Capital decentralization & CIS

Capital decentralization & CIS

AntiNWO gave Western Europeans (NWO) a clear warning not to interfere in Greco-Thraco-Illyrian countries and Fonderlein (Von der Leyen) included Commissions' nominees from these. This is another NWO-EU deception. They want to give the impression that EU will proceed as planned by NWO, which is entirely untrue. Do not pay any attention to what these maniacs do or say. They are finished because their failure is colossal. They are dinosaurs that will become extinct.

AntiNWO is giving Western Europeans (NWO) the chance to have their Union. If they do not compromise, they will not have their damned Union, they will go to jail and all their fortunes will be confiscated. So, please pay attention to what we present here and ignore what these complete failures are saying or doing. These monsters are only causing a delay, nothing else. What we describe here is what will happen.

AntiNWO supports decentralization and more autonomy while NWO is for centralization and no autonomy. In a recent article we explained that subgroups can have regions. In this article we will describe how capitals could play a role in decentralization. Capitals is one way of decentralization but not the only one. We will use again Group 4 as an example but the APPROACH can be APPLIED in ANY GROUP. So this INTERESTS ALL GROUPS not just Group 4.

We have mentioned capitals in groups. If there are subgroups, there are four alternatives; a) capital for group only b) capitals in subgroups only c) capitals for groups and in subgroups d) no capital. If there are capitals in subgroups, it would probably be unnecessary to have a capital for the group but this is not ruled out. In the recent article, we added subgroup's regions as an alternative. Let's look at a scenario that currently seems possible.

There could be two relatively autonomous subgroups (final not initial) in Group 4. Subgroup A will have two regions; A1) German Wannabes (Poland, Czech Republic, Baltic countries)  A2) Greco-Thraco Illyrian countries. Slovakia could be with German Wannabes. This is OK if they are in the same Group. Subgroup B will have two regions B1) Kievan Rus countries, Armenia, Georgia B2) Central Asia - Azerbaijan. Instead of German Wannabes, Italy could be in A1. Instead of Central Asia - Azerbaijan, Turkiye could be in B2.

Most of Subgroup A countries are in EU. Only Western Balkan countries and Moldova are not. So if NWO - EU maniacs include these in EU, all countries in Subgroup A will be ex - EU countries. Countries in Subgroup B are or were in Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Georgia left, Ukraine is not participating and Moldova announced its intention to leave. All countries in Subgroup B were originally members of CIS.

One option is to have two capitals for the two subgroups. For subgroup A, it could be Budapest or another city around there. For Subgroup B it could be Tbilisi or Baku. These could be enough. The two Subgroups, A and B, could meet in rotation, in one of the two capitals. Countries in a region could meet in rotation, in the countries' capitals. This puts more emphasis to subgroups.

If more emphasis should be given to regions, there could be four capitals in the four regions. Regions of a subgroup could meet in rotation, in one of the two capitals. The two subgroups could meet in rotation, in one of the four capitals. Having one capital for the Group is more centralized. Having four capitals, one in each region, is more decentralized. Having two capitals in the two subgroups is in between, not centralized but not the most decentralized either.

If there are capitals in subgroups or regions, it is really unnecessary to have a capital for the Goup but it is not ruled out. It is possible that instead of two subgroups with two regions each, there could be four subgroups. In this case there could be a) four capitals in subgroups b) one capital for the group c) four capitals in subgroups and a capital for the group d) no capital for subgroups or group.

Some people may believe that Central Asia - Azerbaijan do not fit well in the Group. These people probably do not know much about Russian Empire, Soviet Union and Commonwealth of Independent States. The Declaration and Treaty on the Formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics had existed since 1919 and was approved on December 30 1922.

Soviet Union's territory was roughly that of Russian Empire. Most people spoke Russian. USSR started in 1922 and lasted until 1991, when it was succeeded by the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). On December 8 1991, Belarus, Russia and Ukraine signed the Bolovezha Accords in Belarus. They declared that Soviet Union ceased to exist

Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was established as a successor entity. On December 21 1991, the Alma-Ata (Almaty) protocols were signed in Kazakhstan. In addition to the three countries that signed the Bolovezha Accords, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan agreed to participate in CIS.

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania refused to participate because according to their governments, they were illegally included in USSR in 1940. Georgia joined CIS in December 1993. Ukraine and Turkmenistan were associate members due to some legal procedures, not ratifying CIS Charter. Georgia withdrew in August 2008. Ukraine withdrew representatives in May 2018 but has not formally withdrawn. On December 2023, Moldova announced its intention to withdraw by the end of 2024.

So, Central Asian countries, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia fit well with Russia, Belarus, Ukraine. They had very close relations for long time and this is relatively recent. Russia, Belarus, Ukraine come from Kievan Ruses. They had very close relations with Byzantine Empire. That was not so recent but lasted for many centuries. Byzantine Empire was mainly Greco-Thraco-Illyrian.

It did not include though all Greco-Thraco-Illyrian territory. There were Greco-Thraco-Illyrian areas outside Byzantine Empire. Hellenes (Greeks), Thracians and Illyrians, lived in a vast area that started from Cyprus, Minor Asia and Crete and reached as far north as Slovakia and southern Ukraine. Balkan countries, Hungary, Slovakia and southern Ukraine are in Greco-Thraco-Illyrian territory.

Turkiye should answer one important question. Do they want to play an important role in the Muslim World? If the answer is Yes, they should be in Group 8 with Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan. In Group 4, there will be only two small Muslim countries, Albania and Bosnia. If Turkiye is in Group 4, they will play an important role in the Group's relations with the two Muslim Groups 5 and 8 but they will not be able to play an important role in the Muslim World.

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