NWO’s incohesive madness

NWO's incohesive madness

We keep claiming that NWO's vicious cabal must be insane. Anybody can say anything about anyone. What matters is how a claim is supported. We support our claim about NWO's insanity. We explained why NWO's plan is totally insane. But it is not only that. Madness is incohesive and contradictory. NWO's reasoning has lack of cohesiveness and many contradictions. The instances are endless. We will give only a few examples.

In addition to what we will explain, if you try, you will find many more. Someone could write a book about NWO's incohesivenesses and contradictions. That could be something worth doing. Supposedly, NWO maniacs are concerned about the environment and Anti-NWO is not. That is another big lie, a huge deception. Of course Anti-NWO is not apathetic about the environment. The difference between NWO and Anti-NWO is in the approach.

NWO's approach is sloppy, incohesive, contradictory, fragmentary, impulsive, totally insane while Anti-NWO's approach is all around, cohesive, systematic, meticulous, thorough, balanced. NWO's economic model for globalization has emphasis on trade which causes increased movement of products all around the world. Products move in ships, trucks, trains, airplanes. All these use sometype of fuel. So their economic model for globalization is contradictory to their supposedly concern regarding the environment. 

There is definitely poverty in the world. The poorest countries are in Sub-Saharan Africa. If we look at the list of per capita income (ppp), at the bottom are mainly Sub-Saharan countries. Burundi, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Somalia, Erithrea, Mozambique, Niger, DR Congo, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Malawi, Madagacar are the poorest according to World Bank. The poorest non African countries are Afghanistan, Syria, Haiti, Yemen, Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Tajikistan, East Timor, Nepal, Cambodia, Tuvalu, Palestine. In some cases, previous or current war may be a factor for poverty.

NWO's approach to solve poverty is to move people from poor countries to rich countries. This is completely insane! There are almost eight billion people in the world and approximately one billion are in economically advanced countries. NWO wants to cram seven billion people in economically advanced countries. This is not a solution, this is madness. If this is not crazy then what is?

Of course Anti-NWO has a solution for this like it has for everything. Always the difference between NWO and Anti-NWO is in the approach. NWO's approach is always sloppy, incohesive, contradictory, fragmentary, impulsive, insane while Anti-NWO's approach is cohesive, all around, systematic, meticulous, thorough, balanced. Regarding this specific matter Anti-NWO has a push approach while NWO has a pull approach.

Immigrants from advanced countries should assist their countries of origin develop and at the same time benefit. Instead of having more immigrants flood in advanced countries, the opposite direction should be followed. Instead of pulling new immigrants in advanced nations, existing immigrants should move to or establish business and other relations with their countries of origin.

Less developed countries must have high growth rates, much higher than those of economically advanced countries. Of course, push approach is only part of the solution. There are more points. Anti-NWO's approach regarding this problem and other problems will be explained in other articles. In this article, we want to demostrate NWO's sloppiness, incohesiveness, contradiction, impulsiveness, madness.

One of the major causes of environmental harm and depletion of natural resources is overpopulation. Environmental harm and depletion of natural resources are not the same but related. Poorest countries have higher population growth rate. Most countries with high population growth rates are in Africa. NWO is encouraging people in poor countries to have many children because with their insane policies some of them will move to advanced countries and sent them money.

Many well known actors, movie directors, musicians and generally artists are big NWO supporters. So are some well known entrepreneurs. Supposedly they are concerned about the environment and depletion of natural resources. At the same time the have one or more huge mansions, many cars with big engines, boat, airplane, countless clothes etc. It is also true for some politicians. Isn't someone who is successful allowed to have all these?

Someone who is successfull and made lots of money can have all these. Someone who claims to be concerned about the environment and the depletion of natural resources and supports environmental causes can't have all these. The production of all these uses energy and natural resources. Big houses need a lot of energy for cooling and heating. Cars with big engines, boats, airplanes consume a lot of fuel.

These people are a) crazy b) drug abusers c) phonies, two faced hypocrites who deceive everybody. Drug abuse leads to a condition similar to madness. Next time a star, an entrepreneur or a politician with a huge house, many big cars, boat etc tries to speak about environmental protection or support it somehow, tell him/her to sell first big houses, expensive cars, boat, airplane, countless expensive clothes and then support environmental issues.

Anti-NWO has truly solutions for all problems because it has an all around, cohesive, systematic, meticulous, thorough balanced approach. Contrariwise, NWO not only can't solve problems but creates many more because it has a sloppy, incohesive, impulsive, contradictory, totally insane approach. All Anti-NWO needs is one or two terms to fix all the problems and bring peace and prosperity all over the world.

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