Compromise is bittersweet

Compromise is bittersweet

Anti-NWO's compromise plan is very wise. It minimizes problems and conflicts. It is the best possible compromise overall, not just between NWO and Anti-NWO. It should be accepted, if everyone realizes one very important thing. Victory is sweet. Compromise is not sweet, it is bittersweet. Noone gets what s/he wants but all get some of what they warnt. Anti-NWO is the first to compromise. Anti-NWO has a much better plan, a prevalence plan.

Nevertheless, the road to victory is much harder than compromise. It is 100% certain that Anti-NWO will prevail in the end. It will become evident in future articles. There was a period during World War, where Nazis had conquered almost all Europe. At that time, it seemed impossible they would lose the War. In the end, they did not control even one square meter.

NWO's vicious cabal are Nazis' continuators. There is a continuation from the Military Orders that converted during Crusades (Termplars etc) to French Revolution's Jacobins and later to Nazis. In the end, they were all defeated and that is what will happen to NWO, if they do not compromise. Victory is certain for Anti-NWO but this will come at a high cost. That is why all the efforts presently are in compromising with NWO.

Anti-NWO's wise plan was designed in such way to minimize problems and conflicts and make every one partially satisfied. NWO will get a lot from what they want but not everything. When the idea of European Union came up during the Crusades, it concerned ONLY WESTERN EUROPE. Byzantium and Kievan Rus were in Eastern Europe. Eastern Europe did not participate in Crusades.

European Union was created after World War II. In 1957, the Treaty of Rome was signed. It concerned ONLY WESTERN EUROPE because Eastern Europe was communist. The only exception was Greece. Britain was a naval power but Soviet Union was strong in land army. Greece has an extensive seashore. Churchill was very much interested in Greece while Stalin was not. That is why Greece was the only country in Eastern Europe not part of Eastern Bloc.

There in no communism in Eastern Europe and there is no reason for Greece, not to participate in Eastern Europe's Group. It has strong historical, cultural, racial, religious ties with many Eastern European countries that go back several centuries. Greece was an important part of Byzantium during the Crusades. Greece was not included in the original version of European Union that was thought of during or after the Crusades.

Anti-NWO's compromise plan gives Western Europeans the very first version of European Union and the one with which today's European Union started in1957. When communism fell in Eastern Europe, Western Europeans thought it could be a good idea to colonize Eastern Europe, since they had lost their colonies. That was not the plan when EEC started in 1957. That was a modification of the original plan.

They should modify it back to the original version. Anti-NWO gives them what they envisioned during or after the Crusades and when EU started. They should be satisfied and stop causing the whole World so much trouble. It was definitely Western Europe' NWO behind the attack at Crocus Center in Moscow. Most likely it was Weimar Triangle. There is God or Karma. What they started will come back to them.

Once Western Europeans realize that compromise is bitter sweet, they should be very happy with Anti - NWO's compromise solution. They are getting more than anybody else. They get their original version of European Union, the one of Crusades which happened to be the same with the one at the start of European Union, in 1957. As during the Crusades, after World War II, Eastern Europe was separate from Western Europe because of communism. The only exception was Greece for reasons already explained.

Eastern Europe will form a separate group and will be able to advance economically, technologically and scientifically based one the group's economic plan which is ready. In 25-30 years, Eastern Europe is expected to reach Western Europe in terms of economic level. After that, there should be competition between groups 1-Northern America, 3 - Western Europe and 4 - Eastern Europe for the gold metal, No 1 ranking globally in terms of economic, scientific and technological level.

USA will have to deal mainly with their neighboring countries, Canada and Mexico, not the rest of American continent. There is some heterogeneity with Mexico but it is a lot more manageable, compared to having to deal with all the countries in Central and Southern America as well. Plus they get better control of their southern borders, in cooperation with Mexico. That is an important issue for many Americans (in USA).

ISIS - K should be satisfied with alternatives 1 and 3 regarding the composition of Groups 4 and 8. Of course it is not crucial that ISIS - K compromises but if this happens, it will save a lot of trouble. It is certain that they will be eliminated, if all the rest agree in some alternative. It is also certain that before they are entirely extinguished, they will retaliate a few times and that is trouble.

With Anti - NWO's compromise solution, there will be two solid Muslim groups. In Group 5 there will be only Arab countries. Group 8 will consist from Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Caspian countries. It is the best alternative for ISIS - K. What is their other option? Eventually, they will be terminated. Before this happens, they will retaliate some times but what good is it for them?

NWO does not get a global government but they get 10+2 Council. It will be a global coordinating body, only for global matters. It is possible that four coalitions of groups develop in the future, to resemble the four continental Unions, provided by NWO's disastrous plan. It is even better because the four coalitions will have approximately same population, while there will be big population differences in NWO's four continental Unions.

These are only a few points. There are many more to support why Anti-NWO's compromise solution should be accepted by everyone. Noone will be very happy but all should be somewhat happy. It will be end of trouble and conflicts. Of course, since it was Anti-NWO which designed a much better plan, it should be Anti-NWO to implement it. NWO should step aside for a while because they failed miserably and created world chaos.

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