War in Greece

War in Greece


During Iran's attack, assistance from UK, France and USA to Israel, was very important. If it did not happen, Israel's anti-aircraft system would not be able to stand the vast numbers of drones and missiles. A lot more would have gone through and the damage would have been much much bigger. Because UK, France, USA and Jordan assisted, most drones and missiles did not go through.

Iran had warned against anyone who would offer assistance to Israel. British aircrafts took off from Akrotiri in Cyprus. Cyprus is like Ukraine. It is not a nation. It is an island with two ethnicities, Greek and Turkish. There are two states on the island, a Greek and a Turkish. The last one is not recognized by many countries in the world. Although officialy a state, it is more like a prefecture of Turkey.

Cyprus is the name of the island and also of the Greek state. Cyprus is very weak in terms of military strength. The population of the Greek part is around a million. Regarding national defense matters, Cyprus depends heavily on Greece, which has 10 million population. Greece is in 32nd position in terms of military strength (Global Fire Power) but compared to Cyprus, it is much stronger.

For any serious national defense issue, Cyprus always consults with Greece. As a matter of fact, anti - NWO's solution for Cypriot problem is no state. The Greek part will be annexed to Greece and the Turkish part to Turkey. There is no need for agreement between Greece and Turkiye for this matter, just silent tolerance. It is possible that in the future, Greece and Cyprus will constitute one state.

Greece was also involved in the multinational force against Huthis in Yemen. Larisa's headquarters had and still have an important role, after a proposal from the Greek government, lead by prime minister Mitsotakis. So, Greece and Cyprus are already involved in the war. Of course other countries' involvement like Britain's and France's is more serious.

There is a big difference though. France, UK, USA are far from Middle East. Greece is very close and Cyprus is in the Middle East. Cyprus is all located in Asia. It became a member of EU because inhabitants are Greeks and it is a satellite state to Greece. Cyprus is very close to Lebanon and Syria. So it would be very easy for them to start hitting Cyprus as well.

They have been using launching equipment against Israel, since October. All it takes is to turn some of them 90 degrees towards west and start firing rockets and missiles to Cyprus. In addition, drones could be launched. Why would they do such a thing? First for retaliation and second to set an example so others would not want to assist Israel in the future. Something like this would be justified because they clearly warned against anyone who would assist Israel.

Will they do it? We do not know. It is a possible but not a certain scenario. Most people believe that Israel will respond as it has already made clear. Iran also made clear that it will strike back. So in the second wave of Iran's attack, Cyprus could be included. If it happens, most likely it won't be hit directly from Iran but from Syria or Lebanon which are very close to Cyprus.

This will automatically involve Greece because Greece always assists Cyprus. Will it be a major war? Most likely not but nevertheless it would be war with all the consequences. Both countries heavily depend on tourism. Cyprus and Greece would be at war, even if it would be a small one. It is not expected that Hezbollah or some other organization will make a landing on Cyprus's shores. They will be launching rockets, missiles and drones.

Although it will be a small war, things could evolve in the future. And the war could spread further in the region. Greece and Cyprus are members or EU and Eurozone. So the war will be in EU as well. It is not expected that other EU countries will rush to assist Greece and Cyprus because they will not be in any danger. But they will be in a war. There would be damages, fatalities, anxiety and fear caused by war.

There will also be general anxiety because the war could spread even further. Additionally, what will start as something small, could become bigger. There could be some positive side effects though. Greece is the most damaged Eastern European country because it has been in EU since 1981. Western European NWO has set a system of puppets that ruin the country and deceive Greek people.

These are not only politicians but also journalists, media owners, businesspeople etc. They follow the same model like the Nazis did. The families they use are the same as well. In Greece, Western European NWO used all Nazi collaborators and their descendants, as their puppets. Constantinos Karamanlis was the prime minister who made the efforts for Greece's participation in EU. He was a Nazi collaborator.

He chose as minister of Foreign Affairs Georgios Rallis. He was the one to do most of the work. His father John Rallis, was prime minister during Nazi occupation. Constantinos Simitis was the prime minister to adopt Euro and include Greece in Eurozone. His father George, held some very important positions, during Nazi occupation. He was president of Greek Banks' Union.

He was a very close friend of George Merkouris, who was the founder and leader of the Nationalist Socialist party, the only legal party during Nazi Occupation. His niece was actress and politician Melina Merkouri, also a Nazi collaborator. There are many more, these are just a few examples. All the pseudoelite created in Greece by Western European NWO are descendants of Nazi collaborators.

For historical reasons, Greece should have played a major role in resisting Western Europe's expansion and colonization of Eastern Europe. The problem is that Western Europe's puppets, the World's worst traitors are in control of the situation. It took a war in 1974 to end the seven year dictatorship. It may need another war to end Western Europe's occupation of Greece.

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