Rapid development

Rapid development

AntiNWO only needs two terms to fix all the problems, those that NWO created and those that they were not able to fix. Among the many problems AntiNWO will fix is that of poverty in the world. There will be RAPID DEVELOPMENT in most of the groups that will eventually bring prosperity (and peace) all over the world. There will be even high growth rates in Group 4 which is the third richest. Rapid development will also BRING OPPORTUNITIES.

If this is feasible why NWO did not do it? Ask them! They did not do it because they are extremely incompetent. They have failed in almost everything. They have some really crazy utopic (UNREALISTIC) ideas and all the care is to implement these crazy utopic ideas. Utopic is a Greek word, literally meaning "no place", something that is nowhere, does not exist.

The word is used to describe something theoretical that can NOT be APPLIED in the REAL WORLD. NWO are crazy, thoughtless, reckless, dangerous people that have failed in every thing. They have caused a lot of damage all over the world by trying to implement their crazy, utopian ideas. They are extremely harmful to mankind. AntiNWO is the only hope countries of the world have. AntiNWO's plans are REALISTIC.

Rapid development in poor countries will not cause slowing down advanced. We will give an example. There are three genetically equal athletes. The first athlete is top level. Everything about him (or her) is perfect. Training, nutrition, rest plans are perfect. The second athlete is average because training, nutrition, rest plans are not as good. The third athlete is bad because training, nutrition, rest are really bad.

Nevertheless, second and third athletes have the potential to reach the first athlete's level, if they improve training, nutrition and rest. If that happens, it will not result in the first athlete becoming worse but only the two other athletes will become much better. The same reasoning is for countries. Some countries are poor because everything they are doing relatively to their economic development is bad.

Some other countries are average in terms of per capita income because what they do regarding their economic growth is average. If poor and average countries change what they are doing, they could improve rapidly. When an athlete has reached the top level, further improvements are difficult. Those that are average or bad have a lot more room for improvement.

Suppose the average and the bad athlete improve their training, nutrition and rest so that they become as good as the top athlete's. The average athlete's improvement should be more than the top athlete's. The bad athlete's progress should be more than the average athlete's. All three athletes will have some improvement but for the good athlete it will be small, for the average athlete it will be medium and for the bad athlete it would be big.

For rich countries, productivity improvements come mainly from scientific and technological progress. Countries that are average or poor can improve much more, only by reaching the technological and scientific level of advanced countries which is known and given. It is much easier for average or poor countries to have high growth rates than for rich counties. Of course they should be doing the right things, have the right policies.

Rostow's five stages of development are; 1) traditional society 2) preconditions for take-off 3) take-off 4) drive to maturity 5) high mass consumption. Not all economists agree with that but many do. According to this theory, for a country to have rapid development, preconditions have to be in place, so that in Stage 3 economic take off can happen. In stage 4, development slows down and in stage 5 it slows down even more.

NWO's vicious cabal used Europe (EU) to develop a group organizational model and an economic plan that proved to be not only big failures but disastrous. NWO's maniacs plan to impose EU's faulty model in all three other pseudo-continental Unions, American, African, Asian. AntiNWO is using Eastern Europe to develop a group organizational model and an economic plan.

AntiNWO has created a group organizational model and an economic plan for Eastern European Group 4 (Eastern-Southern if Italy participates). With these, Eastern Europe will have high growth rates, much higher than Western Europe's and will reach their per capita income in 10 - 25 years. Based on that group organizational model and economic plan, AntiNWO can develop models and plans for all other Groups.

AntiNWO will assist each Group to develop a unique group organizational model and a unique economic plan that fits better to the unique circumstances that exist. AntiNWO will make adjustments to Group 4 model and plan according to the specific conditions in each group. All that Groups need to do is to proceed as described. Groups need to proceed because it is much easier for AntiNWO to deal with a few groups than to deal with more than 150 countries.

North American Group 1 and Western European Group 3 (or Western - Northern if German Wannabes participate) are the two richest. They are 1,75 and 1,7 times richer than Eastern European Group 4, which is the third richest. AntiNWO could assist the two richest Groups as well but they could also develop their own models and plans. Group 3 is expected to stick with EU's disastrous model and plan until they finally realize that they are big failures.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. AntiNWO's approach is to show how to fish while NWO's approach is to give a fish. NWO's vicious cabal are really insane people. They want to fix the poverty problem by bringing poor people from less developed countries to advanced countries.

There are 8 billion people in the World. Roughly 1 billion live in advanced countries. So NWO wants to bring 7 billion people to advanced countries. That is how much insane they really are. If it was the other way around, 7 billion in advanced countries and 1 billion in less developed, their way could be a solution but still not the best because it creates other problems.

AntiNWO's approach is push instead of pull. Push approach is part of the plan to end poverty. Instead of pulling poor people from less advanced countries in more developed, AntiNWO will push people from more advanced countries to less developed. This will be done by giving incentives, creating opportunities, making the right conditions etc in poor (and even average) Groups.

These people will assist poor (or even average) countries to develop by transferring know how, establishing businesses, educating etc. Opportunities is the other side of rapid development. Opportunities will be for everyone. Those in advanced countries that originate from poor (or even average) countries, may be in better position to take advantage of these opportunities. This is something important to consider in the coming US elections.

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