It is not over

It is not over


NWO's media desperately try to convince people that the crisis is over, after Iran's attack to Israel. This is only wishful thinking. Most likely the crisis is not over. Of course this is only an opinion which is not based on any information. The crisis will probably go on. There will be events that will cause high global anxiety and strong fear for serious escalation, which probably will not happen.

What were the consequences of Iran's attack? Iran has strengthened its position in the Muslim world. It is the only Muslim country that dared a launch a direct attack against Israel. There was a suspicion of Iran's indirect involvement previously. Iran also presents itself as a fair state. They retaliated for Israel's attack to the Iranian Embassy in Damascus which is considered Iranian soil.

Israel hit Iranian soil and Iran retaliated with a large scale operation that caused minimum damage. So Iran, so far benefits. It is strange that their enemy, Netanyahu, also benefits. During the operations in Gaza, Israel was in no danger. Iran's attack, put Israel in great danger. In a time of such danger, everybody has to be behind the leader, who is presently Netanyahu. A time of danger is not the right time for dispute and questioning.

Russia benefits. At a time where the situation in Middle East could escalate enormously to extremely dangerous levels, no body cares about what is happening in Ukraine. Presently, matters in Middle East are a lot more serious, compared to Ukraine. Cyprus suffered a loss. It is in a worse situation than before. They had to allow British airplanes depart from their soil and are probably included in Iran's and their allies' blacklist.

Britain is too far from Iran. They are only in danger of a terrorist attack. Israel has a very good anti-aircraft system and that is the reason Iran's attack caused small damages. This is not the case with Cyprus that could suffer tremendously from an attack of this magnitude. Even the threat of some kind of attack would be a big blow for tourism this summer.

USA's presidential elections are in November. Global crisis is not good for Biden. USA's direct involvement in Middle East would be even worse. Crisis is also bad for Western European governments that are mostly NWO. Macron and Soltz are definitely NWO. Sunak and Meloni are not clearly NWO but have sided with NWO. Sunak was a Brexiteer. NWO was against Brexit. Nevertheless, it was mostly Bremainer MPs who backed Sunak to become prime minister.

Oil and gas prices will probably go up because of Iran's attack. This will hurt the economies of Western European countries and make things even worse for Western European governments that already have some serious problems. Of course national elections are far but EuroParliament elections are in June. Governments do not change but resentment could grow with bad results for governing NWO parties in Western Europe.

We should not be forgetting about ISIS - K. They were manipulated, probably by Weimar Triangle. If it was not Weimar Triangle, it was definitely Western European NWO behind the attack in Moscow. This summer are Olympic Games in France and Euro soccer in Germany. France and Germany did not participate in directly assisting Israel. Among Western European countries, it was only Britain.

So Britain is in danger for retaliation from Iran or their allies. France and Germany are in danger for retaliation from ISIS - K, because they manipulated them and it is certain that they will eventually realize it, if they have not done so. The crisis is not over, as NWO media try to present it. Will it escalate to serious levels? Probably not but it is not certain either. The fear of escalation would be present and very strong.

Don't forget that it may be Israel that will continue the crisis, if it responds to Iran's attack. Iran and Netanyahu will benefit, if the situation is controlled and does not exceed certain limits. Macron, Soltz and Sunak will lose. Perhaps Biden will lose. All these could only end with some type of agreement. It has to include Palestinian, Ukrainian and Cyprian problem.

It also has to include Anti - NWO's compromise solution. The situation in Ukraine was because of NWO's disastrous plan. NWO failed to solve the problems in Israel and Cyprus. Anti - NWO has solutions for all problems, those created by NWO and those that NWO failed to solve. NWO created a global chaos, it is not New World Order but New World Chaos.

Many people wonder when will the crisis end? The crisis will only be over when Anti - NWO takes charge of matters at a global level. NWO not only is incapable to solve problems but creates a lot more. If people want the crisis to be over, they should support AntiNWO. It only takes AntiNWO to take charge of matters at an international level, so that there will be a peaceful and prosperous future for the World.

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