Regions in subgroups

Regions in subgroups

Subgroups and trading partners are two important features in AntiNWO's group organizational model. They can be used to overcome some difficulties regarding the groups' formation. There could also be further DIVISION in SUBGROUPS with REGIONS. We will look at Group 4 but this can be an example for other groups as well. Similar approaches described for Group 4 could also be used in other groups. So this interests all groups, not just Group 4.

SEPARATION of Europe is IMPORTANT and NON-NEGOTIABLE because OTHERWISE MANY PROBLEMS WILL REMAIN. Originally AntiNWO had included in Group 4 twenty six countries, twenty one of them Eastern European. Eight are in Eurozone; Greece, Cyprus, Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. Five more are in EU; Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria.

Nine are in Eastern Europe; Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Albania, Northern Macedonia. Four are in Asia, close to Eastern Europe; Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, Israel. Cyprus is in Asia also but already included in Eurozone. Most likely it will be annexed to Hellas (Greece). Azerbaijan could participate as well. There was some opposition regarding participation of non-Eastern European and non Christian countries.

Georgia's and Albania's stance lead to excluding non Eastern European and also non Christian countries from the starting ones. This does not mean that they will never participate. The starting countries will decide when and how the rest will participate. It may take some time to add them in Group 4 and initially they could be accepted as trading partners instead of members.

Based on the income criterion, Ukraine and Moldova were excluded from the starting countries. German Wannabes (Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) were included in the starting countries. Unfortunately for them, under the guidance of Germany and France, they strongly opposed their participation in Group 4. So this created an enormous opportunity for Italy to participate.

German Wannabes or Italy can be in the starting countries but they would have to make a decision relatively soon because a core of countries has to proceed as soon as possible. Turkiye was originally included in Group 4 because their territory was part of Byzantine Empire and they originate partly from Byzantium's inhabitants. Also they have requested to participate in EU, since 1987.

They could be in starting countries, if initial subgroup B (Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Montenegro and possibly N. Macedonia) accepts them and initial subgroup A (Greco-Thraco-Illyrian countries) agrees as well. Even if they are not in starting countries, they could be accepted later, as members or trading partners. They could be in the same final subgroup with Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia.

First, they have to make up their mind in Turkiye about what they want to do. Probably they desire to play an important role in the Muslim World. In that case, they should participate in Muslim Group 8 with Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan. This group is expected to develop very close relations with the other Muslim group, Arabic Group 5.

AntiNWO gave Italy and Turkiye all the time they need to make a decision. The sooner they decide, the better it will be for them and all other countries. If Turkiye is in Group 8, due to population restrictions (all groups will have roughly the same population), Central Asian countries and Azerbaijan would be in Group 4. Let's look at the case where German Wannabes and Central Asia - Azerbaijan participate in the Group.

There could be four relatively autonomous subgroups; A) German Wannabes B) Greco-Thraco-Illyrian countries (Balkans, Hungary, Slovakia) C) Kievan Rus countries (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine), Armenia, Georgia D) Central Asian countries and Azerbaijan. Another alternative is if there are three subgroups; A) German Wannabes and Greco-Thraco-Illyrian countries B) Kievan Rus countries, Armenia, Georgia C) Central Asian countries and Azerbaijan.

This alternative divides population more equally. A third alternative is with two subgroups; A) German Wannabes and Greco-Thraco-Illyrian countries (most are EU members) B) Kievan Rus countries, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Central Asian countries (Commonwealth of Independent States - CIS). There could also be FURTHER DIVISION in SUBGROUPS with REGIONS. As groups can do whatever they want inside, so can subgroups. There could be regions inside if subgroups choose to do so.

We will use the last alternative as an example but regions in subgroups can be with any alternative composition. Subgroup A could have two regions; A1) German Wannabes A2) Greco-Thraco-Illyrian countries. Subgroup B could have two regions; B1) Kievan Rus countries, Armenia, Georgia B2) Central Asian countries and Azerbaijan. Armenia and Georgia are placed with Kievan Rus countries because they are all Christian. Subgroup region B2 is all Muslim.

The scenario where German Wannabes and Central Asia - Azerbaijan participate is better used as an example to demonstrate subgroups' regions. Italy has roughly the same population with German Wannabes and Turkiye the same population with Central Asia - Azerbaijan. Italy and Turkiye can't be a subgroup or a subgroup's region by themselves but they could be treated as one.

Let's look at the alternative where Italy participates in Group 4 instead of German Wannabes. In that case, Subgroup A could be Italy and Greco-Thraco-Illyrian countries. So this could be divided in two regions; A1) Italy A2) Greco-Thraco-Illyrian countries. If Turkiye participates instead of Central Asia-Azerbaijan, the two regions in subgroup B could be; B1) Kievan Rus countries, Armenia, Georgia B2) Turkiye.

Italy and Turkiye could be treated as a subgroup too. Going back to the option of four autonomous subgroups mentioned above, these could also be;

A) German Wannabes B) Greco-Thraco-Illyrian countries C) Kievan Rus countries, Armenia, Georgia D) Turkiye

B) Italy B) Greco-Thraco-Illyrian countries C) Kievan Rus countries, Armenia, Georgia D) Central Asian countries and Azerbaijan

A) Italy B) Greco-Thraco-Illyrian countries C) Kievan Rus countries, Armenia, Georgia D) Turkiye

With subgroup's regions, another level of relations is added. The first level and closest relations will be among the countries that are in the same region. The second level of relations would be among regions in the same subgroup. The third level is among subgroups of the same group and the fourth among groups. So we have these four levels; L1) countries L2) regions L3) subgroups L4) groups.

Of course relations between two countries in different regions, subgroups, groups are not prohibited. In addition, there will be the 10+2 Council, only for global matters. There is an option for some time far in the future to have four coalitions of groups with equal populations; a) 4 groups b) 4 groups c) China + 1 group d) India + 1 group. AntiNWO's superiority is undeniable.

The point is that AntiNWO will FIND SOLUTIONS to PROBLEMS and WAYS to OVERCOME ALL OBSTACLES. AntiNWO should be given the chance to fix all problems NWO caused and those that NWO was not able to solve. NWO should be REPLACED ASAP, if possible TOMORROW. Only in this way there will be reversal of the catastrophic course. Instead of chaos, problems, wars, there will be solutions to all problems, all wars will end and there will be peace and prosperity all over the world.

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