Read or watch Vance’s interview

Read or watch Vance's interview

It is great that Donald Trump is safe and well. Luckily, DEMOCRAT and PRO-UKRAINE activist Ryan Routh did not succeed to assassinate him. There is not much information about this incident yet. We need to clarify completely the "childless cat ladies" issue so that there will be no doubt left. Suppose that Vance was giving a speech in a Philosophy conference. He would have used the term "female antinatalists" instead of "childless cat ladies".

When he was giving the interview, he knew that all kinds of people would watch it. So he wanted to be understood by all of them. He felt that a layman would have used the term "childless cat ladies" instead of "female antinatalists". If he used the latter, most people would not understand what he was talking about. All people understand the meaning of the word female but very few understand the meaning of antinatalist.

Vance studied and knows philosophy. He could be talking for hours about antinatllism and pronatalism. It is true that he wouldn't need hours to explain to the audience what antinatalism is. This could be done in a minute. But this may have seemed elitist or arrogant. Some people could say "because he went to Yale he thinks that he is better than us". Others may think that he was trying to show off.

Regardless of what Vance would have said in a Philosophy conference or could have said in the interview, what actually matters is what he said. If we examine carefully what Vance said, we will find out that he said "female antinatalists" using other words. Vance did not just say "in Democrats there is a bunch of childless cat ladies" and then left Fox News studio. The interview was not just that.

"Childless cat ladies" was in a sentence. This sentence was proceeded by other sentences and followed by other sentences. The term "childless cat ladies" does not denote that childlessness is by choice. But this is clear in the rest of the sentence; "a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the CHOICES that they’ve made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too".

The CHOICE they have made and makes them miserable is not having children. So it is very clear that childlessness or childfreeness is VOLUNTARY. This is antinatalism. Child free feminists are one category of antinatalists. Vance did not refer only to female antinatalists but to all antinatalists. He continued mentioning Kamala Harris, Alexandra Ocasio Cortez and Pete Buttigieg who is male.

Buttigieg is married to Chasten Glezman who is also male and have adopted two children. The adoption announcement came around the time Vance gave the interview. Procreation is having your own children, not adopting children. The term "childless cat ladies" refers to women but Vance's remarks were for WOMEN AND MEN that are CHILDLESS by CHOICE, not because they have some medical issues.

Why did he call them "childless cat ladies" instead of plainly "childless ladies". Not all childless women have cats. Some have dogs, some have other pets and some have no pets. For some reason, most of them have cats. So not all of them have cats but most of them do. There must be an explanation but this is beyond the scope or this article. If someone is interested s/he could search it.

Jennifer Aniston's comment turned to be a big embarrassment for her. Obviously Anniston never read or watched what Vance said. If she did, then she does not understand English. Her comment was totally irrelevant to what Vance said. Usually celebrities at that level, pay people to assist them with what what they say or post. Aniston should fire immediately whoever she pays and find someone better. That could save her from another embarrassment.

Aniston is pronatalist. This is derived by her trying to have a child. It is not clear if Taylor Swift is an antinatalist or a pronatalist. By the way, Aniston is a poor woman*, compared to Swift. She has a little less than one fourth (1.300 / 4 = 325) of Swift's fortune. Aniston's net worth is estimated to only* three hundred and twenty (320) million. This is irrelevant but since we mentioned Swift's fortune, we should include Aniston's.

Swift is obligated to make clear to her followers, if is she is an antinatalist or a pronatalist. If she is claims to be pronatalist, it will not only be an embarassment for her as well but she will prove to be a liar. She claims to have done research. If she had done the minimum research, she would have read or watched what Vance actually said, before endorsing Harris as a "childless cat lady".

There are only two possibilities; a) she is an antinalist b) she is a liar and totally unreliable. If she is not antinatalist, most likely she did not do any research and she is lying about it. If she is lying about one thing, she could be lying about everything, so is extremely unreliable, totally invalidated. Her comments should not be taken seriously by anyone.

Vance defended himself on a few occasions regarding the interview. His wife and others came to his defense as well. Do not believe any side. Just do something very simple. Go and READ or WATCH what VANCE said during the INTERVIEW and make your own conclusions. You will find out who is telling the truth. You will also realize how deceitful and vicious NWO really is.

Attacking Vance in this way is vicious. He should be a role model for America's youth, especially non privileged. Others that had similar childhood are drug addicts on welfare or criminals. Since he is a political opponent, Democrats should attack him ferociously on his political beliefs. Twisting what he said is vicious. This unfairness is not only directed towards Vance but also towards the public. They are deceiving the public.

Finally we want to make one last comment. Almost two thirds of unmarried women support Democrats. Not all of them are unmarried by choice. According to one opinion, they are unmarried because they support Democrats. People generally tend to associate with those that have similar beliefs. Republicans are pro family while for Democrats family is not important.

Many men in Democrats are homosexuals like Buttigieg. If women meet someone in Democrat's circles, he could be an assassin like Ryan Routh who will probably stay in prison for many years. If Democrat unmarried women become Republican, they would associate more with people that are pro-family and procreation is an important objective for them. So their chances of getting married would be dramatically increased.

Those who consider it, should do it immediately because pre election period is a good time to get involved. There is a more fuss, more interest and more activity about politics. After the elections, interest and activity fall. Unmarried women who want to be married, could get a marriage proposal relatively soon, if they get involved somehow into the Republican campaign.


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