Eastern Europe’s phases

Eastern Europe's phases

Eastern European Group will start with two subgroups. Broadly, we can define four phases in the groups development; 1) subgroups' preparation 2) subgroups' merge 3) setting the foundations 4) economic plan implementation and group enlargement. Some enlargement could happen at an earlier stage. The starting countries may choose to add one or more countries before setting the foundations.

Subgroup A will be EU members; a) Poland, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania b) Hungary, Slovakia c) Greece - Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia. Subgroup B will be Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Montenegro. They may choose to add one or more countries in Subgroup B with N. Macedonia having the most chances. Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia and Montenegro are expected to be intermediary countries.

Ukraine and Moldova will eventually become members but will start as trading partners for sometime. They will not be included in the Group's starting countries. Ideally, Phase 1 which is subgroups' preparation should start tomorrow. Unfortunately, things in politics and in life generally do not happen in an ideal way. Western European NWO has placed puppet governments in some Eastern European countries.

In Subgroup A, at least Hellas (Greece), Poland, Estonia have governments that are Western European NWO's puppets. There may be more. So these puppets are not expected to start preparations to leave EU and merge with Subgroup B. There are four solutions to this problem; a) puppeteers compromise b) puppeteers leave c) puppets compromise d) puppets leave.

Puppeteers are NWO prominent figures in big Western European countries. Of course there are others guiding them as well but this is a different story. Examples of puppeteers are Macron and Solz. Examples of puppets are Mitsotakis, Tusk, Kallas. Puppeteers may compromise and accept Anti - NWO's plan. They will instruct their puppets to start preparations for Eastern European Group.

Another alternative is that puppeteers leave and Anti - NWO parties come to power. Solz and especially Macron and are not doing well in polls. If puppeteers are no longer in power, their puppets will become weak. Alternatives c and d could happen in relation to alternatives a and b or independently. If puppeteers compromise, puppets will also compromise. If puppeteers leave, their puppets will weaken and compromise or leave.

It is possible though that c and d happen without a or b as a prerequisite. Although difficult, it is not impossible that puppets compromise or leave, even if their puppeteers do not compromise or leave. They may realize that EU separation is unavoidable in the long term. It is either that or dissolvment. Also they may realize that they will end up in jail for high treason and all their fortunes will be confiscated to reimburse citizens for the financial damage they have caused.

There is also another viewpoint regarding preparation phase. When Eastern European Group 4 will become official, governments must cooperate. During preparation stage, the two subgroups will be unofficial. So there is no need for governments to cooperate. Anti - NWO parties, groups, movements could cooperate and prepare so they will be ready when they come to power.

In subgroup B, things are easier. First, it does not seem that NWO is in power in any of these countries. Also they have more freedom to move since they are not restricted by participating in EU. It is expected that preparation phase would proceed smoother in Subgroup B. They could cooperate with intermediary countries in Subgroup A, Hungary and Slovakia and with Anti - NWO forces that will eventually come to power. It is not going to be easy or fast but it will be done.

The two subgroups will merge in Phase 2. Then it will be Phase 3, setting the foundations. Anti - NWO has everything ready but in several issues there are options and they will have to choose one of them. Also they may want to make some changes, although this is not necessary. After they have set the foundations in Phase 3, they can start implementing the economic plan in Phase 4.

Certain actions or events have been mentioned in previous articles, like A Subrgoup's spin-off, transitional period, agreements and relations with other groups etc. These will happen but are narrower than phases, they are steps. They will be part of one or more phases. For instance, preparation phase ends with the group's official creation. Transitional period for Subgroup A could be entirely in Phase 1, entirely in Phase 2 or in both Phase 1 and Phase 2.

Concurrently with implementing the economic plan, they will expand the group during Phase 4. Possible candidates are; Bosnia, Albania, Turkiye, Georgia, Armenia, Israel, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan. Candidacy is not limited to these countries only. Actually, any country could express interest to join the group. Existing members at the time of application will decide what to do with each country wanting to participate.

Economic plan has as a main goal to reach Western Europe's per capita income as soon as possible. This will be accomplished by high growth rates that could not be attainable if Eastern European countries were in the same group with Western European countries. There is also an optional per capita income convergence inside the group. It is one of the many choices they would have to make.

Reaching Western Europe in terms of per capita income will take a few years, from ten to thirty. Twenty years is probably an average time period. In the meanwhile, the Group could expand. There are two ways to add countries; a) as full members b) as trading partners. The latter are not included in the economic plan or the organizational model and do not participate in decision making.

They are not counted in the group's per capita income and are not considered regarding convergence with Western Europe, or the one inside the group. Trading partners are independent countries that have privileged trading relations with the group. Ukraine, Moldova and possibly N. Macedonia will be trading partners for a while before becoming full members. If countries with lower per capita incomes are not members, per capita income convergence with Western Europe will happen sooner.

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