USA 2024 elections 3

USA 2024 elections 3

USA 2024 elections 2

Since USA elections are coming up soon, we need to add some more points and sum it up. Jewish Americans care a lot about Israel. Ukrainian Americans are concerned about Ukraine. The rest, do not care much about Israel or Ukraine. Many probably did not know where Israel and Ukraine are, before the wars started. They just want to stop paying for these wars.

Recently, American taxpayers have been working for Ukraine and Israel. With their income they pay taxes and a considerable part of the taxes they pay goes to Ukraine and Israel as aid. Most Americans do not consider Ukraine an ally or Russia an enemy. At least that was the situation in the beginning of the war. After September 11th 2001 events, most Americans consider radical Muslims an enemy.

American voters just want to stop paying. They do not want the two wars to escalate or their soldiers getting killed. There are about 1 million Ukrainian Americans which is 0,3%. Russians are more than 3 million (1%) and have roughly equal number with Hellenes (Greeks). Polish Americans are 9 million (2,7%). Poles, Hellenes and Russians are the three largest ethnicities from Eastern Europe.

Jewish Americans are 7 million (2%). Among Russians, 750 thousand are Jewish which is a considerable percentage (almost 25%). Polish Americans are generally on Ukrainian side but since it is not Poland but another country, they do not care much. Most Russian Americans are on Russian side. Some Russian Jews are on Ukrainian side since Zelensky and some of his ministers are Jewish.

Jews, African Americans, LGBT were the biggest supporters of Democrats, more than 75% preferring them. Trump complained that 60% of Jews support Democrats. He said that they will be partly responsible if he looses the elections and then Israel will cease to exist in two years. This is a possible scenario. It is either Israel will cease to exist or there will be World War III.

The first is bad for Jewish Americans and the second very bad for all Americans and all the people in the World. Trump has a more hard line approach than Democrats regarding the situation in Middle East. It could be interpreted by some voters as more USA involvement. This is something most voters clearly do not want because it is more trouble. It could mean that American soldiers would get killed.

Only Jews would want more involvement but still Trump can get only 40% of their vote, which is an improvement but not enough. He may be gaining some Jewish voters but he may be losing some of the rest who do not care much about Israel (or Ukraine). Jewish are financially strong for their percentage. We do not know if Trump's hardline approach has resulted in contributions to his campaign.

Regardless of all these, Jewish voters should vote for Trump. The situation in Middle East is complex. Iran and Turkiye could start a war against Israel. In that case, Israel will certainly cease to exist. If USA gets directly involved, Russia could do the same. Also in that case, USA and Israel will lose and Israel will cease to exist. If some Western European countries and China get directly involved as well, it would be World War III.

The best approach is to negotiate. Trump is in better position to negotiate. Democrats have really bad relations with Russia and barely speak to Turkiye. Trump can talk with Russia and Turkiye. Perhaps his hardline approach is a negotiating tactic, aiming at Russia and Turkiye. He is supposed to have very good negotiating skills. He even wrote a book about negotiating, "The Art of the Deal" which also contains a short autobiography.

Eventually, the two wars will end with negotiations. Trump is better suited to negotiate both wars, for his negotiating skills and the fact that he can talk with Russia and Turkiye. Russia is already directly involved in Ukraine and could also be involved in Middle East. Democrats do not talk with Russia. Only secret services have some contact. But secret services can't accomplish international negotiations at the highest level.

Jews are only 2%. African Americans are 12%, six times that. Of course Republicans can't increase welfare spending since it does not fit with Republican party's ideology. But African Americans should vote for AntiNWO party because with AntiNWO's plan, there will be opportunities in Sub-Saharan Africa, were there are approximately 50 countries. Also they should be concerned about the well being of the place their ancestors came from.

Opportunities in Subsaharan Africa will not be just for African Americans but for everybody. China, Russia and other Eastern European countries, Western European countries, Arab and other Muslim countries etc are expected to have presence in the region. Nevertheless, those that originate from Africa have an advantage. Locals will be much more friendly towards them compared to the rest. They can be a bridge between the locals and the rest.

The population in Sub-Saharan Africa is roughly 1 billion people. Some sources give a little more than that. This is as much as in North, Central and South America. So this is a very big market but people are poor and can't buy many things. Still they need to cover their basic needs. As they become richer with rapid development, they will be able to buy more products and services. There will also be opportunities for imports - exports in USA.

According to one source, young voters (age 18 - 29), are 38% Democrats, 23% Republicans and 37% independent. According to another source, two thirds (2/3) or 65% prefer Democrats and the rest Republicans. Perhaps more independents lean towards Democrats. Vance should be a role model for America's youth and young voters should support him.

He is a great example on how some one can rise from poverty. He is mostly a role model for not privileged young people. The rest can learn as well from his case since it shows how someone can improve his position in life. His net worth is estimated to 10 million (roughly the same with Harris). It is not much compared to others but it is a lot of improvement, if we consider where he started from.

Young people should support AntiNWO because the future is theirs and AntiNWO will bring peace and prosperity all over the world. There will also be opportunities all over the world because AntiNWO will bring rapid development in all less developed regions of the world. For those that are idealists, AntiNWO will end poverty in all poor regions, not only in SubSaharan Africa.

Mexican Americans are almost 12% and Puerto Ricans almost 3%. They should support AntiNWO because Mexico and Puerto Rico will be in a privileged position, in Group 1 with USA and Canada. Cubans are 0,75%. They should also support AntiNWO because it is possible that Cuba could be in Group 1 as well. Russia could play an important role in that and Democrats have very bad relations with Russia.

Italian Americans are 5%. AntiNWO gave Italy a great opportunity to participate in Group 4 and have high growth rates. Italians could become much richer than Germans relatively soon and solve all their economic problems. AntiNWO gave that opportunity initially to Poland but because their government is treasonous or ignorant, the did not take advantage of it.

So AntiNWO gave Poland the chance to be in Group 3, if that is what they want, even if it is harmful to them. Still, they did not lose the opportunity to be in Group 4, have high growth rates and surpass Germany's per capita income. Russians should support AntiNWO because AntiNWO placed Russia where it belongs, with Eastern Europe.

Italy or Greece are the most damaged countries due to EU participation. With AntiNWO plan, Greece will have high growth rates and solve all the economic problems. All countries that participate in Group 4 will have much more autonomy, compared to being in EU or in Western European Union. People will be more respected in USA, If the countries they originate from improve their economic level.

Finally, two thirds (2/3) of unmarried women support Democrats. A good strategy to get married is to be involved into the Republican campaign. Mexicans, Africans, Italians, Puerto Ricans, Poles, Jews, Hellenes, Russians, young people, unmarried women should vote for AntiNWO party. It is to their benefit. If for some it is impossible to do that, at least they should not vote for NWO party. Indirectly they will assist the AntiNWO party to come to power.


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