Decide till 2055

Decide till 2055

We must make clear one thing about Group 4. Italy or German Wannabes, Turkiye or Central Asian countries - Azerbaijan have UP to THIRTY years to decide if they want to participate in the Group. We need to make this clear because there seems to be a misunderstanding in those and other countries. Although we have explained it in previous articles, we must devote one article just for that, so there will be no misconception.

Europe's division in two groups is a very important point in AntiNWO's plan and a red line that can't be crossed. In this way, all problems will be solved. If this doesn't happen, many problems will stil remain. In Group 4, there are countries that are certain participants and others that are possible. Let's start with the certain countries. These are Greco-Thraco-Illyrian countries and Kievan Rus countries.

Probably we should add to certain countries Georgia and Armenia. Certain countries are divided in; a) starting or founding members b) not founding or not starting. Not starting are; a) Ukraine, Moldova b) Albania, Bosnia, c) Georgia, Armenia. Although it is certain that eventually they will participate in the Group, it is uncertain when and how this will happen. Starting countries will decide that.

Founding countries are in two initial subgroups (not final subgroups). Subgroup A are eight EU countries; Hellas, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia. These will prepare to exit EU. Subgroup B are; Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Montenegro and possibly N. Macedonia. They can choose some other countries to be in their Subgroup but they must also get approval from Subgroup A. Subgroup B countries will do the necessary preparations, so that they could merge with Subgroup A.

In addition to countries that are certain to participate, there are also possible participants. It will be either Italy or German Wannabes on the western side and either Turkiye or Central Asian countries and Azerbaijan on the eastern side. There are very few chances that Austria or Finland will participate but still it is not impossible. After the war in Gaza, it has become very difficult for Israel but it has not been ruled out entirely yet.

Possible participants have UP to THIRTY YEARS to decide if they want to participate. Up to thirty years means FROM TOMORROW TILL 2055, to make it round. So they do not have to make their decision in thirty years but they could make if from one day to thirty years. There is a catch though that has been explained in "Italy vs German Wannabes" participation rivalry.

The side that will make first the decision will participate and the other will be left out. If Italy makes first the decision, German Wannabes will be left out and vice versa. The same applies for Turkiye vs Central Asia - Azerbaijan. There is one difference though. German Wannabes are included in starting countries. So they will not need approval. The same holds for Italy which will be replacing German Wannabes.

Turkiye and Central Asia - Azerbaijan are not included in starting countries because they are not in Eastern Europe and are not Christian. They could be though in starting counties, if Subgroup B accepts them and Subgroup A agrees. Even if they are not in starting countries, they could be accepted later as trading partners or members. Starting countries will decide about that.

If current governments in Italy or German Wannabes do not want to make the decision, there WILL BE FUTURE governments that WILL because they will realize how much beneficial it is for them. If current governments make the decision it would be important. If they don't, it will not be final because there is still plenty of time till 2055, for future governments to make the decision. So there is NO UNCERTAINTY if they will DECIDE to PARTICIPATE.

This is CERTAIN. What we do NOT KNOW is WHICH SIDE will PARTICIPATE and WHEN. Will it be Italy or German Wannabes? Will it be Turkiye or Central Asia - Azerbaijan that will make the decision first? Due to population restrictions (groups will have roughly equal populations), only one side can participate. It will be either Italy or German Wannabes but not both. Also it will be either Turkiye or Cental Asia - Azerbaijan but not both.

It is very important that the two initial subgroups A and B, the founding countries, proceed ASAP. Then, in parallel with economic plan implementation, there will be enlargement. By 2055, the group should have its final composition. Most likely, final subgroups will be different from initial ones but this is something that the members of the Group will decide.

AntiNWO gave to Western Europeans a clear warning not to interfere in a certain area of Eastern Europe. Fonderlein (Von der Leyen), with a lot of impudence, ignored that warning. In jail, where she will spent the rest of her life, she will have plenty of time to regret her mistake. That is what will happen to all NWO monsters, not just to her, if they do not compromise.

AntiNWO has made very clear that division of Europe in two groups is very important and a red line that can't be crossed. The area Western Europeans were warned to stay away from is Greco-Thraco-Illyrian countries (Balkans, Hungary, Slovakia) and Kievan Rus countries (Ukraine, Belarus, Russia). It is certain that these countries will be in Group 4 and most of them will be the core of the Group, the founding members.

Fonderlein announced the names for the European Commission's nominees. They will have to be approved by the Europarliament. Was it wrong to do that? It was not wrong choosing people for the Commission. What was extremely wrong was that people were included from countries that Western Europeans were specifically warned to stay away from; Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia.

Fonderlein will cry a lot in jail but it will be very late for her to change anything. There were also people chosen from German Wannabes (Poland, Czech Republic, Baltic countries). Since it is not certain yet if Italy or German Wannabes will participate in Group 4, this was not a defiance to AntiNWO's warnings. EU will continue as Group 3, Western European Union or Western - Northern if German Wannabes participate instead of Italy.

A core of countries will have to start Group 4. These are the countries that AntiNWO warned Western Europeans to stay away from. It seems that in EU they are making efforts to include Western Balkans. All their efforts are meaningless. They are only wasting time. Europe's separation is final and irrevocable. If NWO refuses to compromise, then AntiNWO's prevalence plan will be implemented and all NWO monsters will go to jail.

If they add more countries in damned EU, more countries will exit from EU to form Group 4. People that are in the Commission and come from these countries will just be replaced. So their actions are not irreversible. Do not pay attention to what these maniacs are saying or doing. Just pay attention to what we present here. In the end, this is going to happen. NWO-EU insane plan is finished because it is a big failure.

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