Biggest traitors
Biggest traitors
Many things that seem unrelated, in reality aren't. Weimar Triangle was probably behind Moscow's terrorist attack. What is going on now, started many centuries ago, in the Crusades. Since the Crusades, Western Europeans have been envying Eastern Europe's territories. Eastern Europe did not participate in Crusades. It was a Western European endeavor.
In Eastern Europe, there was Byzantine Empire and Kievan Rus. They had very close political, cultural, commercial relations. Byzantium was Greek, Thracian and Illyrian in the first half of millennium and Greco-Slavic in the second. In the term Greco, related tribes are included, Thracians and Illyrians. Kievan Rus were Slavs. Today's Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians come from them.
Ukraine is not a nation, it is an area, for which Polish and Russians have been struggling for centuries. In the western part of Ukraine, inhabitants are of Polish descent and in the eastern part of Russian descent. There are other ethnicities in smaller percentages like Hungarians. Poles are also Slavs. As a matter of fact, Poland is the most Slavic country in Eastern Europe, after Belarus which is Slav's homeland.
Western Europeans took advantage of a Slavic rivalry between Poles and Russians for Ukraine's territory. They use "divide and conquer". Philip of Macedonia, Alexander's father, was the first to state it and apply it. Julius Caesar and Napoleon followed Philip's example. Philip used "divide and conquer" in order to control other Greek cities, Thracian Kingdom and a large part of Illyria. These all became Macedonian Empire.
During 4th Crusade, in 1204 AD, Western Europeans attacked and conquered Byzantine Empire's capital, Constantinople. This was the beggining of the end for Byzantine Empire. Since ancient times, before Roman conquest, Greeks (Hellenes), Thracians and Illyrians have been living in a very large area that started from Cyprus, Minor Asia (today's Turkey) and Crete in the South and reached as far as Ukraine, Slovakia and even Poland and Czech Republic in the North.
With Byzatine Empire, Greeks, Thracians and Illyrians regained control of their area, which Romans had conquered. During the first centuries, Byzantium's inhabitants and administration were of Greek, Thracian and Illyrian descent. Later they mixed mostly with Slavs who migrated in vast numbers into Byzantium's territory. Today, Illyria and Thrace do not exist as countries. Thrace is a prefecture of Greece which was part of Thracian kingdom.
Today's Greeks come mostly from Ancient Greeks but not 100%. They also come from Thracians, Illyrians, Slavs and Ural - Altaic tribes. The same racial mixture is found in all the vast area where Greeks, Thracians and Illyrians lived before Roman conquest. This area was larger than Byzantium. Byzantium was Greco - Thraco - Illyrian in the first centuries but the area were Greeks, Thracians and Illyrians have been living since ancient times was much larger.
When communism fell in Eastern Europe, Western Europeans thought it would be a good idea to colonize it, since they had lost their colonies. So, they planted puppets in many Eastern European countries, like Donald Tusk. They brainwash citizens with NWO - EU deceptions and make them believe that they benefit when in reality participation in EU is big damage for their economies.
They make them believe that there is a European family while in reality there are two very different areas in Eurasian continent, Western Europe and Eastern Europe. NWO - EU deceptions are endless and do not target only Eastern Europeans but citizens in Western Europe as well. Is Donald Tusk the biggest traitor in Eastern Europe? May be or may be not. He has some tough competition.
Perhaps the biggest traitors are Western European NWO's puppets in Greece. It is possible that they are the biggest traitors in the world. Presently, prime minister is a puppet named Mitsotakis. Western European NWO arranged their puppets to meet in Warsaw, Mitsotakis and Tusk. Mitsotakis is not the only traitor. All before him were the same or even worse. Some official in Moscow said that among the biggest opponents in Ukraine conflict, were Poland and Greece.
In reality, the Ukrainian conflict is between Polish Ukrainians and Russian Ukrainians. Western Europeans took advantage of an internal Slavic conflict between Poland and Russia for the territory called Ukraine. Also, these are the biggest ethnicities in today's Ukraine. Western Europeans used a Slavic conflict to expand in Eastern Europe and colonize it. More important role plays Germany which is closer, among Western European countries.
It was not just Mitsotakis's government that supported Ukraine but all Western European NWO's puppets in Greece. If they were not traitors, Greece should have been on the front line against Western Europeans' expansion and colonization. There is no Thrace and there is no Illyria today. The only country that today exists is Greece. There is a prefecture named Thrace, in today's Greece.
That does not mean that other Balkan and Eastern European countries should not resist Western European expansion and colonization of Eastern Europe. But Greece should have played a major role, assisting Russia which is opposing Eastern Europe's colonization by Western Europeans. Not only Greece did not fight on the side of Russia but was one of their biggest opponents, as stated by some Moscow officials.
So, Western European NWO's puppets in Greece, definitely deserve the title of the biggest traitors in Eastern Europe and perhaps in the World. If NWO is defeated, the are all going to jail. Their belongings will be confiscated to compensate Greek citizens for the astronomical damage that they have caused. There is also talk to reinstate death penalty, so that the worse among them will be executed.