Swift end of the world

Swift end of the world

Performing artist Taylor Swift made public her support to NWO after the debate between Donald Trump and Camala Harris. She posted something on Instagram that was obviously given to her by communication advisers working for Harris' campaign. Then they claimed that this was a surprise although they were the ones who planned it. Everything was planned in advance. This shows how much dishonest they really are.

Swift signed as "childless cat lady". This has gone too far and has to stop! Vance stated that Democratic party has many childless cat ladies. Actress Jennifer Aniston responded explaining her difficulty to have children. We let this pass because she seems a nice person and had the courage to make public a personal medical problem. Jennifer Aniston got it all wrong! She entirely missed the point Vance was trying to make.

Vance was not referring to women who can't have children or those that are not lucky enough to find Mr. Right while they can bear children. Generally those who want to have families, manage to find someone even if he is not Mr. Perfect. But there are indeed exceptions. Vance's statement was not against people having cats, dogs or any other pets.

Vance did not deny the right of a woman or a man to not have children. He only wanted to point out the difference in values between Republicans and Democrats. For Republicans, family is something important while for Democrats it is not. Vance was referring to those women in Democratic party that are so self absorbed that do not want to have any children although they can.

Vance wanted to point out the different values, family values on one side and self absorption on the other. So Aniston got it all wrong. Vance was not referring to her case at all. Perhaps he was referring to Swift's case, if she is self absorbed. Is self absorption one of the values Swift mentions on her post? She is thirty four years old and beautiful. Although women can have children in their forties, doctors recommend as optimal the age range between twenty and thirty five years.

It is hard to believe that Swift can't find someone to be the father of her child. Elon Musk offered already, half jokingly. He is the richest man in the world and will become the first trillionaire in 2027. Swift's wealth is estimated to 1,3 billion but one trillion is one thousand times a billion. Musk could give her another billion* if he became the father of her child and instead of one billion, Swift could have two.

Instead of supporting NWO, she should explain to her followers why she is childless. Is it because she has some difficulty? Then we all sympathize with her, like we did with Jennifer Aniston. It is hard to believe that she can't find someone. So, is she doesn't have any medical problems that make difficult for her to bear a child, she might be so self absorbed that she neglects having a family. Then Vance could be rererring to her case. There are indications that she might be self absorbed.

First of all we need to clarify that if a woman or a man is a talented performer, it does not mean that s/he is nice or smart. Some of them are good people and some of them are bad people. Also some of them are smart people and some of them are stupid people. Swift probably had and still has a wonderful life. She comes from a wealthy family. She grew up on a Christmas tree farm and spent her summers at a seaside vacation home that her family owned.

She is rich, talented, famous, beautiful. She claims to have done research and concluded that she supports NWO. If she really had done research, she would have found out that NWO has entirely ruined the lives of millions decent, hard working, competent people in USA and all over the world. Perhaps she is so self absorbed that she only cares about her wonderful life, her wonderful career and her wonderful self.

If she had done research, she would have found out that NWO is a conspiracy against mankind. NWO's vicious cabal want to dominate the world, enslave, exploit, suppress, deceive people and impose their will on them. If she had done research, she would have found out that NWO was behind the Nazis and started World War II. Obviously not the same people because they are dead but the same circles of perversion and immorality.

If she had done research, she would have found out that by supporting NWO she is helping World War III to happen. NWO maniacs will cause another World War with their totally insane ideas and actions. And if World War III happens, it is possible that the world will come to an end. Taylor Swift's wonderful life could come to an end soon and the same would happen to all or most people in the World.

We will give to Taylor Swift and every body else some unpleasant and some pleasant information. The unpleasant information is that life on Earth will not last for ever. The pleasant information is that very long time will pass until this will happen. According to some scientists, the first living things appeared on earth 4 billion years ago. There are different estimates regarding the end of our world.

One estimate is equal to Taylor Swift's estimated wealth, 1,3 billion years. Another is 7,5 billion years. In 1,3 billion years, Earth will not be habitable and in 7,5 billion years, Earth will no longer exist. Of course there could be asteroid strikes or supernova blasts sooner. One billion years is a million millenia. To get a perception of this time, two millenia have passed since the birth of Jesus Christ. So we still have 650 thousand times that.

It will not be the end of the Universe but the end of our world on Earth. By that time humans may be technologically and scientifically advanced to inhabit some other place. Most cosmologists agree that the universe began very dense 13,787 billion years ago and has been expanding since. Galaxies are moving away from each other and the universe has become less dense. Most cosmologists believe that the shape of the universe is flat and will continue to expand for ever.

A lot of technological and scientific advancement is required until humans could inhabit some other place. Any space program is a great assistance. Space X was founded by Elon Musk, with the goal of reducing space transportation costs and developing a sustainable colony in Mars. It is understandable, If Taylor Swift does not want Musk to be the father of her child. She should find someone else.

Nevertheless, Musk's half joking comment "to give her a child" is an opportunity for her to become friends with him. He will be a very positive influence and explain to her the real important causes. If us humans want to exist for ever, we would have to find another place to live. A lot of technological and scientific advancement will be required but we still have a lot of time, 1,3 billion years.

First we need to make sure that the end of our world will not be SWIFT (happen soon). Anyone who supports NWO is assisting that to happen. Taylor Swift should do some serious research and not just claim that she did. Also she should befriend people like Elon Musk who will have a positive impact on her and explain to her things that she obviously doesn't know.

*humorous exaggeration

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