Trading partners extended

Trading partners extended

EU's group organizational model is a total failure. NWO plans to use EU's model in all other three pseudocontinental Unions, American, Asian, African. AntiNWO made all possible corrections in NWO's disastrous plan. AntiNWO made new grouping and created an alternative organizational model for Eastern European Group 4. This is expected to be the standard for most groups.

Each group will be free to use any organizational model they like. They could use EU's disastrous model. Most likely they will not because it is a total failure. Most likely they will use AntiNWO's model and make the appropriate modifications for the specific conditions inside each group. In AntiNWO's organizational model, trading partner status is included.

As it has been explained, trading partners will have similar trading privileges but will not be in the group. The will not be part or the group's organizational structure or the economic plan. They will not participate in the group's meetings and decision making. There will be some extended meetings where trading partners will participate as well but these will not take place often like meetings for members. Trading partners can't be related to another group as members or trading partners.

Based on the income criterion, poorest countries will start as trading partners in Group 4. These are from bottom; Ukraine, Moldova, Albania, Armenia, Bosnia, Georgia. It is not certain if the line will be drawn before or after N. Macedonia, meaning it could be either a trading partner or a member. Georgia and Armenia happen to be non - European and Albania - Bosnia non Christian. All the rest are European and Christian, except Turkiye and Israel.

As things are right now, Turkiye and Israel can't be in the same group. However, one of them or both could be trading partners of Group 4 because in this way they will not have to deal with each other but with the group. Turkiye may prefer trading partner status because it gives more autonomy. For Israel, participation in any way has become very difficult but there are other options as well.

Two other countries that can't be in the same group now are Russia and Ukraine. Luckily, based on income criterion, Ukraine will get trading partner status. Of course all these will have to be decided by the members. The process has been explained. Balkan countries and Hungary - Slovakia will spin-off EU and merge with Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Montenegro and possibly N. Macedonia.

German Wannabes (Poland, Czech Republic, Baltic countries) or Italy could participate at this early stage or later. Eventually it will have to be either Italy or German Wannabes that will participate. Each time a decision needs to be made, existing members will make it. So we can't know in advance what the members will decide in the future but is is very likely that they will give trading partner status to the countries mentioned above.

Trading partners could become members but the opposite is also possible. Entering in and exiting from Group 4 and Eastern Eurozone (or Southern and Eastern if Italy participates) will be much easier compared to the situation in EU. Instead of exiting entirely, a member may choose to become a trading partner. Countries can use the several options they have but they can't abuse them.

North America Group 1 is unique. It has only three countries, USA, Canada, Mexico. For now, USMCA defines the group's relations. In the future, they could make changes. There is some lack of homogeneity between USA - Canada and Mexico. So one option would be trading partner status for Mexico. USA and Canada could have closer relations as members of Group 1 and Mexico could be more autonomous as a trading partner.

AntiNWO's group organizational model is expected to be the standard for most groups. There is one group though that will not implement it. That is Germanic and Celtic Group 3, Western European Union or Northern and Western if German Wannabes participate. After some countries spin off to form Group 4, Group 3 will continue as EU was. Group 3 will be the continuation of EU.

They will keep the same disastrous organizational model. Of course they could change to much better AntiNWO model but their mania, fanatism and narrowmindness will not let them do it, at least for many years, probably decades. If they change to AntiNWO's model, they will have the trading partner option. It is possible though to add trading partner option in their entirely disastrous model.

Currently, UK, Norway, Switzerland are not in EU. UK joined in the first round of enlargement but correctly exited recently. UK and Norway can't be in Group 4 due to geographic location. For Norway there is also an issue with per capita income which is very high. There is no geographic restriction for Switzerland but like in the case of Norway, per capita income is much higher compared to the countries in Group 4.

Norway and Switzerland actually have much higher income than most countries in Group 3 as well. Anyway we see it, these three countries can't be in Group 4 or any other Group. Some countries like Italy, German Wannabes, Austria, Finland have the option to participate in Group 3 or Group 4. This is not the case with UK, Norway, Switzerland. It is either Group 3 or nothing.

So a trading partner status may be very helpful, especially for UK. They had a referendum in 2016. They also had a referendum in 1975 to confirm joining EU two years earlier. Normally they can't have another referendum for at least 25 years which is 2041. When Group 4 countries will exit EU, there will be a reason for another referendum in UK because it will be a different Union.

Nevertheless, it might be even better if they became trading partners. Norway and Switzerland could prefer it as well. If there was a trading partner option in EU, UK may have chosen to become a trading partner instead of exiting entirely. The problem is NWO's sick way of thinking which aims to exert control over countries through EU. So according to their twisted mentality, trading partner is not a good option.

AntiNWO doesn't have that evil way of thinking. AntiNWO's organizational model gives countries much more autonomy. There is also the option for further division in groups with subgroups. Each group will decide the degree of autonomy subgroups will have. In addition, trading partner status is an option. Partners are not part of the group but have similar trading privileges and even more autonomy. Countries could switch between member and trading partner status but they must not abuse this option.

They can do whatever they want in Germanic and Celtic Group 3, as long as they DO NOT MESS with OTHER GROUPS and ESPECIALLY with EASTERN EUROPE. Instead they should focus on their own affairs and establishing relations with other Groups. If Latin Italy is in Group 4, it is expected to get involved in that Group's affairs. If they decide to be in Group 3 with Germanic and Celtic countries, it will be fine with AntiNWO but they shouldn't mess with Group 4 at all.

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