Israel vs Iran

Israel vs Iran


Most politicians, journalists and analysts consider certain that Israel will respond to Iran's attack. That is what Israeli officials state. The question is when and how this is going to happen. The impression which exists is that Israel is much stronger compared to Iran. Also that Israel's coalition is much stronger than Iran's. None of these is true. We will explain why these misconceptions exist.

Israel is relatively strong militarily, for the population it has. For a country of less than ten million inhabitants, it is very strong. Nevertheless, military strength depends on population. We will remind two economic measurements, GDP and per capita income. GDP shows how big an economy is. Per capita income measures how rich in terms of income a country is.

GDP depends on population while per capita income does not. Military strength is like GDP. If there was a measurement of military strength per capita, Israel could probably be in the top position. From what we know, there is no measurement of military strength per capita. There is though a measurement of military personnel per capita. Israel is in 6th place. In the first five places are; North Korea, South Korea, Cuba, Armenia, Taiwan.

Another measurement is military expenditure per capita. In the top ten positions are; Qatar, Israel, USA, Kuwait, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Norway, Australia, Oman, Finland. None of these measurements show military strength. Important factors of military strength are population, per capita military spending, per capita military personnel, per capita income, military's technological level.

According to Global Fire Power, Iran is stronger than Israel. One important reason is that Iran is much bigger than Israel, in terms of population. It is more than nine times bigger, with a population of 88,5 million. Most countries on the top of the list are countries with large populations. Global Fire Power calculates an index of military strength. The lower this is, the stronger a country is.

In the first three positions are USA, Russia and China with indexes 0.0699, 0.0702, 0.0706 respectively. In the rest of the top ten positions are; India, South Korea, United Kingdom, Japan, Turkiye, Pakistan, Italy. Next ten are; France, Brazil, Indonesia, Iran, Egypt, Australia, Israel, Ukraine, Germany, Spain. Iran is in 14th position with an index of 0.2269 while Israel is in 17th position with an index of 0.2596.

Assuming that Global Fire Power's ranking is correct, if there was a war between Iran and Israel only, most likely Iran would win but it could be a difficult and painful victory. This is because there is not much difference in terms of rankings and indexes between the two countries. So although Iran is stronger, according to Global Fire Power, Israel is close to it, in terms of military strength.

Another misconception is that Israel's alliance is stronger. This is because Israel's allies are very open regarding their support to Israel. Let's examine the countries in the Top 20 list. USA is definitely in Israel's alliance. It is on the top of the list, strongest country militarily. If we compare the indexes, Russia and China are not very far. Although they are not very open, most likely they are on Iran's side.

So far, Iran's alliance is stronger. Israel has an ironclad support from USA as Biden stated but Iran probably has the second and third military powers on its side. If we go down the list, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Germany, Spain would probably be in Israel's alliance. On the other hand, Turkiye, Pakistan, Indonesia, Egypt would be on Iran's side.

So it is not clear which alliance would be stronger. There are certain countries like India, South Korea, Japan that we do not know for sure what they would do. There is also a third alternative which is a neutral stance, not taking any side. Even countries like Germany could be neutral in terms of actual participation in the alliance. Germany would be definitely with Israel regarding statements but it may not be involved in operations.

In Iran's recent attack, Germany was on Israel's side verbally but did not participate with military. There needs to be a correction in the previous article "It is not over". France also participated but did not admit the participation like United Kingdom. So Britain was not the only Western European country to assist Israel. This was very reckless on France's behalf, if we keep in mind that this summer, Olympic games are in Paris. It is like if Macron is asking for an attack.

Now, there are two reasons for a possible attack. One is ISIS-K's manipulation in Moscow's attack and the other France's involvement in Israel's defense. The fact that France was involved could evoke a response from any Muslim group or lonely wolves, without Iran's guidance or knowledge of the operation. Macron proved to be a very reckless politician who is unable to take into consideration circumstances.

Since we are talking about extreme recklessness, we need to mention president of Cyprus Christodoulides, king Abdullah and prime minister Khasanweh of Jordan. Cyprus and Jordan had some involvement in Israel's assistance. Jordan is in 80th place according to Global Fire Power. Cyprus is not even listed in the top 145 positions. So it is ranked below that.

Cyprus always consults with Greece, in important matters like these. Greece is in 32nd position with an index of 0.4349. Greece's prime minister Mitsotakis and Macron both deserve the title "reckless head of state for 2024". Germany probably took into consideration Euro soccer this summer. They already have a serious threat from ISIS-K's manipulation. Olympic games is a much bigger event compared to Euro soccer.

Going back to the Israel's and Iran's alliances, no matter which alliance would be stronger, it would definitely be World War III. There is a way out of all this mess created by NWO. Anti-NWO has solutions for most problems. Anti-NWO's compromise plan eliminates most of the problems created by NWO's catastrophic plan. People all over the world need to support Anti-NWO forces in their countries for a peaceful and prosperous future.

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