Economic success

Economic success

EU and NWO intentionally mislead people in Europe and the World regarding economic matters. They take advantage of their ignorance. Although economic issues are extremely important for people all over the world, they do not know much about economics. We explain some basic concepts, so that NWO's vicious cabal will not be able to fool the people of the World anymore.

There is confusion between two different economic concepts, how big a country's economy is and how rich a country is in terms of income. These are shown by two different measurements which are related. Countries with large economies may not be rich in per captia income while very rich countries may have small economies.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or Gross National Product measures how big an economy is. It is the cumulative monetary value of all products and services produced in the country within a year. There is a slight difference between National and Domestic Product. A distortion is created in GDP due to the different price levels existing in different countries. This is corrected by calculating values at purchasing power parity (ppp).

Using purchasing power parity values, the twenty largest economies in the world are ; China, USA, India, Japan, Russia, Germany, Indonesia, Brazil, France, Britain, Turkey, Italy, Mexico, South Korea, Canada, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Egypt, Poland. This order is according to World Bank data for 2022. There are slight variations depending on the source. In general, all sources give similar figures.

Changes in ranking may also happen from year to year. If the economic size of two countries is close, the one that is behind may pass the one ahead after a year or more. The size of the economy is significantly affected by the population. India is the world's third largest economy because it has the second largest population, after China. Both countries have a population of around 1.4 billion.

Their population is more than four times that of the third largest country, USA which has a population of almost 350 million. India is the third largest economy but it is a poor country. To find out how rich in terms of income a country is, we divide Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by the population. The economic measure is called per capita income. If GDP data are already revised in purchasing power parity, per capita income value is in purchasing power parity as well.

We need to mention another economic measure not used very often, National Wealth. This is significantly affected by population as well. To find out how wealthy residents or citizens are, National Wealth per adult or per household are used. To calculate those, National Wealth is divided by the number of adults or households. A country could be rich in terms of National Wealth if it has abundance of natural resources but not rich in terms of income. We had to mention National Wealth but we will not be using it.

A completely different list emerges, for the twenty richest (income per capita ppp) countries in the world: Luxembourg, Singapore, Ireland, Norway, Qatar, Bermuda, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, USA, Cayman Islands, Denmark, Netherlands, Brunei, Iceland, Hong Kong, Austria, Belgium, Sweden, Germany, Australia. Most of them are not big economies.

One factor that should be considered is income distribution. One measurement of income distribution is Gini coefficient. The top twenty countries with the greatest income inequality are; South Africa, Namibia, Belize, Suriname, Zambia, Eswatini, Hong Kong, Botswana, Brazil, Colombia, Angola, Saint Lucia, Panama, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Congo, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Cameroon.

The twenty countries with the lowest income inequality are: Faroe Islands, Slovakia, Slovenia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, United Arab Emirates, Netherlands, Belgium, Iceland, Czech Republic, Azerbaijan, Finland, Denmark, Algeria, Norway, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Bhutan, East Timor. Income distribution does not affect how rich (in terms of income) a country is but shows how evenly income is distributed in the country.

Countries with small populations can never become large economies. What measures economic success is per capita income in purchasing power parity (ppp). Most of the world's richest countries are small. All efforts should be aimed at increasing the value of per capita income (ppp). All other measurements are auxiliary and supplementary. Secondly, an effort should be made for a better distribution of income.

Nevertheless, increasing income per capita in purchasing power parity (ppp) is by far the main objective of economic policy. The increase in that measure, from year to year is growth rate and it is shown as a percenage. In the long term, success is measured by income per capita (ppp). To obtain a relatively high income per capita, relatively high growth rates are required.

These will be explained in following articles. They are very important in order to understand EU's deception. Eastern European countries would have much higher growth rates, if they were not in damned EU. They will have much higher growth rates in Eastern European group and in this way, Eastern Europe will reach Western's economic level in a 25 - 30 years period.

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