Protected with Anti-NWO

Protected with Anti-NWO

Generally, freeing markets and making movement of people easier can be beneficial but EXTREME CAUTION is REQUIRED because it can be also very harmful. Movement of people is good but it does not have to be free, only easier. Markets do not have to be entirely free. Some protectionism may be required in some occasions when productivity is low or price level is high. Productivity can be improved.

We described how quantitative productivity and price levels affect the cost of a product and competitiveness. We also showed how productivity is expressed in monetary values and how it relates to per capita income. We explained the very many shortcomings of their argument regarding Comparative Advantage. We depicted the Free Movement deception that relates to all these.

Productivity is basically quantitative, measured by quantities of products and services. In order to compare and add different types of products and services, productivity is expressed in monetary values. Productivity in monetary values may change if prices of products and services change. It is possible to have an increase in productivity in terms of quantities produced and decrease in productivity expressed in monetary values.

It is very important that all people realize the truth. NWO - EU maniacs are either deceiving everybody intentionally or are extremely ignorant. So we will try to clarify these issues even more. Let's take two countries X and Y and two sectors A and B. Country X has productivity 35 dollars (or euros) per hour In sector A and 40 dollars per hour in sector B. Country Y has productivity 80 dollars per hour in sector A and 45 dollars per hour in sector B.

Country X;  Sector A 35  Sector B 40      Country Y;  Sector A 80  Sector B 45

Country Y has higher productivity compared to country B. Country Y has Absolute Advantage in both sectors. Country X has Comparative Advantage in Sector B which is more productive than sector A. Let's assume that country Y has the highest productivity in the world, in both sectors. Each country will specialize in one sector. This example is hypothetical.

According to Comparative Advantage Theory, Country X will specialize in sector B. If the two countries have the same price level, Country X will be less competitive in both sectors because it has lower productivity. That means that products will not be able to compete with Country Y's products. With EU's faulty model, country X will be hurt enormously, as it happened with many countries with lower productivity. Poorer countries have lower productivity.

If a country does not have Absolute Advantage, protectionism is needed. As it has been explained, it is possible to be able to compete, if it has a lower price level. Countries that participate in Eurozone abolish that potential advantage. For poorer countries, participating in Eurozone is like suicide. Higher productivity and lower price level have a positive effect on competitiveness while lower productivity and higher price level have negative.

Productivity effect on competitiveness      high - positive       low - negative

Price level effect on competitiveness        high - negative       low - positive

Back to the example, the highest productivity in the world for sector A is 80 while for sector B it is 45. Sector A is a high productivity sector. Both Absolute and Comparative Advantage Theories have static views. If we have a dynamic view, Country X should specialize in sector A because it has the potential to reach the highest productivity in that sector. Probably productivity in that sector will get even higher as time goes by. Let's make some changes in the example.

Country X;  Sector A 35  Sector B 45      Country Y;  Sector A 80  Sector B 40

In this case, Country X has Absolute Advantage in Sector B and could specialize, without protectionism (if price levels are equal). But in this way, it will remain much poorer than Country Y. In order to reach Country Y's per capita income, Country X needs to specialize in Sector A. Eventually, it will reach country Y's productivity. But it can't go from 35 to 80 very soon. While it has much lower productivity, sector A in Country X needs to be protected.

In a group like EU, Counrty X will never be able to reach country Y in terms of productivity so it will never be able to reach Country Y in terms of per capita income. The example was hypothetical and oversimplified so it would become understood. In real economy there are many sectors. We could divide them in three broad categories; low, average and high productivity.

Not all sectors must be high productivity but countries need to have some high productivity sectors, if they want to have high per capita income. The more high productivity sectors, the better it is. In order to reach their potential in these high productivity sectors, protectionism is needed. Protectionism may also be needed in countries with high productivity that have high price levels.

Another NWO-EU deception is about tariffs which are presented in a very negative way. Tariffs do make products more expensive for consumers. Who gets tariffs? The state collects them and gives them back to citizens in various ways. Consumers are also citizens of the country. So citizens get the tariffs. Consumers get back the tariffs they pay, as citizens.

That doesn't mean that tariffs are always good. They are not entirely bad either. Sometimes they could be helpful. NWO maniacs have a black or white mentality. Tariffs shouldn't be used as a substitute to taxation but to protect industries. When used, they have a similar effect with indirect taxes. There are also other protectionism tools, mainly quotas and subsidies.

NWO - EU approach this in a random way, like a gamble. It is not a serious approach. It is absolutely ridiculous and criminal to gamble like this with peoples' lives. These monsters (NWO-EU) have completely ruined the lives of millions decent, hard working, competent people. If they haven't ruined your life yet, they will do it in the future. They should be punished severely for the damage they have caused and their fortunes confiscated for reimbursement. Their only chance to avoid severe punishment is to compromise.

NWO - EU psychopaths care only to implement their totally insane, completely false ideas and dominate Europe and the World. They see people like ants and do not care if they crush them, probably they enjoy it. Anti - NWO values peoples' lives. Anti - NWO will free markets wherever this is possible but unlike NWO - EU, Anti - NWO will never ruin your lives. Anti - NWO will protect you like a guardian angel and you can be 100% sure about that.

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