German Wannabes’ choice

German Wannabes' choice

Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia (German Wannabes) were initially included in Eastern European Group 4. Under the guidance of Germany and France, they strongly opposed their participation. Their governments stance in this matter is extremely treasonous and very stupid. We do not know what the people believe but it does not matter because they have been deceived by Western European NWO's puppets.

The deception is not only in these countries but all over Eastern Europe. People have been deceived to believe that if they are in EU with Western European countries, they will reach their per capita income. In reality exactly the opposite is true and has been explained thoroughly in many previous articles. Eastern European countries have lower per capita income compared to Western European.

In order to reach Western European level, Eastern European countries need higher growth rates. The bigger the difference in growth rates, the sooner they will reach and surpass Western Europe's per capita income. Two numbers determine how soon an Eastern European country will reach a Western's per capita income. One is the ratio of incomes and the other the difference in average growth rates.

In the article "Two convergences" we can find some ratios in Table 1. Not all countries are included in that table. It is supplemented with income values for the rest of the countries. In Table 2, we can see how many years it will take a certain country in Eastern Europe to reach the per capita income of a Western European country. We can also see how long it will take Eastern Europe as a whole to reach Western's economic level.

In "Groups' income and convergences", a few alternative compositions are examined for the two groups. In the original composition, the ratio between the two groups is 1,7. This happens to be the ratio between Germany and Hellas (Greece). It is also roughly the same between Germany and Russia or Turkiye since Hellas and these two countries have approximately the same per capita income in purchasing power parity.

In one alternative shown in Appendix 7, the income ratio for the two groups becomes 1,45. It is a case where Italy replaces German Wannabes in Group 4 and countries with the lowest income are not Group members but trading partners, so their income is not included in the calculations for the Group's average income. Each Eastern European country is mostly concerned when it will reach the income of a Western European country.

German Wannabes want to be Germans but they should rather strive to reach and surpass Germany's income level. Instead of trying to be poor fake Germans, they should try to be rich original Poles, Czechs, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians. From Table 1 (Two convergences) we can see that income ratio with Germany is 1,46 for Poland and 1,30 for Czech Republic.

Estonia and Lithuania are between Czech Republic and Poland. Latvia is between Poland and Hellas. With 2% growth rate difference, it will take Czech Republic fifteen years and Poland twenty years to reach Germany's FUTURE income. By that time Germany's income will be higher. With 3% growth rate difference, it will take Czech Republic roughly ten years and Poland fifteen to reach Germany's FUTURE income.

Growth rates differences 2 - 3% are feasible, only if German Wannabes participate in Group 4. In order to have higher growth rates, Eastern European countries will need productivity improvements. As it has been explained very thoroughly in previous articles, significant productivity improvements can only happen if Eastern European countries are in Group 4.

AntiNWO gave German Wannabes a great chance which their treasonous and/or ignorant governments did not take advantage of. Their stance created a tremendous opportunity for Italy because Italy as well will benefit enormously by participating in Group 4. Eventually, it will be either Italy or German Wannabes that will participate in Group 4. We need to define eventually.

This could be really very long term, as long as thirty years. What needs to happen as soon as possible, is a core of countries in Group 4 to proceed. The phases for Group 4 are; a) subgroups' preparation b) subgroups' merge c) setting the foundations d) plan implementation and enlargement. If Italy or German Wannabes want to participate in setting the foundations, they need to make a rational decision soon.

Otherwise, there is absolutely no rush for them to participate, as long as a core of countries in Group 4 proceed. Italy and German Wannabes have the danger that the rival party in this matter will come first. It is not possible for Italy AND German Wannabes to participate in Group 4 due to population restrictions. All ten groups must have roughly equal populations.

German Wannabes and Italy have some options. One is to be trading partners. That will give them more autonomy but trading partners do not participate in decision making or the Group's organizational model and are not included in the Group's economic plan. Perhaps a good option for German Wannabes is to be a subgroup. In all groups, the level or autonomy subgroups will have will be determined by the Group's members.

It is possible that Group 4 members will give subgroups considerable autonomy. Italy can't be a subgroup by itself but could form a subgroup with some other countries. One option could be Balkan countries. All these decisions and many other will be made by Group members only. In order for Italy or German Wannabes to influence these decisions, they would have to be members of the Group.

Although it could take as long as thirty years for either Italy or German Wannabes to be part of Group 4, it may be beneficial for them to become members as soon as possible, to influence the decisions that will lay out the grounds and determine how the Group will function. If one rival party in this issue expresses serious willingness to participate, the opportunity will be lost for the other.

German Wannabes and Italy are EU members. Exit from EU could happen in two steps but also can happen in one step. In the two steps procedure, first the core countries will spin off. At a later stage, either Italy or German Wannabes will exit to participate in Group 4. In the one step process, Italy or German Wannabes will exit simultaneously with the core countries.

If German Wannabes participate in Group 4, one possible division in subgroups is; a) Greco - Thraco - Illyrian countries b) German Wannabes c) Kievan Rus countries. Of course there are many more options for dividing Group 4 in subgroups. Greco - Thraco - Illyrian territory includes Balkan countries and Hungagry, Slovakia. People have notable Greco - Thraco - Illyrian ancestry.

Kievan Rus countries are Russia, Belarus, Ukraine. Ukraine will start as a trading partner with the rest of the poorest countries. As it has been explained, all Eastern Europe's ancestry is partially Slavic, from 25% in Hellas to almost 70% in Belarus. Nevertheless, if Italy comes first, German Wannabes will lose a great opportunity to reach and surpass Germany's income relatively soon. Instead they will become poor fake Germans in Group 3.

We must repeat that division will not be alienation. There can be several agreements between the two European groups and between any two groups. One agreement that Group 4 will seek is probably relocation agreement. All those in Group 4 that want to be German, French or something Germanic or Celtic, will have the option to relocate in Germanic and Celtic lands.

Advantage deception   More deception   Free movement deception   Growth rates deception   Price level deception   Price level consequences

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