Eastern Europarliament

Eastern Europarliament

While Western Europeans have been preparing for Westen European Union, only few Eastern Europeans have been preparing for Eastern European Commonwealth (Community, Union etc). This is strange because it is a much more difficult endeavor, compared to Western Europe's. In Western Europe, things will remain as they are but some adjustments will be required.

For Eastern European countries that will leave EU, things will remain as they are only for a short transitional period. Then they will have to switch to a new model and a new plan. If Eastern Europeans want to reach and pass Western Europe in terms of economic, scientific and technological development, they need to become more organized and learn to plan for many years.

It is extremely important to do so because Eastern Europe's model is expected to be the standard model for most groups. First it has to be a succesful model. EU's model is a failed model. Eastern Europe's model is EXPECTED to be a SUCCESFUL model but it is not yet. First it has to be implemented and prove to be a success. So the whole world depends on Eastern Europe.

Eastern Europe's plan is more than 300 pages long. That includes the organizational model and the economic plan. Here we present only a few points of the plan. In this article we will present Eastern Europarliament. As it has been explained, Eastern Europe's Group will have no Europarliament. There is an OPTIONAL PROPOSAL though for something similar to Europarliament, which is not going to be a Europarliament. If all these seem too confusing, they will become clear, after they are explained.

In June there will be elections for Europarliament. What a total waste of taxpayer's money! First we need to explain this disaster called Europarliament. The Parliament is supposed to be the first institution of EU. It shares equal legislative and budgetary powers with the Council. The Parliament approves or rejects the European Counsil's nominee for President of Commission and the Commission as a whole. It can force the Commission to resign.

The members or the Parliament are called MEPs (Members of European Parliament). Their number will be 720 in June 2024. The maximum number is 751. For each state, there is a maximum of 96 seats and a minimum of 6 seats. There is degressive proportionality. This means that smaller subdivisions elect more MEPs compared to their proportion of the total population.

Germany has 96 seats and Malta 6 seats. Indicatively the percentages for some countries are; Germany 13.62, France 11.21, Italy 10.78, Poland 7.38, Romania 4.68, Austria 2.70. For Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Portugal, Sweden it is 2.98%. For Finland, Denmark, Slovakia it is 1.99%. For Cyprus, Malta, Luxemburg it is 0.85% and it is the lowest percentage.

All countries have national Parliaments which make decisions. Parliaments cost a lot of money to taxpayers. Europarliament costs even more money. Since all countries have Parliaments, there is no need for Europarliament because it is not for free. It is a big burden for taxpayers like the tens of thousands unproductive Brussel's bureaucrats that do more harm than good.

National Parliaments could make all the decisions regarding EU. There is a problem though. The number of members is not proportional to their population. This can easily be fixed with simple math. All in NWO-EU vicious cabal probably failed math in high school. Eastern European Group's population in absolute numbers and percentages is shown in Appendix 2. This is strictly proportional.

Degressive proportionality could be used so that smaller countries have higher percentages and larger lower. A lower and a higher limit could be set. Let's take for example one country, EU disaster Greece (Hellas). The proportion in the total population is 2,44%. Greece's Parliament has 300 traitors. Not all of them are traitors but most of them are. All those who support continuation of EU as a single group are either traitors or very stupid.

Suppose that in some issue regarding Eastern European Group ONLY, Greek Parliament voted 43% positively and 57% negatively. In other words, 43% approved it and 57% disapproved it. The vote result will be weighted according to the proportion of the total population. So it will count 0.0244 multiplied by 0.43 as Yes and 0.0244 multiplied by 0.57 as No.

Let's take another country, Poland. Suppose that on that same issue, Poland's Parliament voted 52% Yes and 48% No. Poland's proportion is 8.80%. The result in Polish Parliament will be weighted by 8.8% which is larger than 7.38% that Poland has currently in EU. So it will count 0.088 multiplied by 0.52 for Yes and 0.088 multiplied by 0.48 for No. The proposal explained concerns ONLY Group's matters. There are other ways decisions can be made. It is only optional and it will be decided by Eastern European Group if it will get approved.

It creates an Eastern Europarliament from national Parliaments. Not only Europarliament costs a lot of money but also Europarliament elections also cost a lot of money. It is a waste of money and effort. Both are useless because national Parliaments exist and can do the same job. EU is a colossal wasteland, a failed bureaucracy, a total disaster, an example to avoid. The world has great expectations from Eastern Europe's model.

Eastern Europeans need to wake up because they are in hibernation. The organizational model is ready and the economic plan is ready. Anti-NWO provided these for them and they do not have to do anything, just implement what Anti-NWO's real elite carefully prepared. Anti-NWO prepared these not only for Eastern Europe but for the rest of the groups as well. They are expected to be a big success. in order to prove to be a success, first they have to be implemented. Wake up Eastern Europeans!

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