A strategy to get married

A strategy to get married

We made a comment in a recent article and we had a lot of responses. So we need to explain it a little better. Almost two thirds of unmarried women support Democrats. May be the reason they are unmarried is because they are Democrats. Perhaps their chances to get married will be drastically improved if they get involved somehow in the Republican campaign.

There are no men in Democrats. This is not something that we say but something women in Democrats say. Many men in Democrats are homosexuals. We stated that if women meet someone in Democrat's circles, he could be an assassin like Ryan Routh. Before becoming a failed assassin, Routh had a criminal record. Except homosexuals, many men in Democrats are criminals.

They may have not been involved into any serious crimes yet but they could do it in the future, like what happened with Routh. His crimes were not serious until he attempted the most serious crime, voluntary manslaughter. Another category of men in Democrats are drug addicts. To these categories, weirdos and mentally unstable are added.

Others are aspiring artists that have financial hardship. Most of them, probably 99% will never become successful and their financial hardship will go on for ever. Suppose a woman is "lucky" enough to find somebody that is in the 1% that will become successful. Most likely, when he becomes successful, he will leave her and find another woman or better other women.

Men in Democrats are homosexuals, criminals, drug addicts, weirdos, mentally unstable, struggling artists who will struggle for ever. This is not what we say but what women in Democrats say. Not all men in Democrats are like that. Among the rest, most are not looking for a serious relationship that could lead to marriage because they are not pro-family, like Republicans.

There are many ways to meet someone. Lately Internet has been added to the previous ways but some people have been complaining about this way. Still, the best two ways to meet someone is directly through common activities or indirectly through common acquaintances. There are many activities that could lead to meeting someone. One example is going to the gym.

We will divide unmarried women in two categories; a) homosexual b) heterosexual. We will divide the second in two subcategories; a) wanting to get married b) not wanting to get married. We are referring to heterosexual woman that want to get married. They must have tried some of the ways to meet someone. Since they are still unmarried, those ways have not been successful for them.

People tend to associate with those that have similar beliefs. Democrat women could be unmarried because they tend to associate with other Democrats and as they say "there are no men in Democrats". There are plenty of men in Democrats but they are homosexuals, criminals, drug addicts, weirdos, mentally unstable, struggling artists who will struggle for ever. Or they are not looking for a serious relationship.

When women say that there are no men in Democrats, they mean that there are no men to have a serious relationship that could lead to marriage. If they get involved somehow in the Republican campaign, a new circle of people will open for them. Involvement most likely will be at the local level, so this new network of people will be at the local level, in the city, town or village they live.

Political activity is one way to meet people generally and more specifically someone to have a serious relationship that could lead to marriage. Meeting someone could be done directly or indirectly. Indirectly would be through acquaintances. May be a woman that will get involved in the Republican campaign would meet some lady that has an unmarried son, nephew or neighbor. Or may be she will meet another woman whose husband or boyfriend has a friend who is single.

Is it possible for a woman that is supporting Democrats to become Republican and be involved in the Republican campaign? It is not possible for all of them. Those that are on the left side of the Democrats are too far ideologically. It is possible for moderates. These are not far ideologically from Republicans. They are in between the two parties.

They have been leaning more towards Democrats because someone told them that Democrats support more women's issues. This is really questionable. If it happens, the difference is small and it may be for issues that do not interest some women. Not all women are interested the same in all women's issues. It is certain though that Democrats are against heterosexual males. That is why heterosexual males have been leaving Democratic party.

If a woman's goal is to get married or have a serious relationship, she should be concerned about the well being of her husband or partner. Democrats are truly big supporters of LGBT issues but a heterosexual woman will not have a serious relationship or get married with a homosexual man. Obviously her husband or partner will not be a homosexual but a heterosexual.

Suppose that many moderate women from Democrats get involved in the Republican campaign. Is it guaranteed that all of them will have a serious relationship that could lead to marriage? No, it will not happen to all of them but to a considerable percentage. This could happen to you. In any case, they have nothing to lose and probably much to gain.

They will not have to work hard for long hours. They will just spend some time in the Republican campaign doing some easy and pleasant tasks. Mainly they will meet new people and a new circle, a new network will open for them. They could give it a try and see how this works. Obviously all other ways did not work so far, since they are still unmarried. This will definitely work for some of them but not for all of them.

Here is a good strategy to get married. Interest and activities are increased in pre election period. After the elections, they decrease. There is not much going on until midterm elections in two years. But if they have met some new people in pre election period, they will be in touch with them during the "dead" two years til midterm elections. There are still some activities in the "dead" period.

So in the meanwhile, til there are more activities in two years, they will be able to enlarge their new network. They should let everybody know that they are single and are looking for a serious relationship. In the midterm elections they could meet someone directly or enlarge their network even more. In four years, in 2028 elections, they could meet directly the right man or their network will be even more enlarged.

Some will be lucky to meet the right person directly in this pre - election period. More will meet the right person through the new acquaintances they will make, their new network which will gradually be enlarged. If sometime after 2028 elections, they have not met the right man yet, they could go back to Democrats, if that is what they desire. It is certain though that for a considerable percentage, this strategy to get married will be successful. So do not waste anymore time. Get involved in the Republican campaign today.

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