Proceed ASAP with core

Proceed ASAP with core

AntiNWO will bring peace and prosperity all over the world. AntiNWO will bring rapid development in all areas that are not advanced. This includes Eastern Europe which is relatively rich compared to the rest of the world. AntiNWO will assist all Groups with their organizational structure and their economic plan. AntiNWO is READY to ASSIST ALL GROUPS.

The problem is that GROUPS are NOT PROCEEDING. It has been a while since AntiNWO asked GROUPS to PROCEED as DESCRIBED. There have been some activity but not much. It seems that GROUPS are waiting for NWO's vicious cabal to give them permission. Probably NWO will not do that because they are still trying to implement their TOTALLY INSANE PLAN which proved to be a HUGE FAILURE.

NWO's VICIOUS CABAL are NOT YOUR BOSSES. They want to become the World's bosses but you should not let them. They are just BIG FAILURES. The magnitude of their failure is hard to perceive because it is astronomical. They are DINOSAURS that will become EXTINCT. NWO's PLAN is finished, obsolete, discarded, THROWN in the TRASH because it is a GIGANTIC FAILURE. AntiNWO is trying to make NWO compromise.

That would be good but it is not necessary. AntiNWO's compromise plan can go on even if NWO's vicious cabal does not compromise. GROUPS do NOT NEED NWO's PERMISSION to proceed. Just IGNORE NWO because they FAILED MISERABLY and they WILL BE GONE. That may take some time though. Groups must proceed ASAP (as soon as possible) as described. AntiNWO is READY to ASSIST any Group that proceeds.

It is expected that not all countries in a Group will want to proceed. That is not necessary. Only a core of countries needs to proceed (Eastern Europe's phases). Then enlargement can happen as the economic plan of rapid development is being implemented. Damned EU started with three countries as BENELUX (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg). Later, Germany, France, Italy were added and they were the six founding members.

Everything that has been described for Group 4 is applicable to any other Group. Of course there can be modifications according to the specific circumstances found in each group. The phases of Group 4 were described as; 1) subgroups' preparation 2) subgroups' merge 3) setting the foundations 4) economic plan implementation and group enlargement.

In the case of Group 4, two initial subgroups will merge to constitute the core countries or founding members. If initial subgroups are not suitable in another Group, phases 1 and 2 will be replaced by one, Phase 1 "founding members forming the group". The process will be dynamic until the Group (anyone) reaches its final form. So the Group will change over time.

Features described mainly for Group 4 can be used. These were subgroups and trading partners. The Group can be divided in Subgroups and these can be further divided in Regions. The level of autonomy Subgroups and Regions have will be decided by the members. Groups will decide the level of autonomy their Subgroups will have and Subgroups will decide the degree of independence their Regions will have.

Groups can do whatever they want internally and so can Subgroups. It is possible that in the same Group, one Subgroup will decide to give more autonomy to its Regions and another less. Or one Subgroup could have Regions and another not. One way of decentralization is through capitals in the Regions. Capitals for Subgroups and/or Groups are not necessary but optional. One Group may decide to have only one capital for the Group. It is also possible to have no capital at all.

Suppose there are Subgroups and Regions. There are many alternatives regarding capitals; a) in Regions only b) in Subgroups only c) for the Group only d) in Regions and Subgroups e) in Regions and for the Group f) in Subgroups and for the Group g) in Regions, Subgroups and for the Group h) no capital. Also the starting arrangement does not have to be the final. Groups could start with Regions' capitals and if it proves necessary, they could add capital(s) in Subgroups and/or for the Group.

There is no need for a Group's Parliament. That is a total waste of money. National Parliaments can form a Group Parliament. The only problem is that the number of members is not proportional to their population. This can be fixed with the use of some simple Mathematics (Eastern Europarliament). Members will decide if there will be strict proportionality or degressive.

Also for some decisions there could be some proportionality (strict or degressive) and for other decisions each country could have one vote. The groups will choose how decisions are made (Eastern Europe's decisions). This can also be dynamic. The way decisions are made can change over time as the Group changes. In the Council of Group Ministers, there could be one vote for each country.

AntiNWO does not propose the massive bureaucracy found in EU. The only requirement is that member countries have one Ministry or Deputy Ministry for the Group Affairs. These Ministers (or Deputy Ministers) will meet regularly to discuss, decide, plan, implement Group matters. Since they will be under the Prime Minister or the President of their country, they will not make decisions on their own.

It is possible that some decisions will be made by the Group's Parliament which will be an aggregation of National Parliaments, with the use of some simple Mathematics. In this way, there is more flexibility in decisions. Some decisions in Group's Parliament could be made with strict proportionality and others with degressive proportionality.

Also the degree of degression can be changed either according to the decisions to be made or over time. This is not possible in damned Europarliament because the MEPs are elected based on a specific degressive proportionality and then they have one vote each. According to AntiNWO's proposal, the degree of regression in proportionality can be changed with a simple change in the mathematical formula, while the National Parliaments remain as they are.

There are approximately eighty thousand lazy bureaucrats working for completely failed EU that waste taxpayers' money. According to AntiNWO's plan, those working for Group 4 (or any Group) will be only a small fraction of these. They will be spread all over the countries of the Group and employed by the Ministry for the Group Affairs in each country (Decentralized will work).

There will be heavy use of technology, video and audio conferences, email, websites, controlled access etc. Coordination in the capitals would be useful but no massive facilities are required. A relatively small building with conference rooms and space for the employees doing coordinating work could be enough. As an option, there could also be a small auditorium.

Supplementary to the Council of Ministers, there could be a Council of Heads of States that could meet less frequently. If there are regions and subgroups, regions could meet more often than subgroups and subgroups more often than groups. Regions could meet once a month, Subgroups once every two months and Groups every three months. This is only an example that we gave. These matters will be decided by each Group.

It is obvious that NWO - EU are TRULY DINOSAURS and they will become EXTINCT. They will be LEFT BEHIND because they are REALLY VERY FAR BEHIND in all aspects. There is no need to wait for dinosaurs' extinction because it may take a while. Groups must proceed ASAP as described with a core of countries so that AntiNWO can assist them.

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