opinion in simple words, using layman's terms, perhaps with some writer's estrus. His beliefs are pronatalist which is the opposition to antinatalism.

Vance feels that some leading female Democrats have antinatalist philosophical stance and this is expressed in their policies and legislation which are anti-family. He doesn't deny the right of a woman or a man to have "childfree" mentality or antinatalist philosophical stance. He just opposes it and he wants to make an argument for his pronatalist views which were completely twisted by Democrats.

Jennifer Aniston is not an antinatalist. She wanted to have a child (or children) but she had difficulties. This should be very clear. We do not know about Taylor Swift. Since she started all this, claiming to be a "childless cat lady", she is obligated to make clear to her followers why she is childless. Does she want to have a child or children later? Does she want to have a child but has some medical problems?

In both cases, she is not an antinatalist. Antinatalists are only those who do not want have children, not those who can't or want to do it later. Charges of misogyny against Vance are ridiculous and a huge NWO lie. Vance is not against women. He is against antinatalists on a philosophical basis but he doesn't refuse them the right to be like that. He just opposes this way of thinking and argues against it.

You should love Vance for his philosophical stance. You should consider one very simple but very important thing. What if your mother was like Taylor Swift? Probably many people would say that if their mother was like Taylor Swift, they would be more beautiful or more handsome. We do not mean if your mother looked like Taylor Swift but if she was a "childfree" feminist i.e. antinalist like Taylor Swift, assuming that she is.

You would have never existed! You owe your existence to people like James Vance and Donald Trump, not people like Kamala Harris and Taylor Swift. Your parents were people like Vance and Trump. Most people love their parents, a few do not. Regardless of your feelings towards your parents, you exist because your parents were pronatalists. Most people were born because their parents wanted to have children.

Some pregnancies were not planned. Still their parents chose to keep them. If they were people like Harris and Swift, they would probably have an abortion and you would have never existed. Even Harris and Swift exist because their parents were pronatalists. If their parents were like them, antinatalists, they would have never existed. Harris wouldn't be running for Vice President and Swift would not be a rich, successful, beautiful, female performing artist.

Vance and Trump are on your side. They support your existence while Harris and Swift do not. If Vance and Harris are on your side, which side are you on? It doesn't require too much intelligence to conclude that you are with those that are on your side, the ones that support your existence. You shouldn't be with those that do not support your existence, unless your are really miserable with your life and blame your parents for bringing you in this world.

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