Importance of Group 4

Importance of Group 4

Eastern European Group 4 is very important. One reason is that the organizational model and the economic plan which will become standard for most other groups are designed for Group 4. They will be applied in Group 4 and after they prove to be a success, other groups will use them. Of course, if other groups do not want to wait, they can use them soon but they would have to make modifications.

Another reason is that in Group 4 are three of the world's more serious problems, for which Anti-NWO has solutions. These problems are Ukrainian, Cypriot and Palestinian. Group 4 is extended Eastern Europe. It contains five countries that are not clearly Eastern European; Cyprus, Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Israel. There are reasons for each ones' participation.

Armenia and Georgia are right at the conventional borders between Asia and Europe which is Caucasus. Azerbaijan is also at the borders, so it is possible that Azerbaijan may participate in Group 4 as well. Turkiye has a European part with 10 million inhabitants. These are more than the population of most Eastern European countries. Cyprus and Israel are entirely in Asia.

In some previous articles, Israel is considered part of Group 4. This was the original plan for Group 4, before the war in Gaza. Now Israel's participation is questionable. Group 4 would not want to have bad relations with neighboring groups 5 and 8 because of Israel. On the other hand, because of the war in Gaza, Israel's participation in Group 5 is entirely impossible.

Because of its geographic location, Israel should be in Group 5. This would be awkward for Arabs and Israelis. So it was placed in Group 4. A secondary reason is that most Israelis come from Eastern Europe. They had lived there for centuries and probably had mixed with locals. So they could be racially related to Eastern Europeans but this is only a guess.

So what are the other alternatives for Israel? There are four other options a) participating in Western European Group 3 b) not included in any group c) be a US territory like Puerto Rico d) cease to exist. There are many Muslim countries that want Israel to cease to exist. USA mostly and Western Europeans to a lesser extent will not allow that and it could result in a World War. So this is the least likely option.

Puerto Rico is near USA. Other USA inhabited territories are US Virgin islands, Guam, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands. Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands are in the Caribean and the rest in Pacific. Caribean is near continental states. The other territories are near Hawaii, USA's state in the Pacific. Israel is very far from USA. It will be weird and extreme if Israel becomes US territory. Most likely Israelis will not want that. They will only accept this, if their only alternative is for Israel to cease to exist.

If all countries eventually are in Groups, Israel could not be left out. In the long term, Israel will have to be included in some Group. The options that have the most chances are participation in Group 4 or Group 3. Israel should have been included in Group 5. This could be very problematic, so it was placed in the nearest group. Cyprus is very close to Israel and Turkiye a little further.

The distance from Cyprus is approximately 400 km while the distance from Italy, the closest Western European country is approximately 2000 km, five times more. The most reasonable option would be in Group 4. It depends on the opposition from Muslim Groups 5 and 8. If Israel's participation in Group 4 will cause serious problems in the relations with neighboring Muslim groups, it may be included in Group 3.

This is not reasonable but it is the best second option. It is possible that eventually, Israel will participate in Group 4, although there may be some problems that will cause a long delay. If this happens, the Palestinian dispute will be in Group 4. Since Palestinians are Arabs, Group 4 and Group 5 will have important roles in solving the problem. Population separation of of some kind will be needed.

Republic of Cyprus is already in EU. It is included in Group 4 because inhabitants are Greeks (Hellenes). Cyprus is the third largest and the third most populous island in Mediterranean. There are two states on the island, a Greek (Hellenic) and a Turkish. Republic of Cyprus is the name of the Greek state and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus the name of the Turkish state. The later is not recognized as a state by many countries.

Greece's NWO insists in the one state solution which the Turkish side will never accept. They propose a two states solution which the Greek (Hellenic) side will never accept. The only solution both sides could accept is the no state solution. The Greek state will be annexed to Greece and the Turkish state to Turkey. The agreements that are needed are only a) Greece with Greek state and b) Turkey with Turkish state. Greece does not have to make any type of agreement with Turkey, for that to happen.

There should be an informal understanding and silent tolerance for the agreements, from the other side. So another reason for Cyprus participating in Group 4, is the possibility that it will be part of Greece in the future. If we add Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the number of countries in Group 4 becomes twenty seven but after the annexations, it will go down to twenty five. With Azerbaijan, they will be twenty six and without Israel twenty five.

The fact that Ukraine and Russia will be together in Group 4, partially solves the Ukrainian problem. There should be though seperation of populations, those of Russian origin, from those of Polish origin. Ukraine is not a nation. There are two main scenarios regarding population separation; a) creation of Eastern and Western Ukraine b) annexation of parts to neighboring countries.

In the later there are two options a) most territory remains as Ukraine b) Ukraine ceases to exist and all parts are annexed to neighboring countries. Eastern part could be annexed to Russia and the rest remain or western part could be annexed to Poland. Also smaller parts could be annexed to Hungary and other neighboring countries. In any case, population separation of some type would be required.

In Cyprus there is already separation of populations. There needs to be some agreement regarding the two parts' statuses. Greek NWO's proposal is the most unreasonable, the option of one state. It brings together those that have already been separated. A no state solution is the only one which both sides could accept. In Ukraine and Israel, populations are not separated. So they will have to separate in some way.

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