Conspirators’ prosecution

Conspirators' prosecution

NWO is clearly a conspiracy against mankind. NWO is a conspiracy to deceive, brainwash, control, supress, enslave, exploit mankind. it will be proven in court beyond any reasonable doubt. Anti - NWO has already a lot of evidence. Anti - NWO will gather more evidence until the trials and even more during the trials. All these that are already written and said regarding NWO will be proven in court.

People who deny the existance of conspiracy will be regarded as part of the conspiracy and prosecuted, after the conspiracy is proven. Anti - NWO is giving conspirators a great opportunity to compromise. If the refuse to compromise, NWO will be eliminated and Anti - NWO will prevail. There will be no NWO, after Anti - NWO's prevalence. They will all be in jail, for conspiring against mankind.

Anti - NWO has divided NWO's conspirators in two broad categories, leaders and followers. Conspiracy's origins are in Western Europe. Conspiracy's leaders are mainly in Western Europe and USA - Canada. There will be two separate routes for prosecuting the two categories, an international court (not Hague's) for leaders and national courts for followers.

Examples of conspiracy leaders are Macron, Solz, Biden etc. Mainly, NWO leaders are in large Western European countries, USA and Canada. Not everyone in these countries is NWO though. After NWO will be prosecuted, only Anti - NWO will exist in Western Europe, USA and Canada. NWO will be in jail, convicted for conspiring against mankind.

NWO followers are mainly in Eastern Europe. Examples of followers are Tusk, Mitsotakis, Kallas etc. There is also an in between category, small Western European countries. Probably they will be included with the leaders but there might be some differentiation, two subcategories in leaders, class A and class B. Leaders have been also called puppeteers and followers puppets. Of course the so called leaders are guided by others, a global vicious cabal.

Followers are also part of the global conspiracy against mankind but their role is smaller. NWO in Western Europe, USA and Canada have the largest role. Followers could be tried in an international court as well but they will be prosecuted, convicted and sentenced in national courts. There is no real benefit if followers will be tried additionally in an international court because their punishment will be severe in national courts.

So it will not add much if they were prosecuted in an international court as well. Punishments will be equally severe. Many of them will never get out of jail. Also there would be too many that would have to be tried in the international court. Only conspiracy's leaders will be tried in the international court, NWO in Western Europe, USA - Canada mainly.

NWO and EU are very closely related. According to NWO's evil plan, EU is the first step, the experiment that will serve as a model for the three other continental unions, African, American, Asian. The four Unions will be under a global government controlled by NWO's vicious cabal, a global dictatorship. EU's most damaged county due to participation is Greece (Hellas). Anti - NWO has developed an extensive plan for prosecuting pro - EU traitors in Hellas.

It will be described in another article. This plan will be the model for prosecuting follower conspirators (puppets) in other countries as well. All pro - EU traitors in Hellas will be sentenced at least for a) causing an enormous national damage b) high treason c) intentionally and systematically deceiving Greek people d) conspiring against Greek people. Prosecuted conspirators will be politicians, media owners, media executives, journalists etc.

There is another reason for following two different routes for leaders and followers. It is possible that some big Western European countries like Germany were not damaged because of EU participation. So perhaps NWO in these countries could not be prosecuted with the charges mentioned above. But they will certainly be convicted in an international court for conspiring against mankind.

Let's assume that for some strange reason, an Eastern European country was not damaged due to EU participation. This is not very likely but a theoretical hypothesis. Nevertheless, it is not entirely impossible. So there can be no charges in national courts for causing a great national damage. There could be though charges for deceiving people and conspiring against them. Also for making the country a Western European colony.

Italy is a big Western European country but Italian NWO is not in the front line of the conspiracy. So sentencing may not be so severe for Italian NWO in the international court. On the other hand, Italy has been greatly damaged by participating in EU. In addition to being prosecuted in the international court, Italian NWO could be also prosecuted in national courts.

Each country's NWO conspirators are a different case and will be examined separately. Generally, conspiracy's leaders will be prosecuted in international court and conspiracy's followers in national courts. There may be some cases, in some countries, where NWO will be prosecuted in both an international and a national court. A possible case could be Italy but there may be other countries as well.

All these can be avoided, if NWO accepts Anti - NWO's compromise plan. They created a global chaos, veny many problems all over the world. Anti - NWO's real elite corrected all the problems in the compromise plan. NWO should step aside and let others govern, those who can. If they refuse to compromise, eventually they will be prosecuted, convicted, sentenced and Anti - NWO will prevail.

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