Hellenistic fusion in Byzantium

Hellenistic fusion in Byzantium

In ancient times, Hellenes, Thracians, Illyrians lived in a vast area that started from Cyprus, Asia Minor (Turkiye), Crete and reached as far north as Slovakia and southern Ukraine. Today, regardless of what language they speak, what name their country has or how they self identify, in terms of ancestry, all countries in Greco-Thraco-Illyrian territory have Greco-Thraco-Illyrian and Slavic ancestry.

There is great connection between Byzantine Empire and Hellenistic (Hellenic after Alexander's death) kingdoms. Alexander became king when he was twenty years old. In only thirteen years (336-323 BC), he created one of the largest empires in history. During Alexander's final moments, his generals asked him to whom he is giving Macedonian Empire. His answer was "to the best". Eventually, the Empire was divided by his generals.

Cassander got Macedonia and the rest of Hellas (Greece), except Epirus. Lysimachus got Thrace, western and northern Asia Minor. Ptolemy got northern Egypt, Palestine, Cyprus and southeastern Asia Minor. Seleukus got eastern central Asia Minor, northern Middle East and the eastern part of the Empire, all the way to India. Their descendants are called Antipatrid, Lysimachian, Prolemaic, Seleucid dynasties. Antipater was Kassander's father.

Characteristic of Hellenistic period was the spread of Hellenic culture and civilization. At the same time there was influence from local cultures and civilizations that resulted in a fusion of Hellenic culture and civilization with other cultures and civilizations. This fusion also happened during Alexander's leadership but the time period was very short, only thirteen years. Hellenistic period was three centuries (323-30 BC) and what Alexander started continued.

Although Byzantine Empire occurred from the division of Roman Empire, it was linked to the Hellenistic kingdoms. It can be viewed as their continuation, with some differences. If we check the map of Byzantine Empire in 395 AD, it includes Antipatrid, Lysimachian, Ptolemaic kingdoms, Epirus and the western part of Seleucid kingdom which was eastern central Asia Minor and northern Middle East. Eastern part of Seleucid kingdom was not included but on the other hand there were more territories added in Balkans, northern of Antipatrid and Lysimachian kingdoms.

There are many similarities between Hellenistic kingdoms and Byzantine Empire but there were also differences. The fusion of cultures and civilizations continued with predominant Hellenic culture and civilization. Language was Hellenic but Christianity became the religion. Hellenistic period ended with the death of Cleopatra in 30 BC, so Jesus Christ was not even born.

In Hellenistic period, rulers were Macedonians, descendants of Alexander's generals. In Byzantium, emperors were from all over the Empire. Indicatively, places of origin of most emperors were; Moesia, Pannonia, Dacia, Thrace, Constantinople, Isauria, Cappadocia, Phrygia, Paphlagonia, Bithynia. Moesia was in northern Balkans and extended to today's Serbia, North Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldavia, Ukraine.

Pannonia was next to Moesia and included Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Serbia, Austria, Slovakia. Moesia was inhabited by Thracians, Dacians and some Illyrians. Pannonia was originally inhabited by Illyrians who mixed with Thracians and Dacians. Dacians who lived in Dacia were a Thracian tribe, like Getae. The Odrysian kingdom of Thrace did not include all Thracian tribes.

The northern part of Thracian territory was not included. Nevertheless, northern Thracian tribes, Dacians and Getae had contacts and relations with Hellenes because Hellenes had many colonies in Black Sea. Also northern Thracians had contacts and relations with southern Thracians which were hellenized. Byzantine Empire included the largest part of Thracian and Illyrian territory but there were some areas outside.

Starting in 6th century AD, Slavs settled in large numbers in Byzantium and neighboring areas. Also Vlachs or Aromanians migrated in large numbers all over Byzantium and surrounding areas. Vlachs originated from today's Romania and most likely had Dacian ancestry. Towards the end of Byzantine era, Arvanites moved in large numbers in today's Hellas and that continued for centuries. Arvanites originated from today's Albania.

There are different theories regarding their ancestry. According to one theory, they were Dorians like Macedonians. There were Dorians in Illyria as well. The most accepted theory suggests that Arvanites had Illyrian ancestry. Towards the end of Byzantine Emprire, there was a racial and cultural fusion of Hellenes, Thracians, Illyrians and Slavs. The same happened in neighboring Thracian and Illyrian territories that were not part of Byzantium.

Byzantine Empire was followed by Ottoman Empire and fusion continued. When countries started gaining their independence, rivalries were created among them because each one was trying to get more territory. All people in Balkans and surrounding areas have considerable Greco-Thraco-Illyrian ancestry. For some reasons, only in Hellas people self identified as Hellenes.

In the rest of Greco-Thraco-Illyrian territory, people do not self identify as Thracians or Illyrians. That may be due to the fact that other Balkan countries have higher Slavic ancestry than contemporary Hellenes (25%). In Bulgaria and Serbia it is 45% Slavic percentage. Nevertheless, the rest is 55% and is mainly Greco-Thraco-Illyrian. In the southern part of Balkans, ancestry is more Hellenic, in the western part it is more Illyrian and in the eastern and northern part more Thracian.

Hellenes probably self identify like that because they speak Hellenic language and are located where ancient Hellenes lived. In terms of ancestry, they originate more from ancient Hellenes, compared to the rest of the people in Greco-Thraco-Illyrian territory. In ancient Hellas (Greece), Hellenes were considered only those who spoke a Hellenic dialect. Language may be an important factor for national self identification.

Language and country name can be misleading. French, Spanish, Portuguese speak Latin languages but originate mainly from Celts. The only real Latin people are Italians. English speak a Germanic language but have mostly Celtic ancestry. Thracian and Illyrian languages, except Albanian, were probably replaced by Hellenic. This may be an explanation why people in Thracian and Illyrian territory do not self identify as Thracians or Illyrians.

The only exception are Albanians. Albanoi was an Illyrian tribe and Albanian is presumed to be an Illyrian dialect. First Bulgarians were an Altaic tribe. Today's Bulgarians do not originate much from them because they were slavicized. Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian, Slovene, N. Macedonian are Slavic languages. Sorbs, Serbs or White Serbs and Croats or White Croats were Early Slavic tribes.

Romanian is a Latin language. Perhaps the language was an important factor for people to self identify as Romanians. No matter the language, the name of the country and self identification, people in Greco-Thraco-Illyrian territory have two main ancestral lines, Greco-Thraco-Illyrian and Slavic, for at least 80-90%. There is also a little of Uralaltaic ancestry.

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