EU’s faulty model

EU's faulty model

These people, NWO's vicious cabal, are probably insane. They are definitely doing some very crazy things. EU is the experiment. Their goal is to make three more continental Unions like EU (American, African, Asian) and put them under a global government which they will control. The outcome of EU's experiment will be applied in all other three continental Unions. They will have the same model as EU.

EU has free movement of goods, services, people and capital. We will explain why this is unsuitable for the other groups in Anti - NWO's grouping. It will be even more unsuitable for the three continental Unions provided in NWO's disastrous plan. The four continental Unions are much bigger and less homogeneous compared to Anti - NWO's groups.

Let's take for example Group 1 which will consist of Canada - USA - Mexico. Suppose there is free movement of people in that group. What will happen is obvious. At least half, if not all of Mexico's residents will move to USA and Canada. It will be very bad not only for Canada and USA but Mexico as well. This is not going to happen between USA and Canada because their per capita income difference is not that big.

Anti - NWO's effort was to reach maximum homogeneity in the groups. This was not possible all times due to various reasons. Nevertheless, Anti - NWO's groups are a lot more homogeneous, compared to NWO's catastrophic plan. There is some lack of homogeneity between USA - Canada on one side and Mexico on the other side. It is a lot more manageable though, compared to the American Union, foreseen by NWO.

There is another problem created with considerable income differences when EU's fallacious model is used. This will be explained more thoroughly in other articles but we can state it here briefly. Countries with higher per capita income have higher productivity. Two important factors that determine competitiveness are productivity and price level.

When two countries have approximately the same price level, the one that has lower per capita income and lower productivity, has also lower competitiveness. A country with lower productivity and income, could compete, if it has low enough price level. Countries that joined Eurozone, lost that potential weapon because after adopting euro as their currency, prices went up.

There is a fake NWO - EU propaganda regarding per capita income convergence in EU. This is actually a very big lie. Countries that have lower per capita income would be much better off, if they did not join EU. Not only they do not benefit but in reality EU participation damages their economy. NWO - EU is using fake propaganda to manipulate Eastern European citizens in believing that their countries will benefit if they are in EU.

EU will become Western Europe after Eastern European countries leave to form their own group. Most likely EU's malfunctioning model will remain. Of course they could make changes but it is their problem. What matters is that other groups do not adopt this catastrophic model, if it is unsuitable for their special conditions. EU's model could work better, if countries have approximately the same per capita income level.

This will happen when Eastern European countries leave. There will be much fewer countries with considerable per capita income differences, plus the differences would not be that big. The problem will still exist with countries like Portugal. The three poorest Western European countries are from bottom Portugal, Spain, Italy. Portugal and Spain can't join Eastern Europe's group because of their geographic location.

Italy could join, even if it is clearly not an Eastern European country because it is next to it. Their economy will benefit enormously from their participation. Of course the same is true for Poland, Czech Republic and Baltic countries that strongly oppose their participation in Eastern Europe's group, although they are Eastern European countries.

This is because Western European NWO has planted puppet governments is many Eastern European countries. They have brain washed their citizens in believing that they benefit from their participation while the truth is exactly the opposite. In Eastern Europe's group, income differences will be smaller. But there is one more important factor that will help Eastern European countries tremendously.

Eastern Europe will have a different model than EU's faulty one. The model is ready and the 30 year old economic plan is also ready. When the plan is implemented, Eastern Europe will reach Western's income level in 25 - 30 years. Although the model is ready and the plan is ready, the group is not ready. It is because Poland, Czech Republic and Baltic countries strongly oppose their participation, under the guidance of Germany and France.

At this point, we have three different models. Group 1 (Canada - USA - Mexico) is ready. Their model is described in the New NAFTA (USMCA). If they want to elaborate further on it, they could. The other model is EU's deficient model. A third model is Eastern Europe's which is best suitable for the special circumstances in the group. Other groups can look at these three models and make their model which should be more appropriate for them.

NWO's plan is full of problems. It has created world chaos. Anti - NWO's compromise plan is much much better. It is not perfect but it is as good as it gets. Anti - NWO's real elite has examined it thoroughly and removed as many problematic points as possible. Anti - NWO has an even better plan, a prevalence plan. Even if it is better, the road to prevalence will be harder for everybody compared to compromise. Anti - NWO should take charge of matters and stop this madness created by NWO.

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