Intermediary countries

Intermediary countries

Group 4 will start with only Christian Eastern European countries. Two subgroups will merge. This is the most likely scenario presently. Subgroup A will be all Eastern European countries that are EU members. These are ; a) Poland, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania b) Hungary, Slovakia c) Greece - Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia.

Subgroup B will consist of Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Montenegro and probably N. Macedonia. There are only two Christian Eastern European countries missing; Ukraine and Moldova. Their exclusion was based on per capita income criterion. Even if they did not have lower per capita income, they should be excluded because they have bad relations with Russia. They couldn't be in the first subgroup either because they are not EU members. There were also some objections from countries in Subgroup A regarding Ukraine's exports to EU and financial assistance to Ukraine.

Eventually, Ukraine and Moldova will become full members in Group 4 since they are Eastern European and Christian but this may take a while. So, the certain members are 20 but 2 - 3 countries will not participate in the start. First they may be given trading partner status, if they renounce EU and NWO. Regardless of what will happen in the future, Ukraine, Moldova and possibly N. Macedonia will not be in the two starting subgroups.

There are not any serious conflicts within the two subgroups. So there will not be any problem to cooperate and make the preparations for Eastern European group. There are conflicts though between some countries in Subgroup A and other in Subgroup B. Not only countries inside each subgroup will have to cooperate but the two subgroups as well. So there must be a way to bridge differences and resolve conflicts.

Some countries in both groups will have to play the role of intermediaries. These countries must have good relations with the other group. A more thorough investigation may be required but with a quick glance, intermediary countries could be Slovakia - Hungary in Subgroup A and Serbia - Montenegro in Subgroup B. Definitely Greece, Poland, Czech Republic, Estonia are not in good terms with Russia and Belarus.

This situation is with their current governments and will change. Future governments will have better relations with Russia and Belarus. Intermediate countries will have to bridge the differences and assist the merging of the two subgroups. They should assist also in finding a solution for the situation in Ukraine, so the war will end. For some time, it will not be easy for Ukraine and Russia to be together in Eastern European Group.

So, for a while Ukraine and Moldova will be given trading partner status, if they renounce EU and NWO. Sometime in the future they will become members. When this happens, Russia and Ukraine should be in different subgroups within the group, If this is possible. In order to make the final division inside the group, if there will be any, the group's composition will have to be finalized.

Western Europeans should not interfere in Eastern Europe. They should try to fix their big mess, the very many problems in EU which will become Western European Union. Eastern Europeans should be able to resolve their conflicts. Intermediary countries could play a very important role. Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia and Montenegro are consecutive spatially. Also, they are approximately in the middle of the group.

Of course, to find the center of the group, we must know all the countries that will participate. We can not be certain about these, so we will take only the 20 Christian Eastern European that are certain. On the North - South axis, Hungary and Slovakia are in the middle. On the East - West axis, they are western of the center. It is a big plus that intermediary countries happen to be approximately in the geographical center of the group.

The group may have a capital, like Brussels will be for Western European Union. Several meetings will be required to resolve conflicts and proceed with merging the two subgroups. These meetings will be held in intermediary countries. So a capital for the group may emerge from these early meetings. Let's assume that intermediary countries are Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia and Montenegro.

Meetings could be held in all three* of them or in one of them. If it is one of them, the most suitable is Hungary, only because it is in the middle of the three countries. In a previous article some probable capitals for the group were mentioned; Budapest, Chisinau, Odessa, Boucharest, Belgrade, Bratislava, Prague, Krakow. Now, these can be narrowed down.

If Slovakia, Hungary and Serbia - Montenegro end up playing an important intermediary role as expected, probable capitals may be Budapest, Belgrade and Bratislava with Budapest seeming to have the most chances. Technology will be used, video conferences, emails, text messaging, voice mails etc. Nevertheless, it may be helpful to set a center for the activities relatively early.

Another option regarding capital is to have something similar to EU, where in addition to Brussels, institutions are also located in Luxemburg, Strassburg and Frankfurt. So in addition to Budapest as the main capital, some institutions could be seated in Belgrade and Bratislava, if these three countries actually play an important intermediary role. Brussels is a perfect capital for Western European Union.

It is approximately in the center of Western Europe. It was chosen wisely because when EEC started, it was supposed to include only Western European countries. Eastern Europe needs a capital as well and it could be in intermediary countries. A capital is not absolutely necessary but it may be helpful. We do not know how the group will expand in the future. Capital should be decided, considering the 20 countries that are certain members.

The main issue is that some countries will have to be intermediaries. It seems that Slovakia, Hungary and Serbia - Montenegro will do that. It is very helpful that these countries happen to be consecutive spatially and approximately in the geographical center of the group. A secondary related issue is the group's capital. Although technology will be used, a capital will assist meetings for bridging the differences and merging the two subgroups.

*Serbia and Montenegro may be one state like they used to be.

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