EU’s evil traps

EU's evil traps

NWO - EU are not smart but they are truly evil. They have certain ways of operating. They have used the same methods many times and still manage to fool people. They set evil traps to whoever goes against them. First they give them certain rewards to take them on their side. This is only temporary because NWO wants only faithful dogs, people that will obey them blindly without ever going against them or even questioning them.

They want fanatics with blinkers that can't see anything else but NWO's goals and plans. There are several examples of such fanatics, Solz, Macron, Tusk, Mitsotakis, Kallas etc. Just remember what happened to Johnson, he fell in NWO's trap. He went against NWO because Brexit was against NWO's will. NWO managed to take him on their side in Ukraine's issue. He was on the same side with all NWO fanatics.

Although they cunningly got him on their side, they never forgave the fact that he went against their will in Brexit. So they found the chance to kick him out of office. They did the same to Truss and Sunak. They took them on their side but from start were planning to get rid of them and replace them with a faithful dog. They will put a fanatic in office, Starmer who will never question any of NWO's decisions. It doesn't really matter anymore.

After Brexit, Britain had the chance to play an important role in Anti-NWO. They missed this chance. They gave away this role to Russia and other countries that resist NWO's evil plan. Britain is considered a country controlled by NWO. So according to Anti - NWO's compromise plan, Britain will become a member of Western European Union, where most countries are controlled by NWO. An exception could be Italy.

Italy has a euroskeptic government since 2018. Because of that and other reasons, Anti - NWO gave Italy all the time it needs to decide if they will participate in Group 4. So NWO - EU is setting the same evil trap to Italy's government again to prevent Italy's exit from EU. They are planning to give Italy an enhanced role in EU but this is actually cheese in the mousetrap. This will be only temporary. NWO eventually punishes all those who go against them. They will do the same to Italy's government.

They will take them on their side and then find a way to get rid of them, like they did with Johnson. They did the same with Tsipras. As a leader of SYRIZA - ANEL coalition and Greece's prime minister, he went against NWO - EU desire regarding one Memorandum. NWO strongly supported that and Tsipras opposed it in 2015. So they took him on their side initially and got rid of him eventually. Mitsotakis replaced him. He is one of NWO's most faithful dogs with Poland's Tusk and Estonia's Kallas.

NWO is setting many evil traps for Meloni, Orban, Erdogan and everyone else who is not their faithful dog. Although they did it over and over again, people keep falling in the same evil trap. NWO does not want leaders that question them and, do not agree blindly with whatever they say and do not follow their orders. They want fanatics with blinkers, faithful dogs that will blindly execute their orders without having any second thoughts.

Meloni could fall in their evil trap and so could Orban and Erdogan. NWO - EU will give them some rewards, take them on their side and plan to get rid of them the soonest possible. The rewards they will give them will be of temporary nature, easily reversible. Whoever goes against NWO should never go on their side because he/she will be eventually punished for not obeying them blindly.

Meloni could be fooled by NWO - EU. They could give Italy some temporary rewards like an enhanced role in EU. Eventually they will get rid of Meloni, Salvini and whoever is not their faithful dog. They should have learned the lesson because they did it in UK, in Greece and will be doing it over and over again, as long as they can set evil traps where people can fall in.

Orban should stop repeating all these nonsense about joining forces in a bigger europarty. For Anti - NWO, separation is a red line but will not be alienation. Whoever does not support separation, is with NWO and NWO will get rid of him/her and replace him/her with a NWO fanatic with blinkers, a faithful dog like Tusk, Mitsotakis, Kallas who will never question their orders. Erdogan should be very careful as well.

There is another very important reason for not falling in EU's evil traps. Those who will go on NWO's side will be prosecuted, convicted and sentenced for conspiracy against mankind and/or high treason and other serious crimes. If NWO does not compromise, they will all go to jail for very long time. They will never get out of jail for as long as the live. There will be two routes for sentencing them, an international court and national courts.

NWO is a conspiracy against mankind. NWO's leaders are mainly in Western Europe and USA - Canada (approximately Fake G7). These will be prosecuted in an international court for conspiracy against mankind and other crimes. They are puppeteers who have puppets like Mitsotakis, Tusk, Kallas etc. Puppets will be prosecuted in national courts for high treason and other crimes. These will be explained more thoroughly in other articles.

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