Celebrity wealth and phonies

Celebrity wealth and phonies

We felt so sorry for Jennifer Aniston being so poor relatively to Taylor Swift that we decided to do some research on celebrity wealth. We actually did research, not like Swift, claiming to have done research without really doing it. One thing led to the other and we looked at celebrities' homes. We ended up concluding that celebrities supporting Democrats are either two faced hypocrites or big idiots. In both cases they are unreliable and people should not pay attention to what they say.

It turns out that Jennifer Aniston is in the third position of the richest actresses and not far from the first two who are Victoria Principal and Jessica Alba. Here is the list and the estimated net worth; 1) Jemi Gertz 8 bil 2) Julia Luis Dreyfus 4 bil 3) Mary Kate and Asley Olsen 500 mil 4) Jennifer Lopez 400 mil 5) Victoria Principal 400 mil 6) Jessica Alba 390 mil 7) Lady Gaga 390 mil 8) Jennifer Aniston 320 mil 9) Sandra Bullock 250 mil 10) Julia Robers 250 mil.

Why do we put Aniston in third place when she is eighth in the list? Gertz's wealth is attributed to her marriage to billionaire Tony Ressler, co-founder of Ares Management. Dreyfus' father is French billionaire Gerald Luis Dreyfus. Mary Kate and Asley Olsen have a combined wealth of 500 million, so each should have 250 million. Jennifer Lopez and Lady Gaga are mainly singers, not actresses.

So Jennifer Aniston is in the third place, among actresses that did not inherit or got their money through marriage. Most actresses, including Aniston did not make their fortune solely from acting but from other endeavors as well. Aniston's endeavors include perfumes, hair products, film production companies. She has also done a lot of advertisements.

Since we started with the research, we wanted to find out who are the richest actors. According to one source they are; 1) Tyler Perry 1 bil 2) Jerry Seinfeld 950 mil 3) Dwyane Johnson 800 mil 4) Shakh Rukh Khan 730 mil 5) Tom Cruise 600 mil 6) George Clooney 500 mil 7) Robert De Niro 500 mil 8) Arnold Schwargenegger 450 mil 9) Kevin Hart 450 mil 10) Adam Sandler 440 mil. Shakh Rukh Khan is Indian.

Then we looked at the richest celebrities; 1) George Lucas 5,5 bil 2) Steven Spielberg 4,8 bil 3) Michael Jordan 3,2 bil 4) Oprah Winfrey 2,8 bil 5) Jay Z 2,5 bil 6) Kim Kardasian 1,7 bil 7) Peter Jackson 1,5 bil 8) Tyler Perry 1,4 bil 9) Rihanna 1,4 bil 10) Tiger Woods 1,3 bil. This source gave a little higher wealth to Tyler Perry. Different sources give different wealth estimations but you get the picture.

In the next four positions are; 11) Lebron James 1,2 bil 12) Magic Johnson 1,2 bil 13) Dick Wolf 1,2 bil 14) Taylor Swift 1,1 bil. This source gives Taylor Swift a little less (in billions) than the 1,3 billion we originally found. Another source puts Paul Mc Cartney in 9th place with 1,2 billion and Slavica Ecclestone in 10th with 1,1 billion. Slavica Ecclestone is a former model and ex-wife of former Formula 1 CEO Bernie Ecclestone.

That list gives in the following positions; 12) David Coperfield 1 bil 13) JK Rowling 1bil 14) Selena Gomez 1 bil 15) Taylor Swift 1 bil 19) Madonna 850 mil 22) Celine Dion 800 mil 24) Ivanka Trump 800 mil 28) Bruce Springsteen 750 mil 29) Bono 700 mil 31) Kylie Jenner 700 bill 33) Yoko Ono 700 mil 34) Dolly Parton 650 mil 35) Elton John 650 mil 37) Beyonce 600 mil 38) Danielle Steel 600 mil 40) Julio Iglesias 600 mil 47) Sting 550 mil 48) Bob Dylan 500 mil.

According to that list, Jerry Seinfeld is in 19th position, Tom Cruise in 44th, George Clooney is in 49th and Robert De Niro is in 50th. Jennifer Aniston is below 50th position. According to one source, Trump's net worth is estimated to 7,5 billion. So he is richer than all celebrities, except Jemi Gertz. Another source estimates wealth for George Lucas and Steven Spielberg also at 8 billion.

All these people are very rich but not as rich as the ten richest people in the world; 1) Elon Musk 251 bil 2) 2) Jeff Bezos 206 bil 3) Mark Zuckenberg 186 bil 4) Bernand Arnault 180 bil 5) Larry Elison 174 bil 6) Bill Gates 161 bil 7) Steve Balmer 149 bil 8) Larry Page 143 bil 9) Warren Buffet 141 bil 10) Sergey Brin 134 bil. In the 50th place is Jack Ma from China with 33,7 billion.

Then we looked at the houses some celebrities have. Taylor Swift bought the 10,982 sq ft (1020 sq m) Beverly Hills Goldwyn Estate from Goldwyn family. Her beach house in Rhode island is 12,000 sq ft (1115 sq m). She owns houses, apartments, condos in LA, New York, Rhode Island, Nasville. There is no information if she uses all of them or rents some to other people.

These houses require a lot of natural resources and energy to be built. Also they require a lot of energy and natural resources for heating, cooling, maintenance. Having big houses is really an anti - environmental behavior. She is supposedly concerned about the environment and supports environmental causes. She is either a phony or a big idiot. In both cases she is entirely unreliable and what ever she says should not be taken seriously. Should Taylor Swift live in a tiny apartmemt when she has a net worth of 1-1,3 billion?

We are not saying that. The average US home is 2000 sq. ft (186 sq m) which is big for international standards. USA has probably the biggest houses in the world. In most houses, many people live, more than one. Swift lives with her cat(s). The average size is more then enough for Swift. Taking into account that she is very rich, we give her a lot of extra square feet but she shouldn't live in a house more than 2500 sq. ft (232 sq m), if she wants to be concerned about the environment and climate change, as she claims.

Jennifer Aniston's houses have been around 10,000 sq ft (930 sq m). She bought a house from Oprah Winfrey in Montecito. Robert De Niro is one of the biggest Trump bashers. He owns a lot or property and big houses, mainly in New York. In one of his estates, the recreation center is 14,000 sq ft (1300 sq m). George Clooney is a big Democrat supporter. He was one of those who called Biden to quit his presidential race because he couldn't win Trump. He owns big houses in US, France, Italy. Imagine how often he travels.

It is not just the houses they have but all their LAVISH LIFESTYLE that is EXTREMELY ANTI-ENVIRONMENTAL. People that are successful can have this lifestyle. People that are supposedly concerned about the environment can't. So what is the benefit of being very rich, if they can't have a lavish lifestyle? That is their problem! They could stop pretending that the care about the environment and keep the lavish lifestyle.

Or if they really care about the environment, they should change entirely their lavish lifestyle. They have to do one of the two. Until they do one of the two, they are completely untrustworthy. They are trying to fool the public. If they are fooling you about one thing, they could be fooling you about everything. They shouldn't be taken serioulsy. People should laugh at what Swift, Aniston, De Niro, Clooney etc say or write. People should see them as real life comedy.

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