Cozy Regions

Cozy Regions

In a recent article we described how capitals can assist decentralization. We will examine more carefully one scenario in Group 4. It doesn't CONCERN only Group 4 but ALL GROUPS because SIMILAR APPROACHES could be used in ANY GROUP. AntiNWO will assist Groups to develop a unique organizational model and a unique economic plan, based on those of Group 4.

Poland, Czech Republic and Baltic countries (German Wannabes) were originally included in Group 4. Under the guidance of Germany and France, they opposed it. So AntiNWO gave Italy a great opportunity to participate in Group 4. Eventually it will be either German Wannabes or Italy. This could happen in a few months, a few years or a few decades.

Italy or German Wannabes have until 2055 to decide if they want to participate. It is certain that one side will participate because they will eventually realize how beneficial it is. In thirty years, there will be some governments that will realize something that is really obvious. We do not know which side it will be and when. Will it be Italy or German Wannabes?

On the eastern side, it will be either Central Asia - Azerbaijan or Turkiye. In this article, we will not be concerned about the eastern side. We will examine more carefully the scenario where German Wannabes participate in Group 4 and how this relates to decentralization. There could be two subgroups with two regions in each one.

If German Wannabes are in Group 4, Slovakia could be with them, even if it is in Greco-Thraco-Illyrian territory. This is OK because Slovakia will be in the same Subgroup with the other Greco-Thraco-Illyrian countries. Subgroup A could have two regions; A1) German Wannabes - Slovakia A2) Balkan countries - Hungary. These two have roughly the same population, A1 a little more than 60 million and A2 around 70 million.

The geographic center of region A1 is close to Warsaw. So it is possible that Warsaw will be A1 Region's capital. It is VERY CLOSE to ALL COUNTRIES in the REGION. The geographic center of Region A2 seems to be close to Belgrade or Sofia. One of these two could be A2 Region's capital. Again, it will be very close to all countries in the Region. Of course the final decision will be made by the members of the Region. The two Regions of Subgroup A could meet in rotation, in one of the two capitals.

The first level of relations will be inside the Regions. The second level will be between the two Regions. A third level will be between the two Subgroups of Group 4. A fourth level will be with other Groups. The closest relations will be with the countries in the same Region. The next closest relations will be with the countries in the same Subgroup.

All countries in Region A1 are currently EU countries. Most countries in Region A2 are currently EU countries. So they will have to deal at the first and second level with ex-EU countries. Some countries in Region A1 and even in Region A2 are averse to deal with some countries in Subgroup B. They shouldn't because at the first and second level they will be dealing with ex - EU countries.

It makes sense that members of the same Region would meet more often. The frequency order would be; a) Region b) Subgroup c) Group. The members of Regions, Subgroups and Groups will determine what that frequency would be. We will give an example. Regions could meet once a month, Subgroups every two months and the Group every three months. So there could be twelve annual meetings for Regions, six for Subgroups and four for the Group.

Capitals for Subgroups and the Group are not ruled out but do not seem necessary. The Group could meet in rotation, in one of the four capitals. So if there are four annual meetings for the Group, there would be one annual meeting in every regional capital. The facilities do not have to be massive like in EU. One relatively small building will do.

It should have some conference rooms and space for the employees that will be doing coordinating work. A small auditorium is optional. As it has been explained, one requirement for participation in Group 4 would be to have a minister (or deputy minister) for the Group's affairs. Most employees working for the Group will be spread in all countries and employed by the Ministries (or Deputy Ministries) for Group 4.

The first level of coordination will be at the Regions' capitals. At a second level, the two Regions of Subgroup A will cooperate and at a third level the two Subgroups of Group 4 will collaborate. If it proves to be necessary, capitals for Subgroups and/or the Group could be established. The best approach would be to start with Regions' capitals only and see if the job gets done with these, something quite possible.

German Wannabes could have their COZY REGION and EVERYTHING would be just WONDERFUL. They fit better with Group 4. In Group 3 they will be second class citizens and much poorer than Germans. In Group 4, they will be first class citizens and richer than Germans. In Group 3 they will be with Celtic and Germanic countries. They are not Celtic or Germanic but mainly Slavic. All Eastern Europe is partly Slavic, all the way down to Hellas (Greece) which is 25% Slavic.

Poland is the most Slavic country after Belarus. It is followed by Ukraine and Russia. Baltic countries have relatively high percentage of Uralic gene N, like Russians. Racially, they are closer to Russians. Czechs are also mainly Slavs. That is one of the reasons AntiNWO initially included German Wannabes in Group 4. Balkan countries and Hungary - Slovakia have also Greco-Thraco-Illyrian ancestry. 

Greco-Thraco-Illyrian countries can have their COZY REGION and things will be just MARVELOUS (Slovakia could be in Region A1). At the second level, they will deal with German Wannabes (and Slovakia), countries that are in EU. At a third level or relations, they will cooperate with Subgroup B. This is also an argument for Central Asia - Azerbaijan, if they participate in the Group. They can have their COZY REGION. At a second level, they will deal with countries that are (or were) in Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

All the final choices will be made by the existing Group members at the time of the decision. These are all proposals. It is possible that members will decide to do so but it is not certain. Groups can do whatever they want internally. Unlike NWO, AntiNWO will not impose anything on Groups but will assist them with the group organization and the economic plan.

AntiNWO's superiority is evident. Madness is thoughtless, reckless, unorganized and unflexible. All these are reflected in NWO's plan and EU. AntiNWO plan is well thought out, prudent, a lot more organized and at the same time much more flexible. NWO's and EU's vicious cabal have FAILED BIG TIME. They are dinosaurs that will become extinct.

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