NWO played ISIS-K

NWO played ISIS-K


At this point, the most likely scenario for Moscow's terrorist attack is that order came from Weimar Triangle. Even if it was not Weimar Triangle, it must have been Western European NWO. Ukraine is not a strong country and does not have the capability to organize this with out assistance. Most likely Polish Ukrainians participated but were not alone.

Let's assume that it was Weimar Triangle behind the attack. Macron, Soltz, Tusk are prominent NWO figures. So it was not just France, Germany, Poland behind the attack but NWO in these countries. Among them France and Germany are stronger. Poland and Ukraine are not so strong. Both countries have a population of around 40 million. Poland has almost 38 million and Ukraine 41 million.

Poland has a higher per capita income and is a little stronger than Ukraine but not much stronger. France has a population of 68 million and Germany 85 million. Their per capita income is much higher than Poland's. They are much stronger countries than Poland. So, most likely they played a major role behind the attack. Poland and Polish Ukrainians probably just participated as well.

Poland or Ukraine do not have an extensive network of secret agents all over the world. That is not free. It costs a lot of money. Because of population and per capita income, France and Germany have a much higher GDP than Poland and Ukraine. Therefore they have a much higher government budget. Secret agents are paid from government budget, often from secret funds.

ISIS - K is located in Khorasan region that includes almost all Afghanistan and Tajikistan and large parts of Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. Those arrested were from Tajikistan. When we are saying Weimar Triangle's secret agents we are not talking about some French, German or Polish agents. These are locals that are paid by French, German, Polish governments to act on their behalf.

It is possible that some of them are in ISIS-K. France, Germany and Poland did not sent ambassadors or representatives to ISIS-K to convince for the attack. The job was done by locals that are on Weimar Triangle's payroll. These locals played like a fiddle and mislead ISIS-K. If ISIS-K realizes that they were manipulated and mislead, it is quite possible that they will turn against those who fooled them.

We need to emphasize one important thing. It has not been proven yet that Weimar Triangle was behind the attack. There are some indications though. Even if it was not Weimar Triangle, it has to be Western European countries that probably include France and Germany. Perhaps it was France, Germany, UK and Italy. At this stage, indications point to Weimar Triangle's NWO responsible for ISIS-K's manipulation.

They convinced them to attack Russia, claiming that Russia wants to include Caspian countries in the same group with most European countries. ISIS-K wants solid Muslim groups. They want Caspian countries to be in a Muslim group. Their actual goal is to form one state with all Muslim countries, under Islamic law. This is unrealistic. There are 49 Muslim countries and 2 billion Muslims.

Even if not their goal, they might settle for solid Muslim groups. They will probably settle for Anti - NWO's original plan. In that, Group 8, consists of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Caspian countries. Group 5 is also solid muslim, including all Arab countries. On the contrary, NWO's plan is far from that. According to the disastrous NWO's plan, four continental Unions will be created; European, Asian, African, American. This will be under a global government controlled by NWO's vicious cabal. This is very far from what ISIS - K wants and totally unacceptable by them.

Nevertheless, Weimar Triangle's NWO managed to play them like a fiddle and turn them against those who support something they may accept. Russia supported the initial Anti-NWO compromise solution. Russia supports all alternatives regarding Eastern Europe's composition. Anti-NWO supports all alternatives, as long as Eastern and Western Europe are different groups. Anti-NWO's plan is wise and solves problems. NWO's plan is a disaster. It causes very many problems.

ISIS-K will probably accept Anti-NWO's original plan, although they may not be too enthusiastic about it. They will never accept the Caspian alternative for Eastern European group. Although not an Eastern European country, Italy could save the world and at the same time benefit enormously, if they accept Italy's solution. In that alternative, Italy is placed with Eastern Europe and the group will be named something like Eastern and Southern European Commonwealth (Community or Union).

Most likely, Italy is not going to save the world and benefit enormously. So there are two main alternatives for Eastern Europe's group that result in two opposite courses of action towards ISIS - K. If the Caspian alternative is chosen, ISIS-K will have to be eliminated because they will never accept this alternative and oppose it using their methods of terrorism. Otherwise, Weimar Triangle and NWO will have to be persuaded to accept the original Anti-NWO's compromise solution.

This is not a compromise just between NWO and Anti - NWO but a lot broader. ISIS - K is definitely not NWO. It is so extreme that it is not Anti-NWO either. They are beyond Anti-NWO. If they were not so extreme, they could be Anti-NWO. If they were not so extreme, they would probably use other methods than terrorism to advance their goals.

Weimar Triangle's NWO cunningly managed to turn them against those who support something they may accept. In this way ISIS-K, unintentionally assisted NWO in their goals. ISIS - K assisted the creation of Asian Union which is definitely not what they want. There are many religions in Asia and they will never accept an Asian Union. They may settle for solid Muslim groups, provided in Anti-NWO's original plan.

Weimar Triangle's NWO played them big time. Once ISIS - K realizes the manipulation, they will turn against those who fooled them. It will be like a boomerang for Weimar Triangle and NWO. It will return to them and cause them huge problems. Nevertheless, ISIS - K will never accept the Caspian solution for Eastern Europe's group. If this alternative is chosen, ISIS-K will have to be eliminated.

Before they are entirely terminated, they will retaliate a few times. On the other scenario, it may take many "convincing efforts" by ISIS - K before Weimar Triangle, Czech Republic, Baltic countries accept the original composition for Eastern European group. Only Italy's solution does not have lots of trouble ahead. Unfortunately, it does not have high probability of happening either.

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