Free movement deception

Free movement deception

EU is supposed to be something great that benefits all participating countries. This is what NWO-EU deceivers want people to believe. The truth is exactly the opposite. Most countries are harmed from participating in EU. Supposedly free movement of people and products has benefits. It doesn't. It is all a big lie, an intentional deception, a fairytale created by NWO.

There are four basic reasons people go to other countries; tourism, education, business, work. Business and work are both for professional purposes but the first is for much shorter period. NWO - EU maniacs argue that due to free movement of people, workers will move from a country that has a labor surplus to a country that has a labor shortage. That may happen in the same country between different areas.

People in an area with labor surplus will get informed that in a another area labor is needed and they might move there, although not so easily. Even in the same country, movement has obstacles. Most people would rather try a little longer to find a job where they live than move to another area. There may be other motives for moving to another area in the same country, for example lower housing prices.

There are a lot more barriers when moving to another country, such as language etc. In EU, people do not know if there is a labor shortage in other countries. If it is very difficult to find a job in their country and have been trying for long time, they may move to another country, hoping to find a job. Most immigrants for working purposes come from other countries, outside EU and very often are illegal.

There is a better way to deal with labor shortages and surpluses. Suppose there is labor shortage in a certain country. They could publish the numbers of workers needed in certain occupations and specialties and get legal immigrants from other countries. That is what Australia does. They can also choose the countries that these legal immigrants will come from. People who migrate will know that they will have a job, instead of hoping to get a job.

Countries do not have to be in a group like EU to do that. When this is supposedly done with the free movement inside a group, it is not done the right way. There may be some workers moving to cover labor shortages but it is to a large extent random and unorganized. Also there is free movement of criminals. People who move in a country have to be limited to those needed.

Movement is good because there are indeed labor shortages and surpluses in various countries. Movement doesn't have to be free. Actually free movement is problematic. For tourists, visa procedures could loosen. The argument that in EU countries benefit from free movement of people is bogus. All countries in the world benefit from movement. Movement is good but it doesn't have to be free, only easier.

Another false argument is that countries benefit from free movement of products and services. These have been explained thoroughly in previous articles*. They will be explained even better in courts, when NWO - EU criminals will get severe sentences. These monsters have done an awful lot of harm to millions of decent hard working people. In addition to that, they have been deceiving them that they benefit while they are harmed a lot.

NWO - EU deceivers use Comparative Advantage Theory as an argument. Is this theory useful? Yes, it is for those who can interpret it the right way. It provides some insight in certain issues. NWO - EU maniacs do not interpret it the right way, either intentionally or because of complete ignorance. It doesn't make much difference. Their punishment will be as severe in both cases. They will rot in Hell in afterlife but in this life they should rot in jail.

There could be an increase in productivity, if a country specializes in the most productive sectors. For this to happen there are certain conditions. First, the substitution (decrease) of local production from imports has to be approximately equal to the increase in exports. To be precise, their difference has to be negative or smaller than the increase from specialization.

Second, it is necessary to also have either an Absolute Advantage or protectionism. If none of these exists, the country will be hurt enormously because local production will be substituted by imports. Low price levels may be an advantage in this case but countries in Eurozone have abolished that potential advantage. In addition, both Absolute and Comparative Advantage Theories have a static, not a dynamic perspective.

Productivity can be improved. If a country specializes in sectors with lower productivity, it will have lower per capita income. Therefore, a country's goal shouldn't be to specialize in the sectors that currently has higher productivity but in sectors that have high productivity. Of course not all sectors will have high productivity but a few are necessary, in order to increase productivity and per capita income.

Some protectionism may be required, while improving productivity in these sectors with the potential for high productivity. The benefit from specializing in the currently most productive sectors, according to Comparative Advantage Theory, is an one time increase. When production switches to those sectors, there is no more benefit. On the contrary, improving productivity in high productivity sectors is an ongoing benefit, as long as it can be improved.

In more developed countries, improvements in productivity come mostly from scientific and technological innovation. Less developed countries can have continuous improvements in productivity by trying to reach the productivity level of more developed countries. So less developed countries can have much higher growth rates until they reach maturity in terms of development.

All these will be proven in courts and explained in mass media when NWO no longer controls them. If all these economics are hard for you to understand, there is an easy way of what you need to do. NWO - EU are either deceiving you intentionally or have no clue whatsoever. Their plan is total madness. They created global chaos. They need to be replaced by Anti - NWO's real elite. This way, all the problems NWO - EU pseudoelite caused will be corrected.

* More deception   Advantage deception   Eastern Europe's take off   EU's total failure   Systems deception   Productivity deception   Two convergences   Real convergence   Growth rates deception   Convergence deception   Economic success   EU-euro are disastrous   Price level consequences   Purchasing power parity    Price level deception   EU's faulty model

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